Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Feb 20, 2015
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Imma cry laughing from that. :lol:
    Average_Torso likes this.
  2. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    May 22, 2012
    US Mid-Southwest
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    In response to what @The Moog mentioned in the Tan/Unoblargh thread I would like to take a moment to review this list of occurrences of Nazi imagery in Thailand. Here we go:

    • Hitler was the name of an Adolf Hitler-themed fried chicken restaurant in Ubon Ratchathani,[8] Thailand.[9] It changed its name to "H-ler" and then eventually closed down. While open, KFC considered taking legal action against them.[10][11] A statement by Yum! (parent company of KFC) is as follows: "We find it extremely distasteful and are considering legal action since it is an infringement of our brand trademark and has nothing to do with us."[12] [This one is pretty off-the-wall. I hope that their logo was Colonel Sanders with a black toothbrush mustache doing the Nazi salute.]
    • A waxworks used Hitler saluting in a billboard to advertise. [In poor taste, but within reason considering what they do.]
    • There is a herbal laxative tea sold in Thailand. The package depicts Hitler's head with fire coming from his mouth and light beams emitting from his eyes. The caption of the package reads "Release the Demon."[13] [This is both very amusing, and a missed opportunity to make a joke that I can't think of right now.]
    • T-shirts are sold depicting Nazi images. One shows a Hitler Teletubby while another has an image of a Panda Hitler.[1] [Lame.]
    • The Thai band "Slur" produced a video in which they performed in Nazi uniforms and wore Hitler mustaches. [Not too bad. Are they making fun of Blur?]
    • The ruling military junta of the Thai government produced a 2014 propaganda video made to teach core values of society in Thailand.[2] In the video, a child paints a picture of Hitler with a swastika in the background. The child adjacent sees the work and applauds. [WTF? I don't know as much as I could about the current sociopolitical climate in Thailand, but I thought that the coup was performed by anti-monarchists, not dipshit assholes.]
    • A large mural was created by students at Chulalongkorn University. It depicted both superheroes and Hitler. The university apologized.[1] [Both slightly funny, and highly stupid. Next!]
    • In 2011, during a sports day parade, students of a Catholic school in Thailand dressed and marched in SS uniforms. The school later apologized after international outrage.[2]
    OK, the Wikipedia article says "The fascination with such imagery is considered to be based on ignorance rather than admiration of Nazis or any political basis. In 2013, the minister of education stated that the school curriculum would be changed to include information about the Holocaust." I would hope this is the case since 1)Nazis have a tenuous pop-culture association with sports, and 2)Hitler did not like Catholics. Is it just cool because the Japanese allied with the Axis powers in WW2? I wouldn't think so since they treated other East Asian people so horribly during that time, just ask the Indonesians or the... Chinese. Huh, maybe they need to review the Rape of Nanking in Chinese public school more?
  3. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck you job market, and fuck everyone working in a environmental professional capacity who has a job- because I'm sorry either you got there through knowing someone or got "in' before jobs dried up and thus gained your experience to leverage going laterally to other field areas before no entry level jobs were available. Not everyone gets a masters or pHD and frankly unless you're going into the research field its not needed (and for some odd reason everyone working for federal jobs needs one?!). Fuck firms with outrageous requirements for entry level work when schooling, grad level type work, and a fucking interview should be enough. Certified in this, that, an everything for entry level work? Who has time to do all that- let alone the cash flow that they cost to complete after going to school for 4 years? I shelled out $1700 just to take a Wetland Delineation certificate course at Rutgers in May in the hopes it might help but I doubt it. Got my HAZWOPER yet can't get a look even. Taking a NY state civil service exam this weekend. Even if I do well guess what? I'll probably be on a list of a bunch of other people who did well and it will be all for naught.

    I don't have a bad attitude, but I'm sorry I'm getting a little sick of the hoops to find entry level work when my degree and field experience should at least be enough for a entry level environmental job. So many people I know (that got their jobs 10+ years ago) tell me "OHhh I only have an environmental studies degree!" which is so much of a lesser degree yet they have the kush job. Here I am with work experience on state and federal projects with at least a BS in Environmental Science and I can't even get a call or interview.

    So fuck the system. Should start my own firm and not hire anyone who would not let me get my foot in the door and only people hungry for work.

    I'm fucking raging right now!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  4. rattanicus

    rattanicus Super Deformed

    Mar 26, 2012
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck "Steve" for ruining my favorite toy foto booth. Could have at least made it look good. Jackass.
  5. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @Lixx Fuck colleges as well for their false advertising! University of New Haven had touted themselves as the "Harvard of Criminal Justice" and my boyfriend can't even keep track of how many job applications he's sent out... The best job he can get is a security guard, and he's been working the same job in a boring corporate building for over a year now. He used to just scan badges at the front desk, now he's a rover. Still, it's mind-numbing work for someone strapped with college debt and a BS in CJ - Investigative Services. The most exciting "security events" that have happened since he started was a woman who got fired broke a mirror in the women's bathroom (it was a mass-firing so they never figured out who it was) and an overweight guy with IBS who refused to sit on the toilet seat sharted up the entire stall, and was too embarrassed to say or do anything. (He got caught by an extensive review of the tapes, was fired, and then rehired because his colleagues heckled him as he cleaned his desk. They probably wanted to avoid a lawsuit.)

