Your Pets!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Mr. Humphreys, Nov 22, 2019.

  1. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Update because my misfortune with pets never ceases…
    The fucking ANTS found my tank. I’m going to have to dump everything out. Every winter I wish for spring, and then I regret it because of ANTS.

    PS: tried to feed him a rodent, he spit it out. This frog, man…
  2. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    A neighbor moved, but she abandoned her cat at the start of last winter. He's extremely shy, and after a year sleeping outside in the cold (gets down to 36 degrees at night with nasty cold winds) and half starved, he finally made friends with me. He comes in every night in the basement to sleep and eat. During the day he goes out to play, but if I go outside in the garden he runs to me and sticks to me like glue ( flops at my feet and rolls around on me). Poor guy! We decided to call him Pooty (full name is Pooty in the Wooty :)). He's a wonderful kittee, so I guess he adopted me. Will take him in for shots and a check up next. Here's a photo of his first night in his "basement home", back in January, on a dead cold night. We would eventually like him to be an upstairs cat, but we'll have to see what Emma and Hubbee say.

  3. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    You are a noble human.
  4. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Thank you! :D
  5. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Just thought I’d follow up with frog news.
    Sprout is FINALLY normal!!! He started croaking every night and he ATE THE MOUSE. (A frozen one that thawed, not a whole live mouse)
    I look forward to his croaking every night now. It sounds like someone stepping on a duck. He will usually give out 2 to 4 croaks, and do that once or twice a night. It’s not loud enough to wake me up, but I can definitely hear it from the next room. It makes me happy. :lol:
  6. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    We got a puppy about 2 months ago. His name is Quasi.

    We adopted him from a no kill shelter in Denver. The mom was in the shelter and had a litter of puppies. All of the puppies had names that began with the letter Q. We decided to keep the name Quasi because it’s one of the character names on one of my sons favorite shows, The Octonauts.

    With all of that being said, here’s Quasi!

    Quasi already has numerous nicknames: Lord Quas, Quasimodo, Dashi and Avocado.. :lol:
  7. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp


    Sorry, I know there’s not exactly a pets available section. I’m trying to help a friend find her kittens homes while they are in the process of moving homes themselves. If you know anyone outside of SB around the Eastest of the South Eastern US that might be interested , please have em contact me on IG @boonvelvet or I can give you my emeow.
    Mr. Humphreys and rattanicus like this.
  8. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    These guys are not really my pets, but they have been laying down in the shade in my backyard every day this summer, and I wish I could invite them inside for the A/C. I'm sure if I did, they'd murder me and take over.

  9. eleggua

    eleggua Toy Prince

    ^^^That's darling! Little ones are so hot, they're spread wide to soak up as much of the cool as possible from the ground and bricks below, plus the shade. Austin just experienced its hottest July ever recorded, nearly 5deg F warmer than average. I wonder how the bats underneath the Congress Avenue bridge are dealing with it.

    This stuff is great; your frog friend will appreciate it; you'll notice brightening of color and attitude.
    My apologies, if you're already hip to it.
    poysntixels likes this.
  10. eleggua

    eleggua Toy Prince

    Lay down a trail of cinnamon perpendicularly across the ants' phermone trails. That'll stop 'em.
    If you can see the entry point/s, lay a strip of sweet toothpaste, maybe an inch long, close by. They munch the toothpaste, leave your edibles alone. Regularly refresh the toothpaste. When you put down the toothpaste, send a message to the ants, telling them why you're doing; say it outloud or think it. Do not underestimate ant intelligence and awareness. Ants are the first invertebrates to pass the human 'mirror test'.
    poysntixels likes this.
  11. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    @blakewest they are sooooo cute! Poor things look so uncomfortable. Do they have access to fresh water? I remember one especially hot summer in the Grand Canyon. We were hiking along and a squirrel ran up and followed us at a distance. He was scared but desperate for water. I remembered that we were carrying grapes for lunch. I took them out and threw one at him. He looked like a baseball fielder catching a pop fly. He caught it, stood upright, twirled, spinned, and sniffed it, then took a test bite. His eyes bugged out and his ears flapped (I don't think he's had one before!). He swallowed the water ladden fruit and begged for more. I lobbed all the individual grapes at him one by one, until he had a neat pile then left a cup of water :D
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2022
    poysntixels and useless toys like this.
  12. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    I've put out water, but they don't seem interested. I do occasionally leave some watermelon. They do enjoy that!

