The "Big F*** You" thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by hillsy11, Apr 18, 2008.

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  1. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    Fuck you bank of america! in the fuck are you allowed to cash my post dated mortgage check of 11/1/10 on the 29th of Oct??!!!

    "because we dont accept post dated checks..."


    you mother fuckers.

    FUCK YOU. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x :x :x
  2. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    "because we dont accept post dated checks..."

    if they don't accept post dated checks how the fuck is cashing it in the same boat as not accepting it, F'ing wads
  3. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    yea, its utter CRAP. i want to choke slam them when they hear me upset and they offer their textbook, "gosh, im really sorry Mr......".

    the only way around this stupid, imperical, corporate BS?

    Mail the check to BOA on the 1st or after.

    HA! Sure dipshits..let's play ball then. BOA wont be getting my money before or by the due date then. (i LOVE GAMES!!)

    Fuckers. :twisted:
  4. gintree

    gintree Toy Prince

    the only things that matter on the check are the dollar amount and signature. i ran into the same problem about 5 years ago with a landlord that i had...i would give him a years worth of post-dated rent checks and he once deposited 7 of them at the same time. bank of america let them all go through and then let me know about that whole jazz.
  5. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    well then F bank of america, I deal with Key and I have gone to deposit checks from sources I deposit from all the time and they have been misdated by a day and they said go get another check
  6. ted kopper

    ted kopper Side Dealer

    really? fuck boa.... one time i really needed some cash. i had a postdated check off by a day and they wouldnt cash it and told me to come back the next day
  7. Ghost&Flower

    Ghost&Flower Line of Credit

    Hey I have a fuck BOA too!

    My girlfriends wallet got stolen while we were out of our home state, and so she was without ID and bank card. Obviously she couldnt get on her flight home so we called them to have a temporary card shipped to the hotel.
    After some hassle the dude says he will ship it out to get to the hotel friday (flight monday) and to call the next day for a tracking number. We call the next day, and after explaining the whole situation again the new person says that they can't get us a tracking number, but the card will arrive wednesday (flight monday!). We are obviously like wtf, and then the lady says oh wait, it will be there saturday. Saturday comes and nothing happens. Luckily we were able to get a scan of her birth certificate and social security card sent to us, and that was enough to get on the plane. The card showed up at the hotel thursday.
  8. JORDAN23

    JORDAN23 Post Pimp

    You sent your mortgage payment with a post dated check? Did you expect them to see that, then put it on the side to wait until the 1st to deposit it? Just wondering.
  9. Brenda

    Brenda Toy Prince


    You sent your mortgage payment with a post dated check? Did you expect them to see that, then put it on the side to wait until the 1st to deposit it? Just wondering.[/quote]

    It doesn't matter, on the back of the slip you send with your check it's says this

    I never mail mine until the first, because you have until the 15th until it's considered "late" & get charged a fee. Also never pay these fuckers by phone, it's an extra 20$.
  10. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    decided to look into the postdated check thing, you can hold them(payee) responsible only if you give notice to said payee, I personally think that fact is as fucked as it gets but well in the end bank of america will get no bussiness from me or anyone I know and I will be sure to shit talk them and there service as much as humanly possible
  11. JORDAN23

    JORDAN23 Post Pimp

    I send my check when I'm ready to pay. I'm not sure where people got the idea that they could send in a post dated check and then expect the processor to note it and put it in some sort of hold bin.
  12. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    well, the bank is always real testy about cashing PERSONAL checks that are post-dated. my grandma used to do that all the time. "I sent your birthday check two months early with this letter" and the bank would never cash it. this was in college.

  13. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I big fuck you to the major networks for your national news programs. Why is it whenever a tragedy is avoided the person being interviewed is always "I thank God", or "I thank Jesus!", or "We were blessed!", or like tonight with that Australian plane "459 Souls aboard!" No it's 459 people, and that cancer you caught in time was by going to a fucking doctor. The news loves to push the prayer/god/christian religion talk here in this country, but yet Islamic people are just seen as crazed militants. Make up your minds. So sick of daily 'god speak'. One time me and a bunch of friends tried purging any god talk out of daily conversation, it was hard. How often do you say "Thank God!"? It's so indoctrinated in our daily language.
  14. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    It just took me by surprise that they can cash a check when they get it no matter the date.

    I cant do the same though as other members have pointed out with a post dated check at your own personal bank.

