Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by hellopike, Aug 19, 2008.


    MANIMAL Line of Credit

    snap some pics of it bert!
  2. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    I was lucky to get the Police Line Damaged Brain by Hellopike. I've been lucky and happy to receive hellopike customs in both this swap and the Chaos Swap. This damaged brain is incredibly well done. The colors rule. the clear body is filled with little guns and knives. i am at a loss for a clear ability to define how nice this toy is.

    So today I got to the store late and didn't buy anything except for some blindbox hanna barbera figs. but I did bring a friend along.....

    alex, karen, and aaron (on his first day at work! he's got a bowtie under the hoodie)
    aaron, josh, shannon

    on the shelf at Super7.....
  3. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Haha, I forgot you had gotten my custom Chaos in the last swap- when you opened it, did you go "man, not him AGAIN" . =)

    I'm glad you like it, and its so cool to see my little custom at S7! I hope they liked it too. One day I gotta make it out to the west coast for a visit myself.

    take care,

  4. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    So badass!!!
  5. pennjones

    pennjones Toy Prince

    Here's tbs's in it's new (temporary) home. It's been raining here for a while now, so no outside pics to show this guys true colors, but I like him here for now. At least until I can get a shelf set up for just secret base.
  6. crystalglowchrome

    crystalglowchrome Toy Prince

    green and red glowing plastic plants stuffed inside, the green one looks a bit kooshish :D

    I got the Flash Bee, got to admit I like it better in person than in the pic, really has a unique look and feel to it, pretty sweet really, the handpainted header card is awesome. SUPERFIENDS! :D
  7. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    Monstens customs rule! Thanks Kelvin for the bonus figure!



  8. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Sweet pics kirk!

  9. Monstens

    Monstens Toy Prince

    Kirk man, i Love your photos :)
    Glad they found a good home!
    This was great fun to do.
    Great idea Phil ;)
    Not got mine yet! any day now im sure :)

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