First off, new t-shirt: Right now I'm planning on doing two colors (both TBA), one for the mailing list and another for SuperFest. If you're not on the mailing list, send a mail to and get on there! Second... NEW FIGURE. Prototype is now 90% finished, check back in a few days for some teaser pics.
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON Thanks! I'm glad you guys dig the shirt! I just found out that I'll be able to get them custom made, so they should actually fit well, too! And, as promised, here's the very first glimpse of the next step on the road to Armageddon... LARVAGON:
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON duuuude... that looks some kinda weird ass Sonogram.. let us know if congratulation are in order cool to see you out tonight....
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON Good to see you guys, too, DD! Hehe, no babies on the horizon yet... (well, not the human kind anyway) I've got some more proto pics taken, but I need to edit them up... give me a couple of days and there should be a little more to see!
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON Killer shirt!! Damn I want that. Also, the teaser is looking good -- I can't wait to see more though! I hate being teased (unless it's the good kind, toy teasers are just torture).
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON But seeing the whole figure right out of the bag is like an information overload! Just ask Ridley Scott!
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON The teeth shot almost looks like a chest burster from alien. ...which is a good thing.
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON When something is good you want to see more. What can we say, this looks gross and awesome so lets have it !
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON The only thing I love more than baby birds are little teeny baby snakes and lizards. And Axlotls.
Re: よみがえったVELOCITRON The Larvagon treasers look amazing! I want to see more of this demonic slug from he'll!