What is your preferred way to score toys and why?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by kid_miracleman, May 6, 2019.


What is your preferred way to score toys and why?

Poll closed Jun 5, 2019.
  1. Online shop drop (scheduled)

  2. Online shop drop (random)

  3. Lotto (closed)

    0 vote(s)
  4. Lotto (open)

  5. Event (DCON, Five Points, etc)

  6. Online auction

  1. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    1. Online shop drop (scheduled)
    2. Event (DCON, Five Points, etc)
    3. Lotto (closed)
    4. Lotto (open)
    5. Online shop drop (random)
    6. Online auction

    Here are my preferences in order.

    A scheduled online shop drop is what I would consider to be the most fair, generally speaking. All you need to do is pay attention and get prepared and you have a fighting shot. The whole "bots" argument is honestly a bit bullshit at this point and easily beaten.

    Events are a lot of fun and I think and can be well managed, but definitely depends on the maker. Either way it is a lot of trial and error to find the system that works for you, but generally I find people can be happy with a well-managed event.

    Closed lottos are kind of a black box. Elegab does 50% of a run to people who buy consistently, 40% for semi-regular buyers and 10% for new. Seems to be working well as people appreciate the transparency and have a chance to be "upgraded" eventually.

    Open lottos I'm kind of getting turned off to. Lately it seems an influx of new buyers or hype really fucks up a market. I'm seeing a TON of tradebait here in that regard. Not to say it can't happen with others but if makers want to validate buyers that's time consuming and if they don't its ripe for abuse. It may come off as sour apples from lotto losses, but it's also just keeping an ear to the ground and hearing people offering toys before they even shipped out. Hell, I heard a guy won a recent popular lotto that hasn't been shipped, sold it, and the dude who bought it was using it for trade bait already. I don't want to fall into a "only a true scotsman" fallacy, but I think a lot of people will always go for hype open lottos because it's super easy and if they win it they got something "worth" something else.

    Random online shop drops are just super shitty IMO. I don't think telling fans "be prepared to drop everything you're doing at a moment's notice or reserve a giant window of time for a toy release" is fun. We all spend a lot more time than we would care to admit on toys, but the reality is if you make less toys than people want you'll piss off an equal amount of people vs. an announced shop drop without wasting hours and hours of their time.

    And for those who go straight to auctions? That's lame as shit and caters to the worst parts of this hobby.
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
  2. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    The “bots” actually isn’t bullshit. I just feel no one really has taken the time to really code one for some of these drops... if they did, it would be insane. I have grew up in the sneaker world, and over the last few years shit is wild with what they can do. We are such a niche community, but over the years products/artists/brands that are somewhat near our field are being touched by this. Kaws/Funko drops are being botted now. All it takes is the right person to come across, and be put on by the potential profits of some of the hip artists/sculpts in the community and that would be enough motivation for them to write some code up. They run scripts to look for certain search words, scout for links before they are even public, the list can go on. I see so much of this in a private forum I’m part of. But i have no use for a lot of the info I have access to, as i wouldn’t be able to begin to tell you how to code. But hitting is real, i just don’t think motivation is really here.
  3. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    Let me rephrase it a bit better.

    You're only really going to get botted if you let it happen. The reason it is so prevalent in a lot of other communities is because they haven't followed anti-bot design principles.

    I work in IT security for a living and can explain how a lot of this works as well as provide some pretty basic controls on how to beat them, if anyone wants to PM me
  4. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    I said events is my favorite for several reasons: 1 lots of people to hang out with. 2 If I don't score a toy I want, I still get to check it out in person. 3 The creator is usually there to meet. 4 There are usually a lot of toys to choose from and everyone goes home happy.

    A close second is online scheduled shop drop. It is the most fair to everyone, internet speed gives slight advantages, but overall a diverse range of collectors tend to score.
  5. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    It's a tough question because it really depends on timing.

