Comments on Profile Post by Lixx

  1. Ethan
    What kind of edible? ;)
    Jul 1, 2017
  2. Lixx
    The good kind (pun intended!) ;P
    Jul 1, 2017
  3. decypher
    Cali dispensary? Vancouver also has a dispensary on every corner but it's not even legal yet the cops just can't be bothered.
    Jul 1, 2017
  4. hellointerloper
    Hah, I tried it while in Denver for a day. The first and only time I had a good night's sleep in about 6 years. Sadly insomnia isn't on the medical treatment list here in CT... and there is no way I'm going on sleeping pills again. I hated Lunesta, and heard too many freaky Ambien stories.
    Jul 2, 2017
  5. The Moog
    The Moog
    How I wish it was legal here in the UK.
    Jul 2, 2017
  6. Lixx
    Nay on all that (I wish it was legal like my trip to Seattle in April- that was fun). No I partied with a friend at the shore and he said here take some of these- take a quarter mellows you out.
    Jul 2, 2017