    I belive this is very typical cooling behavior for squirrels. (edit: I was right) It's been over 100 every day for weeks, so it's basically thier afternoon siesta. At least it drops below 80 at night. I remember growing up in Phoenix where it was 95 in the city in the dead of night.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
    poysntixels and Mr. Humphreys like this.
  13. eleggua

    eleggua Toy Prince

  14. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    Seeking comfort all over the internet, I checked to see if there was a pet thread.
    @Mr. Humphreys, how long did you wait between your cat passing and getting a new one? Was that time delayed due to the search?
    Basically, my cat tragically passed away this past weekend, and in my grieving, I wouldn't say I'm actively looking for a new cat, but I'm highly considering it.
    rattanicus likes this.
  15. rattanicus

    rattanicus Super Deformed

    Not to be a buttinsky, but when my dearly departed Rawley left me back in ‘14, I swore no more pets, although I was still often caring for my girlfriend’s cat Dina (who later became our cat). Then one day, there she was, freshly rescued at the vet’s in the lobby, with the craziest pair of eyes ever, my dear future Delicate Dee. I chalked it up to divine intervention.
    Then our beloved Old Lady Dina passed earlier this summer. I’m not looking for another cat, but my heart is open for a companion for Dee, because you never know.
    patrickvaz and nicholasfung like this.
  16. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    Thanks for sharing!
    A big part of me is telling myself to wait and in the moment, I will know. Your story gives me hope.
    rattanicus and eleggua like this.
  17. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    @nicholasfung I am very sorry for your loss, our four legged furries are our children, and we are strongly bonded to them who give us unconditional love everyday they are with us. Sadly our time with them is too short and their passing is deeply felt--for me at least, I still feel incredibly sad when I think of Mr. Humphreys, Mr. Bean, and Henry. It is hard for me to face the emptiness of a passing. I normally wait two weeks and start the long search for a new kittee. When Henry passed, I started the search right away, because his sister Emma couldn't understand why her beloved brother never came back from the vet hospital. She slept all day and only got up for meals. They were very tightly bonded, and she needed a companion, as she'd never been alone before. It can take quite awhile to find the right kittee. Emma is an extremely gentle cat and needed a very mellow "cat's cat" companion. All of my cats are strictly indoor cats (except my "basement cats" -- neighborhood cats that were abandoned and needed a warm safe place to sleep at night and regular meals, but who insist on being let out in the morning) and have been XXL (26 -31 lbs, giganto cats tend to be very mellow) short haired gray tabbies, with gentle personalities. XXL cats are hard to find, especially when you add the other factors! When I was a tiny tot, an XXL gray short haired tabby (he was enormous!) always followed me around the garden and baby sat me, so that's why all of my indoor cats have been big grays. I only adopt rescue cats, and scour, cat shelters (web and instagram), everyday during my search. I limited distance to all of the US. Almost flew out to New York, but the shelter gave preference to a local adopter (understandable). I found Hubbee on instagram at a Los Angles city pound. Their previous owner was too old to care for his herd of four cats, and his son turned them in. One of them got very sick and was euthanized, so they didn't have long. Miraculously Hubbee was the perfect fit for Emma. A group of us worked together to get the remaining two cats placed in no-kill shelters. I played hookey from work and drove 8 hours to get Hubbee and 8 hours back! He was perfect but extremely dirty! Before arriving home, I stopped at a self-serve pet wash and washed him. It took four soapings and nearly an hour, to get him squeaky clean. He didn't bite or scratch me that entire time! Emma bonded with him within two months. My feelings are, not to wait too long if you know you are going to adopt anyway. There are so many furries in need of a home, and they will help you through your grieving. My sincerest condolences and I give you a heart-felt comforting hug. The very best of luck go with you in your search.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
    poysntixels, rattanicus and eleggua like this.
  18. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    Thank you!!! That was a great read.

    I might be adopting a pet sooner than expected.
    A kitten that looks very similar to PeeWee just showed up at my door.
    In the 4 years we’ve lived here, we’ve never seen kittens. And all of a sudden, there’s this little cat head peering into our glass front door in the shuffle of my wife coming home from work. I’m leaning towards treating it as a sign.

