Every bag seems to have hp and a rare blank or 2 rare blanks. How are these bags not sold out everywhere?
That mummytank is so nice! Probably my favorite of the bags, along with the new GID ghostfighter and lego versions
Wow, I love the tank as well! Wish there were more made... And is it just me or were there ten items in your bag?
thanks, of course i dig this and the legos too! i adore the red rose esp i wanted to ask brian if its a 1/1? i assumed 1/10 like some of the others, but there was no number.... i didn't think about this bc i assumed it came with the fig, does the zombie fighter keychain count as 1? if so, then i did get 10! but its 8 toys, the keychain, and a mummy glass...
^ Nice bag!!! There should be a " at least one fight figure per bag rule". That is what I mostly wanted but I got nada. The Tao King and pumpkin vamp were a nice surprise though.
The tank is something I want to get for sure. So many things S7 can stick on top of the tank...hope for some gators in the future.
thanks everyone!! so much love... i was thinking that too. even using the baseball boy head, they could have fun with the hat i think. id like to see a gator also. one thing- both the head and the tank are articulated. maybe common knowledge/sense, but i thought it cool that they pivot separately
Just got this in the mail today. Awesome! Wow. Sorry this is so big*. I'll see if I can make it smaller on my phone. *"that's what" -she
That GID Mummy/Shit blank is the poop. It's not something you see everyday, especially since it's been awhile since the painted was released. For those of you that do paint toys, would you feel bad painting LB toys, or is it fair game? Personally I'd have a hard time painting that GID.