The Boys (Amazon Prime)

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by skaldavsatanssol, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Anyone enjoying this new show? Personally I find it to be a breath of fresh air in a world currently over-saturated with cape shit. Whilst it's much more subdued than Ennis's comics, it's also more mature and topical with parallels between the heroes and Voight industries easily identifiable with modern times in the real world.
    ---NT--- likes this.
  2. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Yup. I don't know the comics, but really digging the show. Almost done with it. And yes, it's quite...current.
    skaldavsatanssol likes this.
  3. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Mildly interested, but your enthusiasm might push me to check out the pilot soon. Even though I'm a longtime Ennis enthusiast, every time I see a mention of the comic, or now the show, I want to point folks to Rick Veitch's Bratpack. He did it first and better, methinks. Brilliant, brutal stuff.
    ButcherBrand and hellscrape like this.
  4. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    I would say that fans of the comic should not expect it to resemble the comics at all and in that way perhaps they can enjoy it. This is unlike the Preacher adaptation which irritates me by dabbling in the source material then switching it up in a mediocre fashion, The Boys TV show is better recognised as it's own separate entity...possibly the title and characters sharing similarity in name only.

    I've read others recommend Bratpack. I'll have to check it out,
  5. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Ugh, Preacher! I actually kind of dug the prequel year, but couldn't make it more than a few in once S2 hit. Irritated the fuck out of me.

    Also... FINE, I'll have a look at the boob toob. Tonight, maybe!
    skaldavsatanssol likes this.
  6. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Preacher is one of my all time favourites so I feel you. I think Rogen and Goldberg are also looking to produce Invincible for the silver screen. I hope that whoever is in charge of writing and directing that does NOT fuck it up. I'd like to imagine it would be marketed as a regular cape flick and people only find out about the OTT violence when they watch it in the cinema.
  7. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Alls I know about Invincible is the writer and that there were enough issues released to warrant several daunting looking phone books coming to be. My loss?
  8. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Surprised nobody is LIT enough to post this baby

    Bill and skaldavsatanssol like this.
  9. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Uhhh I think parts of it are some of Kirkman's best work. The art is usually decent too. It is a good series. I wasn't entirely satisfied with the ending personally but I think it's worth a read. If you are hesitant to spend top dollar on collecting the whole thing, then don't. Maybe try *ahem* online alternatives.

    TL;DR: Your loss? Maybe.
  10. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I'm not wholly allergic to reading comics on my TV, but I try to avoid it when possible. Looks like my library loan list just got a good bit longer.

    Man, this thread derailed into digression quick, huh?

    Engaging in an online alternative as I type - soon I should have something to say about the show that we're supposed to be talking about.
    skaldavsatanssol likes this.
  11. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Agreed on Preacher. S2 blew.
  12. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Seeing as this thread has derailed plenty let me just say that Season 2 of American Gods was a massive letdown after a strong first season. No apologies. I needed to get that off my chest.
  13. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Yeah, I skipped it completely. I was less hot on S1 than some, but every whisper I heard way back about the BTS of what became year 2 had me already planning to avoid it a year in advance.

    Anybody still with Legion? The first run was my favorite cape-adjacent anything in a long time. S2 was a bit, er, obtuse, but I had fun. Banking 3 so far for when the time is right.
    ---NT--- likes this.
  14. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    I hate to get all Mod up in this bieatch but we should move this tangent over to:

    PS Legion was a cringe-worthy Rian Johnson subvert piece of shit from the first episode... worst TV I've ever seen. Fargo was good though so Hawley ain't all bad..

    Back to The Boys, everybody should watch this series.. not sure how I feel about the events in the last episode compared to the comics but hey.. season 2 is already in production so hopefully not long to wait to see where they take it!
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
  15. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Hallway monitor... boooooooooo!
    badteethcomics likes this.
  16. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Midway through the first ep and it's fine so far. I've seen worse 'message' TV.

    Legion season 1 was the one of the most intelligent, engaging and gorgeous to look at onion peels ever to grace the airwaves, It attempted and succeeded at one of the rarest approaches in all of television: not assuming that its audience is a bunch of morons. More, please!
    taviq and ---NT--- like this.
  17. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Someone's gotta keep these threads in order otherwise we are gonna end up discussing Netflix's Daredevil series in the Hukkokudo thread!!
    skaldavsatanssol likes this.
  18. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Fuck else is the Hukkokudo thread for? I thought the thread was named that after one of the villains in the Frank Miller run of the comics.
    badteethcomics likes this.
  19. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Cruisin' for a brusin, y'ar.
  20. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    IKB stands for I Killed Batman right? Little tip of the hat to the Grant Morrison run.
    badteethcomics and toothaction like this.
  21. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Missed this thread and just posted elsewhere (The Netflix, Prime, Streamerverse thread . . . kinda where it belongs).

    4 episodes in and loving it!
    badteethcomics likes this.
  22. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    So then The Female has just been introduced. Good stuff.
    badteethcomics likes this.
  23. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Banned (part deux)

    Backed 100%
    S2 lost some of the magic, but still better than the majority of shows these days. Banking S3 as well to binge once all aired.
    The dive Fargo took with S3 gives slight cause for concern... but apples and oranges. Cautiously optimistic Legion pulls a 'Leftovers" and ends with a strong 3.

    Watched ep1 of The Boys last night. Looking forward to this evening when I can knock back some more.
    ---NT--- likes this.
  24. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Yeah, Legion could have been the best show ever made, but then it slipped a bit in S2. Definitely looking forward to S3, because even if it's not good it'll still be better than most everything else out there on visuals/audio alone.
    smurph likes this.
  25. taviq

    taviq Toy Prince

    Agree about legion first season was groundbreaking, unpredictable and touching. The boys is great. Preacher was a huge disappointment. Ennis was a good writer but over time I could no longer stand his work the boys, hit man, punisher all fun and all the same book. Preacher was a fantastic, touching story

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