The "What you just got in the Mail" Thread

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by DeJesus, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. KaosHead

    KaosHead Addicted

  2. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    :shock: that thing is amazing
  3. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Thanks Martin:
  4. Gareth Infinity

    Gareth Infinity Addicted

    that GID chaos adult. so good

    oh and you and my friend Andrew have inspired me to get back into Diablo 2...I've never played online before but we'll see
  5. EtR_Wolf

    EtR_Wolf Comment King

    ^^ :shock: Woah! Very nice score there Lixx! ^^
  6. wtfunks

    wtfunks Comment King

    do so! and if you do join USWest.. ill hook you up with gear
  7. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    This is the "re-issue" or original? Squishy?
  8. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Reissue by Hukkokudo. Soft vinyl but not squishy.
  9. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    Thanks so much! Can't wait for mine.
  10. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Which version did you get the first one (the one I posted) or the second (I really need to find this!):

  11. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    The first one you posted...this other version, is it a special release?
  12. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    Stop squeezing your monkey!
  13. Shiverbones

    Shiverbones Addicted

    Great Monkey!!!
  14. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    The first release came in a set of five reissued toys, the second one came out a few months ago by itself.

    Ha! When I opened it up I did chase my g/f around the apt. shouting "touch my monkey!"
  15. Geekabilly

    Geekabilly Addicted

    Showed up the other day..
  16. Crab Rangoon

    Crab Rangoon Side Dealer

    The vintage Gorosaurus is most excellent. I don't know if it's the color pallet, or the pupil placement, but it looks a lot more chill & calm than the more modern issued versions.
  17. dustbin12

    dustbin12 Addicted

    new friends....
  18. Shiverbones

    Shiverbones Addicted

    That goro is amazing!
  19. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    Soo cool. Thanks Brenda!
  20. jcrazy

    jcrazy Comment King

    great pic evom
  21. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    I hope mine gets here soon. I was hoping it would come today :(
    I haven't been this anxious to get a toy in a while.
  22. D-.No

    D-.No Addicted

    Love Those Shudder Pigs!!!
  23. Crab Rangoon

    Crab Rangoon Side Dealer

    another Tokoji I've been after for years arrived, and he doesn't disappoint
  24. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    ^^Had to look again and check....looks like my custom Tokos!


  25. Crab Rangoon

    Crab Rangoon Side Dealer

    Hah, funny - I've had my eye on that first one you posted, and your Hawaii version for a long time too! Just not quite as long as this one I got from Bert. It did ship in a PhilPost-Pak box that you sent him, though :lol:

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