Toku Toku Toku

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by toothaction, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Anyone got any leads on Mighty Jack? @toothaction maybe? Raws fine
  2. Temporal Marauder

    Temporal Marauder Toy Prince

    I found some dubbed Spectreman episodes but the quality is borderline unwatchable. Is this par the course of this series? Should I seek out a better quality sub/dub?
  3. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    @Temporal Marauder - Can't speak to what all is out there, but the only rips I've ever encountered we're sourced from VHS, so... soft looking at best.

    I grabbed some caps from episode 15 for you:
    How do these compare?

    If anyone finds/has subs, please do let us know.

    @skaldavsatanssol - Had ISOs of all the discs, but I'm not sure that they survived my last couple of moves. I've been looking for an excuse to go through the old externals, so I can hopefully give you a better answer in a week or two.

    Such a shame that ADC went the way of the wind last year, what a treasure chest that place was was!
  4. Temporal Marauder

    Temporal Marauder Toy Prince

    Hard to tell ( looking at these on my phone) but I want to say they look better. I got mine from Nayya (?) definitely from a copy of a copy VHS.
  5. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    Anyone know why all the toei tokusatsu official YouTube videos for goranger wouldn't be working? It's been a week of attempting to watch them and they keep saying the video is unavailable. Same issue with every episode they have posted for goranger. Could it be an overseas licensing issue?
  6. Temporal Marauder

    Temporal Marauder Toy Prince

    Seems like a big chunk of these, especially the anime , is region locked due to licensing. That’s my guess.
  7. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Holy iguanas...

    Tsuburya is streaming an episode of Booska tomorrow night! 8:58 PM, EST.

    Never managed to track down a full adventure of his before. Deeply geeked.
  8. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Ugh, I am trying to get Tokuzilla's colorized Ultra Q torrent. The one uploaded to Pirate Bay stops at around 2 GB. If anyone has any leads for me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  9. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Who wants a colourised version dude? Keep it in glorious black and white!
  10. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    I already have it in black and white.
  11. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

  12. Temporal Marauder

    Temporal Marauder Toy Prince

    Slowly making my way through the ones on YouTube
  13. jl

    jl Line of Credit

    This is such a fun watch... The whole SAF team uniforms are amazing!

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