Not a Rumble Monsters guy.....but I'm a I FART A LOT for GID and that sea-foam spray. Hmmmm will this be my first RM purchase? Cool, thanks for the pic.
Not really a rumble monsters guy either but a GID Damn!! No question.Im sold!!! Them Teeth sure look mean! The Pic is borrowed! Hope they dont mind?
This reminds me of the colorway of the GID SB/Gargamel collab brain (sorry, brain failing me, can't remember its name). Very similar, and very nice! Also, good news for those of without any of te two prior GID releases. Sounds like FP will be selling this for a decent price point as well (about $80 to you, 'guv)
Yeah, it does remind me of the Warp 'Brain- and also M1Go's GID Chibull. Very nice color scheme; too bad I am trying to stop collecting RMs.
me want warp brain me not want pay a month's salary for one though but yea, i can see the resemblance here. looks kinda.... creamy?
If you were on their mailing list and were 1 of the first 25 that responded, you were able to purchase yours today.... - PIF - love my iPhone when I get these special email releases
+1 iPhione does it for me...altho any mobile PDA users probably got a score too. Oh yeah - that mini is SWEET - whats the deal, for sale ever?