KAWS Warm Regards Bar

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by mz, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. Future_Man

    Future_Man Post Pimp

    Re: KAWS Warm Regards Bar (?)

    Yeah. Boo!
  2. mz

    mz Toy Prince

    Re: KAWS Warm Regards Bar (?)

    This is exactly what KAWS has been saying regarding consumer culture for years. It just hasn't been this overt before.
  3. enjoipanda

    enjoipanda Toy Prince

    Re: KAWS Warm Regards Bar (?)

    absolutely true.

    easy to criticize, but 99.9% of us dont make our own art like that, so who are we to criticize?
  4. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    I make art like that every morning, sometimes even twice a day! It may not be on a stick, but that just makes it easier to display. PM me if interested.
  5. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    Re: KAWS Warm Regards Bar (?)

    haha yes!! if any of my gears or circuits will help, ill gladly donate them.

    i actually kind of like these. pretty silly, but its cool to see something in a different direction that defies being displayed conventionally.

    that said, i currently have zero kaws pieces, and dont plan to buy these.
  6. Collin Shots

    Collin Shots Side Dealer

    Oh hellzzzzz yeah! I hope he does piss in a cup next. I am confused I thought at first kaws was against blind consumerism but now he fully embraces and embodies it?
  7. alifeintoys

    alifeintoys Side Dealer

    Re: KAWS Warm Regards Bar (?)

    kaws look way too nice to criticize anything. ;)
    even his crossbones/crossed eyes on busstop models werent meant to be a critique of advertisement.
    think its about fun. take whats out there: billboards, mickey mouse, etc.
    play with it, give it a little makeover, make something look cool.
    no big message - just do it!
  8. Zackariah

    Zackariah Addicted

    Yeah well I guess when you have pharell up your ass and you can sell a resin cast of your head for $20k who wouldn't right?
  9. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    I think it's funny, it's a natural step, the Japanese depiction of poo being neat little piles of soft serve. It only makes sense to put it on a sick and make it into a popsicle. Besides when you guys look at this, you see unchi. Why isn't it icecream, it's on a stick? Maybe that's why it amuses me, it could be shit, it could be ice-cream, the opposites and indifference, just mesh so well.
    Besides, even if we think his newest product sucks, it always make for good conversation. So thank you Kaws, for giving us something to talk about at the water cooler.
  10. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I don't care if it's shit or ice-cream this is lame.
  11. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    No kidding!
  12. luvyatoo

    luvyatoo Fresh Meat

    These remind me of those Mickey Mouse-head ice creams I used to get as a kid:


    I guess that's what they're supposed to be. Kind of neat. I don't have any KAWS pieces, but he's kind of hit & miss as far as my tastes go. I like some of the companion & chum figures but this, the ashtray, the bendy snake thing... not for me.
  13. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    I'm really not sure why, but that Mickey Mouse head somehow reminds me of Hitler.
  14. MASON

    MASON Toy Prince

    i think this is awesome and i can't wait to add one to my collection!
  15. DeJesus

    DeJesus Line of Credit

    this is shit ( no pun intended)
  16. saiko

    saiko Fresh Meat

    im on the edge with this.
  17. Zaaier

    Zaaier Line of Credit

    That's probably the funniest thing i've heard ALL week...
  18. luvyatoo

    luvyatoo Fresh Meat

    Ze Furher Bar! It iz so tazty!
  19. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Zank you, zank you. I'm here all week.
  20. El_Notario

    El_Notario Fresh Meat

    No less displayable than the Bendy.
  21. saiko

    saiko Fresh Meat

    poopsicles on the bay already

  22. mz

    mz Toy Prince

    These fuckers haven't even dropped yet.
  23. enjoipanda

    enjoipanda Toy Prince

    400+ bucks?!

    yowza :shock:
  24. saiko

    saiko Fresh Meat


    This is from hypebeast:
  25. mz

    mz Toy Prince

    Anyone know if one has to be in Japan at the Original Fake L’intrus store to pick these up or will they be available on KAWSone?

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