This banner at Kaiju Taro, currently unlinked, piqued my curiosity. This really intrigues me. Anyone have any info on what this exclusive item will be? Evidently something related to Luche Libre (Mexican masked wrestling.) Whatever it is, I suspect it'll be really cool!
they do have lucha libre in Japan actually, well it's called Puroresu and some of it is heavily influenced by lucha anyway
I just saw some real lucha libre posters over in central Phoenix the other day. I guess they have fights in a warehouse over there. Hope the Kaiju Taro piece is cool!
Yeah, I knew that the sport was gaining popularity in Japan, but I didn't know that they had their own version. I'm not terribly surprised, but if I see Sumo in central Mexico on my next visit, I will be very surprised. LOL actually last time I was in Mexico City I was told "don't eat the sushi here. We're too far from the ocean." Looking forward to more info on this thing. I already have a Japanese luchador doll that a kind RFSO member sold to me. He's holding a bottle of sake, not tequila.
I wouldn't really say it's "their version". they've been doing it for years as well. wrestling there is a combination of US style wrestling, lucha libre (high flying masked guys), and hardcore deathmatch style stuff. it all depends on what fed you're talking about.
If their enthusiasm for Lucha Libre is anything like their enthusiasm for baseball, more power to 'em.
ohhh heavens before I became reacquainted with Kaiju, I was a Puroresu Fantatic. I had shitloads of tapes of the old "garbage wrestling". SpikeNailCasket Deathmatch represent. Atysushi Onita is the Hulk Hogan of Box of Scorpions deathmatch and the exploding ring is my favorite gimmick ever. All the ECW WWF Extreme Hardcore Matches are all lifted directly from Japanese Puroresu and while the US versions used to be executed better, Japanese matches are just plain bizzare. I havent watched in years but Michinoku Pro Wrestling was seriously badass. The Great Sasuke, Spelu Delfin, and Gran Naniwa were lucha inspired wrasslers who kicked much ass. long story short...I can't wait to see what happens with this!
welllll in concept its rad, the whole squishing someone to the mat and poking him in the head with a depoisoned scorpion tail was not so rad. Point taken . Did you see that match with the electrified ring in the middle of a pool? That one was the most bizarre thing ive ever seen.
That's Engrish for "Pro-wrestle" lol Do you remember M.U.S.C.L.E. Men figures back in the day? That was the US version of the Japanese Kin-niku-man series and toy line. Non-sumo wrestling isn't anything new in Japan!
OT question to SF peoples: There was a store on Valencia and like 20th (or something) that sold tons of Japanese toys about 5-10 years ago. They had Japanese wrestling figs as well kaiju and magazines and maybe CD's. I dunno if theyre still there but it was g great shop.
There is a little store on 21st near Valencia that sells Japanese novelty candy. I go there for bubble tea sometimes. There are several places in The Mission that sell Luchador masks. I don't know the name of the shop, but there's one on 24th not too far from Mission that has an exceptional selection.
The banner has now changed (well, as of a couple of days ago, I think) to say "Uno! Dos! Tres!" and now refers to a "gang." I am to assume that this is going to be a set of lucha figures with what appear to be cloth outfits. Any way this pans out, I am totally excited to see what it is and KT has definitely piqued my interest.
i am a big fan of lucha and mexican art and when i saw this banner i was pumped and when i clicked on it today to finally see what it was..... meh the head is a cool sculpt i guess but man i was hoping for something different than a newish head on a body that looks like 90% of all the secret base toys EDIT ok i felt bad for being harsh so i am taking back some. plus, i had not heard of chicken fever, so i thought this was a new thing.
It is clearly a "fight figure" torso, but it's not new. I'm not sure when the first Chicken Fever was released but based on how many have been released, I'd guess about three years ago. I didn't care for the figure at first either, but then I bought the Super7 exclusives and quickly fell in love. It's a great sculpt! It may not appeal to everyone but as a lover of Mexican and Japanese culture and a big fan of Chicken Fever, I feel very fortunate to have reserved one of each of these. Perfect for my collection. I love kaiju that amuses me, and am a big fan of hybrid creatures. I don't know the full history of fight figures in kaiju but even Secret Base's are based in part on pre-existing toys. Anyway, sorry to hear you were disappointed. Nobody likes everything. I love the insane colors on the Uno Dos Tres version and think the full traje luchador version is really cool. The purple comb on the 1,2,3 is like a punk mohawk to my eye.
I personally love it and have my preorder in. These releases have drove me to try and collect all Chicken Fevers. See here: <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\"></a>
i would like to know more on the history of this sort of sculpt as well. my ignorance is leading my negative opinions perhaps haha
Aha! I knew someone here had several of them. That's a great pic locomoto566 ... very nice collection. I love all of 'em.