Bask chiming in. Stone Imperial Russian stout is great but a little to hot weather wise to enjoy. Therefore Stone Ruination fills the void.
Far away from LASK or BASK here... WMASK?? CPSK??? Anyway... It kills my pocket book, but right now I've almost always some Rochefort, Chimay, and Orval in the fridge. I'd say Rochefort 10 is my favorite. I've also been trying to get my hands on more Lambic beers. Check out this site if you have a few hrs to kill:
KFSK is all about the micro brews. Louisville beer tastes SO clean and smooth. It's good for the same reason the region is known for good bourbon. It's on account of all the limestone and mineral rich soil. We have some of the best municipal water around because of it too. You make it out, I'll buy you a pint to prove it!
One of my favorites... Hell For Certain - Strong Spiced Brown Belgium Ale Projected Availability: October - December Description: Belgian style ale. This higher alcohol (7.5%) beer is brewed with Belgian malt and yeast and spiced with coriander, sweet orange peel, and an additional secret spice. This beer is a full-bodied amber ale. With a big malt body balanced by it's spices The BBC used to only make it in small runs a couple times a year. A friend of mine decided to buy me a keg for my birthday, but drank it before my birthday rolled around.
Have you tried the 13th anniversary? My local store hasn't gotten their shipment yet, sadly. I might have to go shop around since it has been out for a while now
Is it cool if I post in here? I'm on the east coast but I like the subject of this thread... This stuff is my latest obsession : Hitachino Nest White Ale
they all look yummy I guess more people outside of LA like beer Hitachino nest white ale looks nice and I'll try the russian stout in the winter
I'm a bit of a Belgian beer nerd, so this is what is in my fridge - Monks Cafe, sour red ale, the best beer I have ever had. Hoegaarden (on sale at Bev Mo right now!). Fantome Lindemans Framboise Liefmans Kriek Boon Gueuze Reinaert Flemish Ale and from Germany some Reutberger.
Hitachino White Ale is awesome. I have a great local brew store that sells something called growlers. Its a half gallon jug filled with your choice of 10 micro brews on tap. Two beers I've recently gotten blew my mind. The first was an Atwater Imperial Amber Ale and the second was Brooklyn Gold. I believe Brooklyn Gold is a new beer from one of my top 5 brewing companies (Brooklyn Brewery ). At least I hope it's not a small limited offer type thing. Either way find these if you can.
Since I live in San Diego, I get spoiled by all of the great breweries in the county: Stone, Ballast Point, Lost Abbey, Alesmith, Green Flash, etc. The Stone 13th Anniversary is amazing, and the new Black Pilsner was definitely interesting (delicious, but odd). Coming up soon, the 09/09/09 Vertical Epic: and the Ken Schmidt/Maui Brewing/Stone Kona Coffee Macadamia Coconut Porter (which just sounds amazing!) Ballast Point's Dorado Double IPA is amazing, and it's cool that they have a homebrew store attached to the brewery for we folks that enjoy making our own. I also love Green Flash's Le Freak, a mashup of a Belgian Trippel and a California IPA. Definitely one to try out if you like either style.
I finally got my hands on a few bottles of the 13th Anniversary! Definitely a treat I also had the pleasure of sampling some Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale the other day. Another super delicious Stone creation.
I had some michelob amber today which was suprisingly much better than I thought it would be..anyone else try that crap
Growlers are great, just got to make sure you can drink the whole think fairly quickly, cause once you pop the top it starts to go flat quickly. Michelob Amber is ok, but check the avatar, I like any beer I can find!
me too my friend me too this being said after a 30 pack of keystone...crazy what $10 bucks can get you sometimes
It's too true! Mickey's, King Cobra, Hi-life, Natty Lite, OE, Milwaukees Beast, you name it, I'm cool with it. Less you pay on drinks the more you got for toys!
oh man, I saw three empty king cobras on the counter last week. our housemate is there with you. i almost said don't forget the old english until I noticed OE there.
Man, that list gives me a nasty headache just looking at it. When I lived in Danville, Virginia way back in the day, I was able to get a case of Milwaukee's Best Light (LIGHT BEAST!) for $4.99. God that was awful.