Which Video Games Are You Currently Playing?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Aaron, May 17, 2010.

  1. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Got heavily involved with BF1 as I got to play a bit of the beta. Got burned out and switched over to Elder Scrolls Online. Super addicting. Then bounced over and totally realized the Rogue One additions to Battlefront got released. Not bad. Hoping to get picked for the Sea of Thieves xbox alpha as well. If you haven't seen anything on Sea of Thieves and you're a fan of Monkey Island.....go check it out. Looks pretty cool.
  2. jhsu

    jhsu Fresh Meat

    Pokemon Sun & Moon is where it's at
  3. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    I'm about 5 hours in to Pokemon Sun and it just hasn't captured me yet. The last Pokemon game I played was Heart Gold and I was so obsessed with it that I literally got a repetitive motion injury in my right hand.
    MisterYuck likes this.
  4. jhsu

    jhsu Fresh Meat

    I don't really like the plot of this one and since Heart Gold a lot has changed haha. I'm really digging the move animations and transportation method
    Patrickg2k likes this.
  5. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    Got Dark Souls III for Xmas and it's pretty darn good so far. I've played Bloodborne (amazing) but never a Souls game. Fairly brutal but doable. I'm hoping the story picks up soon. Just beat the Crystal Sage so I'm still pretty early in the game.
  6. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Sad to say I was very disappointed in The Last Guardian, beyond the beautiful scenery, it was just a snooze, and the movement was super glitchy. I just quit playing after a few very frustrating experiences with controls.

    But it looks like I'm going to be buying a Switch
  7. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    I just got a break over Xmas to play games. The witcher 3 by far game of the year (the DLC is great). I can't believe it's been so long since I've played a great RPG, because the last FF's story was kinda lame.

    Also, shovel knight was the little gem I got gifted this season, super fun game.
  8. wingnut0

    wingnut0 Post Pimp

    Between Modern Warfare Remastered and the NES Classic, it's like I am stuck in a little video game time warp. It's great.
  9. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Currently on the hunt for proper cables for both my Famicom and Super Famicom consoles. It's gonna be retro game night in the Yuck household!
  10. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Cant wait for the Switch release. Mario Kart 8 is supposed to have the old N64 style Balloon Battle
    so im totally buying that again. Bummed that Nintendo will now have a paid service for online games,
    then excited that you would get a free SNES or NES game similar to PSN and Live. Then it was mentioned
    that the game would expire from your library once the moth is up, bummed again.
  11. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    I've been playing VainGlory on iOS since release and it's absolutely mental..
    If you like MOBA's I highly recommend it.

    If any of you play, please add me! i'd love to play with peeps that I know.. Username: Silverhaze
  12. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    HO-LY MO-LE :shock:
  13. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Zelda will be a launch title so thats pretty much a must buy for me! lol

    But some of these other games looked promising as well.

    FUREEK likes this.
  14. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    I just checked the Gamestop website on what the status was on the Nintendo Switches preorders. Its completely sold out. Glad i pulled the trigger last night to reserve mine. Good luck on anyone trying to nab one in the coming few months.
  15. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I have to shamefully admit that I never really understood the appeal of Nintendo. Other than Pokémon (which I have to admit, even I'm not completely dedicated to), I don't get the whole "same character, dozens of games" thing. I played three Legend of Zelda games and probably four or five Mario games, and it's kind of the same game over and over. :?
    Until I hear that there's some really good games on the Switch, I'm holding off on buying it.

    I've been playing some Warframe with my boyfriend and his buddies most days, and my sister finally broke me and got me to play Undertale. Despite the absolutely awful fandom, the game itself is pretty fun and creative. I also bought The Forest because one of my boyfriend's pals recommended it. Haven't played it yet, but it's on my queue.
    Headhunter likes this.
  16. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Mariorun. That's all I have time for.
  17. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Part of it is the whole nostalgia thing. It's nice to be an adult and still see the characters I loved as a kid running around. Look at pokemon go as an example. If that game was EXACTLY the same but all new with original characters it would not have been anything like the worldwide blockbuster it was. Pure nostalgia at work. Everyone I know who played just really wanted their personal favorite character from childhood. That stuff sucks people in.

