US Toys Questions...

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by m3kcomp, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    The other end of the waiting room.
    "U.S.Toys" UStoys "US Toys" "Alien Baltan" バルタン星人 Baltan バルタン Antlar アントラー Neonga ネロンガ Ultraman ウルトラマン mini Tsuburaya sofubi toys
  2. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Aw, but that is the best end! Great photo shoot again, David (even if I am sorry there are so many doctor's visits). Pretty luck you weren't attacked by wee ones, I can see how your US Toys would appeal to many eyes. :) I especially like the appearance of the FP Little People schoolbus.
  3. Fedhai

    Fedhai Toy Prince

    The whole family
    Vombie, deafmetal, SPACED and 4 others like this.
  4. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    The standout, for me, is that beautiful green sitter. Plenty jealous of your yellow King, too.
  5. Fig Belly

    Fig Belly Comment King

    Yeah that green sitter is pretty magical, the big boy red Kanegon too. Dang that's pretty.
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    What a lovely UST collections @Fedhai! I am just pulled in checking them all out. Both stellar examples which you guys have highlighted already, so if I had to choose yet another to bring attention to it is the glowie shuwatch Ultra! I am definitely a fan of the shampooies, and his silvery companion is a might strong tempter as well; I was hard-pressed not to snag him myself when I saw him come up. Great stuff man!
  7. Fedhai

    Fedhai Toy Prince

    Thanks guys, yes the Kanegon sitting sculpt is cute, about the middle shampoo bottle I think it's the perfect size for a toy. The glowie Ultra is cool but the grey shiny vinyl is gorgeous. This Ultraman sculpt remind me some antique figure or primitive art.

    U.S.TOYS has definitively a personal touch with a naive style, heavy vinyl and great metallic paint.
  8. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    Really nice collection you got there. Thanks for posting a pic!
  9. Fedhai

    Fedhai Toy Prince

    Thanks Vombie, I'm jealous of your giant Kanegons !
  10. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    I don't often see a plain ol' shot of this version, so here we go.
    Gojigirl likes this.
  11. Fedhai

    Fedhai Toy Prince

    Gorgeous, It's a GID ?
  12. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    Yeah. With subtle gold sprays.
    Gojigirl likes this.
  13. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    I must not covet my neighbors toys.
    I must not covet my neighbors toys.
    I must not covet my neighbors toys.
    I must not covet my neighbors toys.
    I must not covet my neighbors toys.
    I must not covet my neighbors toys.............
  14. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I wonder how @radmensch and @fletchthis's collectionss are coming along. They were both diving deep into the maker a couple of years ago.
  15. Fedhai

    Fedhai Toy Prince

    U.S.TOYS family increases dangerously :

    deafmetal, SPACED, tobor2099 and 5 others like this.
  16. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Dang, you are going to need a massive display case for US Toys alone, Archam. Very impressive collection my friend! You've exploded onto this scene with a fury, and I love it. Great to see dedication to such a deserving toy line.
  17. GhostTrainGray

    GhostTrainGray Toy Prince

    US Toys rocks. I especially love their Gomess. Anyone know how many versions they've made?
  18. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    I wish they would make more giant sized toys.
  19. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Ditto how great would a US Toy Giant Sized Garamon or Ragon be?

    That Giant sized green/black Kanegon is stunning Fedhai- always wanted one of those. Actually I just want a big Kanegon in my collection and US Toys makes the best. I'll never forget Joe Bunny's hilarious pic of a bunch break dancing (which still remains one of my all time favorite SB photos):

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  20. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Holy hell, did I ever need a smile! Thanks for the sweet medicine, @Lixx. First I've seen @Joe Bunny's masterpiece.
  21. Fedhai

    Fedhai Toy Prince

    Thanks @ultrakaiju ! And I need a bigger coffee table for my next collection update.

    @GhostTrainGray There are at least 9 different Gomes figures to my knowledge. Probably more.

    @gatchabert There are a giant Eleking to, very hard to find.

    @Lixx A giant Garamon or Ragon would be great, a Baltan to. Such a shame that U.S.TOYS doesn't make new figures no more (only new paintings), hope that's change. The giant Kanegon is a fantastic toy, you could easily find a red or green/black like me (the latest releases) the others are harder to find. The metalic one is insane. I never seen this break-dance picture, really funny !
  22. Fig Belly

    Fig Belly Comment King

    Prolly not going to change anytime soon. I got to hang with him for a little while last week, and asked him to make a Gyango. He said it's too difficult. Meaning he is worried he couldn't make enough sales to cover the costs based on how many he thought he could sell, which would apply to most characters. Hopefully he'll come around again. Such beautiful toys.
  23. Fedhai

    Fedhai Toy Prince

    Always happy to hear concrete information about U.S.TOYS since it does not communicate, so thanks @Fig Belly !
    A Gyango would be a great idea, he could sublimate the character. When you suggest him to make a new character did he mention the difficulty about a size in particular ? Or just he don't plain to make new character at all ? Thanks
  24. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    See this is where making pre orders available to US/overseas customers comes in handy. I know its not as simple as that with licensing but so many of us across the pond would be down. The kaiju makers in Japan should band together and just buy up that fucking Ultra license. I find it absolutely ridciulous that it's been debated on this long and because of it the world has to suffer and there is no getting around for export out of Japan. Maybe I sound entitled, but if I was a toymaker in Japan I'd say eff you licensing and make the damn toy anyhow and channel it out to world markets through so many twists they would never found out who made it.
  25. Fig Belly

    Fig Belly Comment King

    i think it's not that he won't ever make new sculpts, just that it feels tricky at the moment. Tsubaraya is pretty on it. But U.S. Toys has a full license for these guys, not the one day style license. The way it works with him, is every toy he sells has to have one of their stickers on it, and for each toy sold they get a cut. Same with Buta No Hana. I think U.S. Toys will come around again.
    Fedhai likes this.

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