    Lottos make it really easy to just enter and forget about it without any added stress. Of course most toy makers have a small list of who wins automatically and then the rest of the toys go randomly. Which in my opinion is totally understandable. I never understood why people get so upset about that. One of the coolest parts of toy making is sharing stuff with your friends and family. And all the people who help with your work. Whether it's people doing art for you, or professional photos or stickers or buttons. Or even whoever helps you pack and ship out your stuff. Of course artists let people they care about win lottos or just grab the toy for free. The fact people get offended by that just comes off as complete entitlement. It is someone's art. They can give it or sell it to whoever they want. How is that wrong? Maybe if someone was just letting lotto pieces go to whoever offered them the most money on the side that would be worth complaining about it.

    Events are wonderful for meeting collectors and toy makers but the fact everyone uses a different system these days makes it so difficult to know where to go first or how to even try and enter for something specific. Gallery shows are usually cool but events with a bunch of makers like Dcon can be pretty frustrating when you are in a huge crowd of people trying to figure out what's going on. The best part though is getting too see so many cool toys. It's like visiting a museum of toys. Even if you can't own it you can still enjoy seeing it up close.

    Timed shop drops are really cool. Win or lose you generally only waste a few minutes of your day. Hard to complain about that.

    I actually enjoy IG claim drops too. No bullshit involved. You either win or lose instantly and it's easy to see who got lucky and flippers generally don't bother trying because so many people are watching.
    xSuicide Squadx and eckotyper like this.
  6. Bob

    Bob Toy Prince

    I would have gone for events as agree there’s lots of added benefits such as meeting artists and other collectors but living where I do there’s little chance of me making it to any so voted for scheduled online drop.
    animator likes this.
  7. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    I think events are the most fun but due to location issues and artist preference they can be a bit too exclusionary. Hopefully there are enough shows in the major parts of the country/world to allow for this to happen more.

    That's one of the reasons I love Elegab's lottos so much. He has a separate mailing list for the more regular fans which makes it easier for him to manage and easier for me to buy. Transparency is key.

    Yeah, DCON and whatnot is pure chaos. The RealxHead line was a shit show last year with line cutters, staff fucking things up even worse, and then what I felt was awkwardness by pointing you to a specific maker when it was your turn. I wanted a RealxHead x Punk Drunkers colab that sold out right in front of me and didn't know. If I did I would have went to the RealxHead line instead, but I didn't think that was a cool thing to do.
  8. apeboy

    apeboy Toy Prince

    I’m with Bob on this.
    My preferred way would be an event but as there’s bugger all Kaiju/sofubi specific events here in the U.K. other than the 2 Creepshow shows which were a good laugh and a great chance to meet fellow collectors it’s online lottery and then scheduled shop drop for me but as ecko said bots will kill it as they have the sneaker game.
    Bob likes this.
  9. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    None of the above:
    1. Online shop drop (scheduled) - Generally a clusterfuck and precurser to a webstore crash
    2. Online shop drop (random) - If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck so invariably miss 'em.
    3. Lotto (closed) - I had no idea this was even a thing!
    4. Lotto (open) - Pointless unless yer on 'the list' (CIBOTL flashback!)
    5. Event (DCON, Five Points, etc) - Used to be fun but a million sweaty nerds carrying toy hard-ons and chancers killed the attraction!
    6. Online auction - Some occasional deals and badly-titled steals but most sellers (flippers) go with crazy optimistic starting prices.
    Chance webstore finds, trades and sales between collectors, gifted toys and hook-ups from friends are the only things keeping me in the game these days!
    zindabad, Nate, hellopike and 4 others like this.
  10. Bob

    Bob Toy Prince

    Actually further to Andy’s comment my preferred option and the thing I do the most is buying from fellow collectors.

