Which Video Games Are You Currently Playing?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Aaron, May 17, 2010.

  1. igrrl

    igrrl Toy Prince

    I finally picked up a copy of The Last Of Us. I haven't played a console game in a long while so this is a nice change. Unfortunately this means that sleeping will not be a priority for at least a few weeks.
  2. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    But you'll have an amazing time! Planning to download the new adventure today... The reviews are awesome!
  3. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    I just finished and the game was so fun and incredible, I really wish it never ended. You describe it perfectly.
  4. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Well...I was going to play Deus Ex: Human Revolution but as it turns out, I am one of those rare folks that gets sick playing certain games. I probably played 10min and it felt like my head was going to explode. If anyone wants it, I'd gladly trade you for another PS3 game. Just send me a list of what you have to trade...or buy it for $25 shipped in the US. I'm pretty bummed about this discovery :(
  5. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    started up Red Dead Redemption again since I didn't finish it last time (old ps3 died)...but also started up Diablo 3 (PC), playing some multiplayer with a buddy and we have a teamspeak server set up as well.

    no takers for Deus Ex? :(
  6. thefauxbot

    thefauxbot Addicted

    Just started playing the new Strider game. It's pretty decent. The movement controls could do with some fine-tuning but it's otherwise solid, that said - it could be the somewhat shonky PS3 controller. Looks good, great throwbacks to the original soundtrack and character design. Not a patch on the overall character of the original though.
  7. APsychoCareBear

    APsychoCareBear Addicted

    Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare Anyone?
    XBOX 360: APsychoCareBear

    I was kinda hesitant but OMG, this is fun and very entertaining, and for $30 bucks, well worth it.

  8. soda pop SMASH

    soda pop SMASH Addicted

    started playing diablo 3 on PS3. Enjoying it so far - both solo and multiplayer. Love that you don't have to share loot!
  9. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    Lost so many days when it first released and then I realized that I could not pull all nighters all week and still perform in society the way I did back in the day.

    great game too and the new paragons look fun as heck.
  10. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    shared loot/storage is the best thing they made. sadly they are taking down the auction house.
  11. soda pop SMASH

    soda pop SMASH Addicted

    haha, you and me both - no more 8 to 12 hour sessions!

    Not quite at a level where the paragons affect me, but it sounds like a very cool idea, keeps the interest up and allows for more customisation... pretty cool!
  12. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

  13. thefauxbot

    thefauxbot Addicted

    Mirror's Edge was an amazing game. It's been so long since I played through it though that I'm not even sure I still have it. Thanks for reminding me though, I may have to track it down later today.
  14. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Fully agreed on. I was completely enthralled in this game. It was a whole new, and fresh take on the first person perspective. I might have to dig this one up and play through again myself!
  15. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    Going to start up all the DLC for Bioshock Infinite... seriously love this series... and I don't care what people say, two was fun.
  16. land

    land Toy Prince

    starting this elder scrolls beta this afternoon. excited. of course, always playing hearthstone/wow.
  17. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    I need to find some time to get back into dark souls for a couple days before Dark Souls 2 releases in a couple weeks. The first one was not a videogame. It was an astonishing experience. Bleak, cold and tragic.
  18. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    One more week.
    Prepare to die!
  19. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Other than the masochistic stupidity of Battlefield 4, I've been playing The Consuming Shadow, a Lovecraftian point and click adventure. It's a free beta, so check it out if you don't mind 8 bits.
  20. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    Can't wait!!
  21. land

    land Toy Prince

    south park stick of truth is very funny
  22. Kerk1

    Kerk1 Addicted

    Started Ni No Kuni for the PS3 a couple weeks ago and have been completely hooked since. Great story and super addicting gameplay. Would highly recommend for fans of Final Fantasy/Pokemon/Dragon Warrior Monsters!
  23. Floating Head

    Floating Head Fresh Meat

    I recently dug up Godzilla Destroy all Monsters for the Gamecube. Its pretty fun, but the controls can be clunky. What do you guys think is the best kaiju video game???
  24. thefauxbot

    thefauxbot Addicted

  25. michael

    michael Side Dealer

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