I like it, but would not put it on my toy shelf. maybe on my tv or to throw around at parties.. or a paperweight?
I got no idea what this means but it looks kinda cheap and throwaway to me! I guess in the right environment (not mine) or with a cool paint application it might be stronger but it currently appearing on my 'Most Wanted' list! . . .
I'll reserve judgement on these until I see one for real I think. A big chunk of clear Japanese vinyl like this could be quite amazing... add some nice paint apps, and who knows? and lifesize is what I hear too
I agree it could be visually great, but (just playing Devils advocate) . . . I'm a toy collector . . . I don't really see it as a 'toy'. There are so many poor (Western) non-articulated platform toys that are just chunks of poorly molded vinyl that some no-name artist has thrown paint on that I'm numb to the concept and kinda non-plussed (so far). I admit that some Usugrow calligraphy or illustration work could save it but to register pad printing on that shape would take some kinda doing . . . looking forward to seeing how it develops (and potentially eating humble pie!)
After seeing a bunch of Indiana Jones previews for the new movie, I wonder if this is Crystal Skull related in origin... I had no idea that there was a real mythos surrounding jan actual crystal skull found in Belize...
Did they ever explain how they "knew" that there were supposed to be 13 of these things? edit to add: http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_6_1.htm
The Indiana Jones crystal skull is alien...but the other crystal skull (the mitchell-hedges one) is still up for debate whether it's real or not.
i get to see crystal skull after work tomorrow...i really hope lucas doesn't pull an "episode 1" with it and left most of the control with speilberg...