    A good chunk of my toys have come from fellow boardies. If it wasn’t for SB I wouldn't have half the cool toys that I do.
    Waterbear likes this.
  11. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    All of the above and occasional thrift stores runs and flea market escapades fill my toy shelves. Though most of what I collect wouldn't even be picked up off the sidewalk by newjack hype collectors.
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
    ultrakaiju and animator like this.
  12. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    ^^^ especially if both parties end up scoring shit that they would have little/no chance of scoring on the open market. WIN WIN!

    In 10+ years of trading/buying/selling I've only ever had 2 douchebags fuck around . . . if anyone knows Dax Chase or Richard Ramos, please take a shit in their mailbox on my behalf!
    The Moog, Waterbear and Bob like this.
  13. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Other collectors
    sometimes ill take a chance at lottos, and buying store drops.
    Bob likes this.
  14. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    Yeah but someone had to buy from the artist directly...
  15. Bob

    Bob Toy Prince

    True but i probably more mean that it’s a much better option than using other secondary market options like auction sites.
  16. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    My favorite is crying on the boards that I didn’t get said toy and hoping someone feels sorry enough for me :lol:
  17. MoonspellxRites

    MoonspellxRites Addicted

    events and buying from other collectors is always my way to go. if i could only attend one show a year thatd still be my preferred method. im not so desperate in my need to get new toyz.
    Patrickg2k and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  18. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Events is my number one favorite, pretty much for all the reasons @animator stated. Being around likeminded friends, sometimes the artists themselves, and also getting to at least see what I’m shootin’ for in person. Seldom can a crowd deter me from my enjoyment, but there have been times when I’ve gotten frustrated. Conventions also give me a certain satisfaction of directly supporting the artists at face value. Trading/deals with good people and friends is always a pleasant form of transaction, but the one on one with artists is pretty awesome. That being said, the hookups/trades/legitimate deals/sales/gifts are a huge part of the communal foundation for this hobby, and my appreciation and gratitude for every experience I’ve had is endless.
    MoonspellxRites and Waterbear like this.
  19. doomboy

    doomboy Addicted

    I would love to get stuff from shows but as mentioned upthread,these are few and far between in the UK.(Being disabled/housebound doesnt help though:)
    Getting mates visiting Tokyo to go on missions for me has been fun for both parties.
    I have been buying directly from Gumtaro after a chat on FB,it is great to be able to support artists directly like this.
    Most toys sold by lottery are outside my budget...I just look and laugh at the shenanigans.
    I have bought some of my fave pieces from board members.
    I deffo get a lot of pleasure from trawling Ebay for bargains.
    Bob likes this.
  20. Patrickg2k

    Patrickg2k Addicted

    EVENTS for all the reasons people already posted. I also love to plan a whole trip around a toy show and explore local shops and eateries.

    Another favorite is finding hidden gems or sleepers in an artist's online shop or even on eBay. Stumbling upon something that instantly charms you and being able to scoop it up for a bargain is the best!
    MoonspellxRites likes this.
  21. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    At least we all agree random online shop drops suck :lol:

    For those of you who go to events, what gets you to go? Convenience? Artist lineup? Schedule?

    Do you prefer bigger conventions are smaller shows?
  22. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    I honestly can’t say there’s anything convenient about conventions except maybe the stress. :lol: Specific artists can definitely drive me to attendance, and have. But it’s the seldom time I get to see fellow collectors I otherwise only get to interact with online that’s really the biggest part.
  23. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    I take what I can get, where I can get it. Not everyone is part of an inner circle or close group of friends so I have to be patient or bite the bullet on second hand prices.
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
    Bob likes this.
  24. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Keep trying! If an asshole like me can manage it . . . anyone can!
  25. Ethan

    Ethan Formerly siphilon

    I like a good trade with someone because: it shows how cool this community is trusting people all over the world to just cross-ship very valuable stuff, it's generally hard as fuck to get a trade going a lot of times so locking one up with someone is a fun challenge/hunt in itself and usually everyone involved is happy with the result.
    animator likes this.

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