Adventures in Geography

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by miami, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. miami

    miami Comment King

    From last week's 'Wired Science,' on Zone Creep caused by global warming. The Magnolia is the Mississippi state flower, but a) it isn't red, and b) that isn't Mississippi.

    Ooops ...

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    they are all red states though
  3. MarkQ

    MarkQ Fresh Meat

    wow...true that..the magnolia is more creamy in color and less lotus like than depicted in that graphic. however sad it may be that the actual physical state of mississippi is east of said spot, having grown up in mississippi...alabama, not that much difference...
  4. The Burger Lord

    The Burger Lord Toy Prince

    West maybe? :lol:
  5. MarkQ

    MarkQ Fresh Meat


    dude, i should lay off the teh internets while hopped up on dayquil


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