UK Comedy Series

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by kroker, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    A little fan homage to the first thing Vic & Bob did after Big Night Out . . .


  2. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    All right, well it might not be comedy as such, depending on your take of the original, but for lack of a more general place to discuss it, can I mention here how excited I am for the return of The Crystal Maze? I admit to having a deep cult love for this show, guilty pleasure or otherwise. Surely it will never match the incredible schlocky entertainment of the original (not matter how many rose-tinted glasses people don, the fact is the '80s are not coming back) but hey, I am still happy to see the addition of anything on TV that isn't some singing/dancing/talent competition or inane reality shit. That (plus soaps) makes up 90% of primetime television now it seems. :S Anyways, it won't be the same, and might even suck heavily, but whatever, I will give it a go. Frankly I am not sure that any kind of reboot from that era will ever work, as things are of a time, but whatever; at least this (I think) is self-aware of what it is doing. Bonus points for being hosted by Richard Ayoade (and I also saw a pretty ingenius 'impression' of Richard O'Brien that Stephen Merchant did for the cancer special). Fingers crossed for cheeseball fun, which is really all it needs to be.

    Premiering Friday. More information from the beebs.
  3. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Sick of It

    I just watched ep2 - its a weird little show and so far I like it. Its not hilarious the whole time but its Karl and its funny. If you like KP, with his head like a fucking orange, you will probably enjoy it :thumbsup:
    ultrakaiju likes this.
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Haven't seen this yet, but will have to check it out. From my first introduction to KP through the Ricky Gervais Show/podcast, I can say it has been a delight, and Idiot Abroad is some brilliant television entertainment - I don't care how scripted it might have been. Whether laughing with him (maybe?) or at him (far more likely) Karl's adventures offer up some awkward laughs. Like Curb, this is some real-life truism comedy that I can appreciate.
    The Moog likes this.
  5. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Anyone watching? A mix of drama and comedy. Christopher Walken is his usual charismatic self, and Merchant has written some of the best lines for his character, he's very funny in this. I've watched the first two episodes and its pretty good, not perfect but a good effort.

    Its a bonus that the series is based in my home town of Bristol. It's been a while since i've seen Bristol on the TV.

    wingnut0 likes this.
  6. nico000

    nico000 Toy Prince

    "There are people out there without fucking arms but I m not gonna set up juggling."
    I love this guy so much.
    Thanks for the recommendation.

    The Moog likes this.
  7. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    No worries, I thought it was way better than Derek (the Gervais show Karl is in). KP is a national treasure. A lot of the themes in Sick of It come from his discussions with Ricky and Steve when they were on XFM.

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