    Now he's completely switching career tracks and going for EMT and maybe eventually Paramedic, because frankly no police departments want a white male with no prior police experience. They want lateral transfers, ex-military, and POC. Not saying that diversity in hiring is a bad thing, it's a very good thing considering today's attitudes towards cops, and the racial tensions between citizens and police. Just wish that UNH was a little more transparent about the hiring prospects for white males these days up here in CT.

    I really feel for anyone looking for a job right now. It's not easy, and getting a "dream job" is pretty much just that, a dream.
    Lixx likes this.
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @Lixx You have no idea how much I can relate man. The thing is, doesn't matter what level you are at. The job 'market' is barely that these days, more like some bs auction likened to a stock exchange floor where a bunch of a-holes are yelling for attention and 'bidding' for jobs with the highest degree of "stretched truth" they can. That is the only time of market it represents. Yes fine, I get it, networking and experience are key, sure, but if no one is even willing to give entry level applicants the time of day, then how is one supposed to attain either one of those two things? Having been in this boat for well over a decade, I will argue points with anyone who wants to suggest otherwise; at least when it comes to STEM.


    It's a well-known, historically accurate, scientifically proven, and peer-reviewed fact: all Steve's suck and are POS. FUCK YOU STEVE!!!

    This just makes me so many kinds of sad, for all the toy photos that will now never be.
    Lixx likes this.
  7. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @hellointerloper Oh yeah I forgot to mention how much I loathe that veterans receive preferential treatment in any hiring process, especially with state or federal government agencies! I call fucking bullshit on that. For example vets gain sometimes an extra 10-15 points to start on this civil service exam I'm taking this weekend. How is that fair? It's not, and I don't give a flying fuck if vets get mad at me for saying it. I'm not asking anyone to go fight unjust wars for resources in foreign lands. Doesn't mean you get to pad more shit to your free ride stateside and I'm just as if not more qualified for the job.

    @ultrakaiju Lets start our own enviro consulting firm, fuck these large companies who try an make STEM degree holders beg for a job sweeping their floors.

    @rattanicus :

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    rattanicus and IronPaw like this.
  8. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Feb 24, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread

    Not sure if you've watch this video, but it's pretty accurate.

    Nuggets303420, BrainDeadBrum and Lixx like this.
  9. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Feb 20, 2015
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Some kids don't even know wtf Pearl Harbor is which is sad. And thats in the United States alone. And im not jabbing at the Japanese its just a matter of how shit seems to be taught now a days. They don't even teach kids how to write cursive anymore.
  10. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @foto junkaay yeah thats pretty much accurate no matter what part of the world you live in. At least they are trying to start helping younger people in that country unlike the US. I also have another strike against me: I went to college later in life so I'm older, and most of my prior work experience (and yet another strike there- in the music industry no less!) doesn't count towards my actual experience in this field.

    I think the HR people who normally compose these impossible to fill qualifications profiles for entry level jobs are also to blame. Job market is tough but also when you have a computer reader looking for those keywords instead of an actual person maybe taking a chance on someone it makes your efforts seem like you have a better chance of throwing your resume out of a window and landing on someone's desk!
    Purple Bat likes this.
  11. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Feb 24, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread

    I've been very fortunate with where I am at. I've been with my company for going on 13 years, made it through layoffs and buyouts. But it's probably because I've worked closely with people who have moved up in the food chain and know my work ethic. I've had temporary positions made just to keep me aboard until something more fitting is available. I have not yet experienced what you or a lot of people have, but it's still frustrating to see because one day I too may be faced with that.