    The other big part is that nintendo makes amazing core games. Every Mariokart I ever played was wonderful. Every zelda game too. Most other companies and franchises are so hit and miss that it's nice to know a game will be fun without having to really research it or read tons of reviews. My favorite game series is Silent Hill with Resident Evil a close second. At least half of the games released under those franchises are pure garbage. That has never happened to me with the classic nintendo franchises. Not even once.

    Currently I am playing Limbo because it's hauntingly beautiful and it's been so long I don't remember much of it.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    You do make a great point there. Even if a Mario or LoZ game isn't "the best game ever!!!" it's never an absolute failure... and dang, have there been some stinkers in the past few years, or just games that didn't quite hold up to expectations. I guess Nintendo is always a safe bet for an enjoyable game.

    I need to pick up Limbo again, I got stuck and forgot about it completely! I do remember it being really visually appealing though.
    Waterbear likes this.
  19. EastEndFrontier

    EastEndFrontier Toy Prince

    That was pretty cool to see some footage of the SF ll craze in Japan, during it's time in the arcades there. That game was/is really something special.
  20. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Super excite for this weeks Resident Evil 7 game! Iv been a long long time fan of the game franchise ever since It was originally released on the Playstation. Cant wait to sink my teeth into this crazy game Tuesday.

    My favorite games include Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Remake, Resident Evil: Dead Silence (DS), Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil: Code Veronica and Resident Evil 4. Fantastic games everyone of them even though the DS version was an import hand held version its super fantastic.

    Now im just waiting for Silent Hill to get off the ground into greatness again. Its been to damn long.
    Grindingmachete likes this.
  21. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Ugh, tell me about it, @Headhunter !
    I still wonder what could have been with Silent Hill PT... The whole Norman Reedus aspect was strange, but I think I could have gotten over that if the game was as freaky as the demo. That weird fetus thing in the sink was perfect Silent Hill "bizarre".
  22. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    This upcoming game has me interested. Especially the Samurai faction. Im hearing a possible other faction is in the works as well.
  23. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    Started playing Diablo 3 again. I played the game a lot when it first came out on PC and had high expectations for it. It still doesn't compare to how good Diablo 2 and Lord of destruction were. Now that its out on console it seems like a completely different game. PLUS you can play couch co-op which seems to be lacking in a lot of games. I play on Xbox one so if anyone is looking for another skullbrainer to game with send me a PM for my gamertag.
    Headhunter likes this.
  24. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Has anyone picked up any of the Resident Evil Funko POP vinyls? These things are freaking awesome ESPECIALLY the Tyrant. Hands down one of my all time favorite monsters from any game. It is one of the most iconic monsters especially in survival horror. I think Funko really did this toy some awesome justice in the whole chibi cartoon format.


    And here are some of the others if any of you are interested. Actually some of the others besides the Hunter are a little harder to find in brick and mortar shops.

    Now for some actual video game stuff iv been playing Breath Of The Wild for over 6 hours and i have to say im really really enjoying this game. Iv barely scratched the surface though but i think Nintendo did a fantastic job on this one. Its right up there with Wind Waker and Ocarina Of Time in terms of replayability. Its probably going to take me a few play through sessions just to find everything. I love the fact that the games are cartridge based to for the new Switch! Cartridge based games mean less likely to get damaged compared to CD's where heavy scratches can mess up playing the game in general.


    Anyone else pick up the game yet? :D
    RudeBeast likes this.
  25. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    For Honor has been eating up all my time as of late. Also still dreaming of the day that a proper MLB game gets delivered to Xbox....

    GEM and I also stopped by Wally World yesterday and no sign of any Switch's as they had long been sold out Friday at 12am. Apparently some stores still had them in stock though during the day as one of our acquaintances managed to walk into a Target and just grabbed one on a whim. Lucky duck. The Switch, to me, is an extremely pleasing console aesthetically speaking. I just hope that it lives up to it's hype. New Animal Crossing, anyone?

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