I'm on xp as well. I've had this problem from the start, for over a year now, with periodic firefox updates in the interim. But I've never done a complete uninstall/reinstall of firefox. Might just give that a try. thanks!
S7 Holloween set. Ok so its basicaly one toy per week for 4 weeks. If you get all 4 you get something extra free. How's that work? Will you keep a record of the purchases over 4 weeks or is that based on the 4th week you buy all 4 at once?
Last year, it was one release per week and each release came with a pin. The collected pins could then be brought/sent in for the free figure.
and with prior releases you turned in the header cards which they stamped and returned with the bonus fig.
My guess is that Max7 was a Mark Nagata(Maxtoy) dealio and since he's no longer associated with S7. . . just a guess though.
i was looking at the inner demons frank yesterday and noticed if you look at the back of his head the crack up top resembles an "s" and the stiches below with the patch looks like a "7". being a fellow design geek i'm assuming it was intentional...yes?...no?
Sorry, too busy working around here! 1. Max7 got canned when the factory missed the sculpt three times, and then what they did do would not pull out of a mold properly. It dies a slow lingering death, unlike the Jet jaguar, who is in a semi-permanent state of cryogenics. 2. This years Halloween set will also have an insert of a sort. Collect all four inserts and you get to trade them in for a free bonus figure. 3. The S7 is intentional, glad that you noticed. It takes a while sometimes.....
Dang -- That's really too bad. But thanks for getting back concerning this. Same thing with that other "mystery" sculpt silhouette? I'm not sure if there is / was a name for that one.