    People going to school for 8 years with no experience vs people with no education but 8 years experience. It's a tough call and it sucks but as a friend told me the other day, you get in by who you know, but you get to stay by what you know. I hope that you really are able to find something as you've been struggling with that for quite some time now, best wishes!
    Headhunter likes this.
  12. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I appreciate what that video is saying, but let me just say for the record (because I really think there is too much attention paid on the so-called millennial generation, not to mention a sense of entitlement) that we (that is at least Lixx and I - sorry if I am outing you man) are a fair deal past millennials. [Which, unfortunately, does also not help things, but that aside.] Like Chris said, I have had other experience; but in different industries, you can't really pile it all together, for irrelevance's sake, if not only for clogging up your resume with extraneous information. If I applying for a role as a head of a research project, hiring managers aren't going to want to know I worked as a labourer, at a liquor store, Walmart, etc. And vice versa, when I apply for a job at a post office or local bakery (yes I am using specific examples I have done), they don't want to know I have a PhD in developing biomedical implants. So it is a catch-22, you are screwed explaining it no matter what, and that is only IF you can get your foot in the door to tell someone. And in today's era of nearly 100% pre-screening, algorithm sorting, and third-party placements, you are in for a very steep climb. Honestly, throwing my resume out the window or just mass papering the downtown like some kind of psy-ops tactic is probably more likely to lead me to something, anything, at this point. And I will wave all my years and diplomas in anyone's face who wants to say education is key. Sorry, it just is not true. And, to make matters worse, since I have moved all over the world, and have more 'real' experience than most general applicants, I don't know anybody. I don't play darts are the local pub for years, chill with folks from my beer league, or hang out with my resident biker gang outside; sad fact is SB makes up the large majority, if not exclusive aspect, of my social circle as a result. I guess I am sounding a bit bitter, but that's not what I am trying to say at all, even if this is a de facto FU thread. I am mentioning all this because I really feel it is a vital aspect of modern society that needs examination and reconsideration. In our push for outsourcing, technological 'easing' of duties, efficiency experts, and the like, industry has completely lost sight of what it really important. With this system as it is now, I know that you can get hired for a senior management position, without ever meeting someone face to face, based solely on some lines of text on a piece of paper. If you think this is how to rightly run your business, good on you, but that's the way I see things. But I've worked at a monkey-pushing-button job and will tell you, it is not the way (for a company) to get ahead, if such is your real goal. There comes a point where the human factor balances, or even outweighs the value to success. Why do you think companies like Google put so much effort in to hard recruitment processes, which it is, and then support their staff and make sure the work environment is a positive one. Bad workspace = unhappy employees = stagnancy. Anyway, I could go on and on about this, and maybe there are some business managers here who have a thing to say too. I am just speaking as to what I myself have been through and seen.
    TattooDougHardy likes this.
  13. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Ding ding! (start your own firm!. F*ck employing anyone though. Keep the $$$ for #1).

    With zero job security even in big companies and no way in, it's the only way to fly!
    Lixx likes this.
  14. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Yeah I've actually thought about doing an experiment where I submit outright lies in certifications and experience just to see if it gets me a call or interview. Now I would never ever lie about myself to get a job and I'd come clean easily if I were to get interviewed, but just for shits and giggles in seeing just how fucked up this system is- why the fuck not? I can play that game if they are going waste my time by constantly submitting endless online applications that go nowhere- have fun cumming in your pants figuring out if I'm real or not!

    And given i'm prone to loathing dumb ass mid level managers above me in every job I've ever had (although I can't speak for environmental fields) might be the only thing left for me. I don't think I could be a one man environmental firm though. Maybe a book on being a modern day fucking curmudgeon?!
    hellscrape and IronPaw like this.
  15. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    May 22, 2012
    US Mid-Southwest
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I've got to say that I think that cursive is useless.
    On topic though, I was speaking about Tan and the Chinese specifically, because their school system seems to have a much better reputation for comprehensiveness than does the U.S. one. I find it painfully ironic since most of the 1st Generation Chinese-Americans that I have met would be giving a wide berth towards anything like trying to make themselves seem Japanese (e.g. using the term "sofubi"), or associating themselves indirectly with the post-Taishō era Empire of Japan.
    But, I'm not Chinese, and I'm not Tan, so what do I know really?
    Headhunter likes this.
  16. rattanicus

    rattanicus Super Deformed

    Mar 26, 2012
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Oh, I've already gone searching for other foto "booths" ~ this guy won't stop rattanicus! :o
    And for the record, one of my all-time best friends is also a Steve. You definitely don't all suck 8)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  17. DrilOne

    DrilOne Comment King

    Apr 11, 2009
    San Francisco
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Now you know who did it, Best friend Steve was jealous you spent so much time with photobooth
  18. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck Photobucket, big time, for sending out an update that essentially crippled their mobile app and broke every single link to my photo posts on this board. It's gonna be a looooooong time before I get them fixed and posted again.
  19. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    Nov 28, 2005
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck breaking things.
    Broke Melissa's coffee mug this morning, then went outside and broke a patio chair with my ass.
    Now I must chop up the said chair with an electric saw so it will fit into the trash can.
    I will blame the chair for the mug and take the rest of the day off.
    ultrakaiju, itsa_mia, Lixx and 8 others like this.
  20. rattanicus

    rattanicus Super Deformed

    Mar 26, 2012
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Perfect! :lol:
  21. Brooklyn_Vinyl

    Brooklyn_Vinyl Line of Credit

    Oct 14, 2013
    Spatula City
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    That's a damn shame and a loss for this community.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  22. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck the person that made this....because I can't look away.
    Nuggets303420 and Headhunter like this.
  23. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Nov 25, 2011
    Swamp City YeewSA
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I've never had these feelings about ultraman before :?
  24. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    It's alright, my friend. Just give in and let them wash over you like a wave of joy.
    Headhunter and boon velvet like this.
  25. Nuggets303420

    Nuggets303420 Toy Prince

    Aug 13, 2016
    Denver CO
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I would agree the mug must be the chairs fault, but what about the chair? Steve by chance? Think about it.
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