  19. eleggua

    eleggua Toy Prince

    It certainly is a sign! And you've already named the wee one! = ) You've been adopted!
  20. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    New developments,
    Long story short, it was my next door neighbor's cat. They took him in as a stray, and had lost him, and came knocking. She was like a teenager, with flyers in her arms, ready to post all over town.
    We did the right thing and we gave him back. We gave her a bunch of info on what to do as new cat owners, regarding them being outside, neutering them, fleas, etc., and heavily insisted to keep this cat indoors. And if for whatever reason, supporting that cat became unbearable, we would gladly adopt him.

    I don't doubt it was a sign, but it definitely bummed us out. He looked identical to my cat when he was a kitten. Had the same stripes and everything.
  21. rattanicus

    rattanicus Super Deformed

    Yes it was a sign! That kitty was a messenger~ keep you heart (and door!) open <3
    That being said, the mourning never ends. But the pain also turns into joyful memories of their happy lives and they happiness they brought you.
    Mr. Humphreys and eleggua like this.
  22. eleggua

    eleggua Toy Prince

    Conversation earlier today with someone that found a dog dangerously wandering in the middle of the busy street near their house, brought the dog home, wanting to adopt it.
    They realized, might not be abandoned, checked NextDoor and discovered someone'd posted about it being missing.
    They dutifully called and reunited the dog with 'owner'. Later that evening, unrelated to the lost dog experience, they got a call from a friend who knew someone that was moving and needed to rehome their dog. Boom! They adopted that dog and 2.5 years later are in a wonderful relationship with that animal.

    Of course, you did the very right thing, and good on you, too, for all of the advice you shared with the 'owner', particularly re: keeping the cat indoors.
    It'll be no surprise to hear that you've connected with the right one soon.
  23. eleggua

    eleggua Toy Prince

    We measure the pain by the pleasure.
    nicholasfung and rattanicus like this.
  24. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    I'm so sorry you weren't able to adopt. At least the kitten has a home for now, but keep watch on the wee one. Sadly, in some cases, when they grow out of kittenhood, they are no longer "considered" cute, and may be neglected or lose their home. You can always help the little one unseen, by feeding him/her if needed, and provide shelter if needed too. If a pet "owner" neglects the well being of their charge, then personally I don't consider them the owner anymore, and will try my best to help, but respect the "ownership" if I can. There is a place where i visit weekly, and there are two very young cats just grown out of kittenhood. One is a beautiful gray Abyssinian, who is well cared for by their family. The other is a small tortie named Oatmeal (not as "pretty,"), who is sadly neglected and half starved, always looking around the neighborhood for food, and checks the garbage bins on collection day, in hopes of finding scraps (witnessed this on more than one occasion). He came by the house I was visiting, and sadly these people are very allergic to cats, to the point that it would require a hospital visit for injections, if they came into contact, so they are too scared to feed Oatmeal, or Oatie, as I call him. I've taken to carrying lots of little canned cat food and paper boats, stocked permanently in my car trunk. When I arrive for a business visit, Oatie comes running to my car to greet me, and he will literally gobble down two full cans in less than a few minutes! His brother nibbles here and there. Oatie is always ravenous and thin, with thinning patches of fur on his back, so it seems he isn't being fed enough. I feed them Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers canned food, which is like the McDonald's of cat food. I quietly open my trunk, fill the paper boats with food to feed them. Oatie jumps into the trunk, and will eat the food while it's being scooped into the boat, he's so hungry every time. I feel like a taco truck for neglected kitties. I am usually there for 5-7 hrs, so they get breakfast and dinner twice a week. Oatie is looking a little better than when I first saw him 3 months ago. Why people neglect their pets like this is really beyond reason.

    @nicholasfung there are so many kittees out there, never fear that you will find your next fur child, but if you can help the others in your neighborhood, that is a real plus too! Good luck and don't be discouraged!
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
    rattanicus, Geobukgan and eleggua like this.
  25. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    Thank you @eleggua! This thread has already done wonders for my grief. I will remain patient. As much as the experience was too good to be true, it wasn't the right moment. It just wasn't.
    (side note, I did not mention this but I still have one more indoor cat, about 8 / 9 years old, so she (Mocha) helps tremendously.)

    Thank you so much for sharing that story @Mr. Humphreys. You are doing God's work, bless you and your taco truck business! I don't want to go out looking for the cat, but in the meantime I will help the neighborhood cats that need help. You've inspired me.
    Mr. Humphreys and eleggua like this.

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