    I get it now though...ones an apple, ones an orange. :lol:

    Sure it makes sense, doesnt mean i have to like it or agree with the practice. Im just glad all of my money was ready, or boy would i have been overdraft screwed.

    BOA wont be getting my mortgage until after the 1st from now on. Sooner or later, we'll get out from under them and i cant wait to tell them to go shove. :twisted:
  15. scarwars

    scarwars Addicted

    As a self professed antitheist, I hate the whole "I thank god" thing too. I remember when the singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers (something else I hate) thanked Satan on an awards show.... a stunned silent audience.

    That said- souls on board is a holdover from Nautical terminology. I just read about it yesterday in a Guillamo del Toro novel.
  16. MicromanZone

    MicromanZone Addicted

    Fuck you, you fucking mouse that got stuck in my wall. 2 days! You're not dead! So I decided to figure out where you were. I shoved a fucking knife in the wall; strong Japanese blade. I hear you fucking scurrying around. Wiggle the blade. I feel you fucking touch the blade. Awesome! I figured out exactly where you are in the first hole. I make the fucking hole larger. I can see you're fucking fur, your tail and your itsy bitsy fucking hand. GREAT! Now this fucking mouse that has been stuck in a wall for 2 days will walk out. Just have to make sure I have some big colander or something to catch you in. So great? All done? Right? WRONG!!!! You're still in there. You are like that fucking shy girl in the fucking “Glass Menagerie”; you won’t reveal yourself.

    Fuck you! You have ruined 1 nights of sleep for me during a stressful week. I'm going out at 3:00am in fucking Brooklyn to buy some fucking glue traps from the fucking store and setting them. I gave you a chance to come out alive. I would have taken you and tossed you in the community garden. BUT NO! You chose death you $%@!$# wall living dipshit!

    UPDATE 30 MINUTES LATER: So I’m about to head out and get the traps, check the trap one more time and see the $%@!$# mouse just sitting there in the contraption I have setup. Clearly alive! Yeah, go you now. As I drop him into a metal bowl, moves a bit, blinks his eyes one last time and dies.... Fucking hell mouse. Now you made me sad. I was going to take you out to the community garden to live free; outside of the wall. But you not only died, but died right there with me holding you in a metal bowl. Fucking life lessons. WHY DO I FEEL!

    The trap:

    Wally D. Mouse (R.I.P.):
  17. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    he's a cute scrap of vermin though. we've got the roof rats in my neighborhood, not so cute. i've got them out of my shed, but not off the roof of it as they climb from the neighbors' houses along the fenceline. made me stop putting birdseed in my birdfeeder. while i like rats when kept as pets because they become pretty socialized (though still can't refrain from shitting when walking around), its gross to see this five-pound wild rat jumping onto my birdhouse and ravaging its contents.

    i always wonder what they put in rat poison to make them want to eat it.
  18. Cubensis

    Cubensis Line of Credit

    Watch out for that haunta!
  19. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Yeah fuck mice is right, caught 3 last night and not the humane way...

    Isn't living in the city fun
  20. rockert

    rockert Addicted

    You stressed the mouse out and he had a heart attack. That is some awful funny shite. Thanks for sharing your adventure! Have you guys checked for bed bugs?
  21. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Yeah, city living. I can't remember how many mice Ive had. It never quits sucking, walking into the kitchen and seeing that snap trap on it's side.

    I once had a mouse in the sink, I guess he couldn't climb out and exhausted himself to death trying. My fiance was doing the dishes, lifted up a plate and I guess there it was, I've never heard such a scream in my life.
  22. MicromanZone

    MicromanZone Addicted

    I stressed him out? Who asked him to live in my wall! I was going to take him in that bowl, walk around the corner and toss him in the community garden. There are kids in there planting seeds for the spring! He could have had a fun and renewed life! Now he's in a brown paper bag headed off to a landfill.

    Ehhh, not really a city thing. I grew up in a 4 story walk up tenement in Brooklyn and we had more roaches than mice, but never in the wall. And not that many mice or rats.

    But when I moved to Madison, Wisconsin and moved into one of the nicest apartments ever. Old home. Parlor floor level apartment. Tall ceilings. And guess what else? I had 5 bats I had to deal with and a mouse infestation coming up through my oven that was truly nuts! I completely never noticed since I was working my ass off during Web 1.0 so mainly came home to sleep. Most disgusting infestation ever. Pink baby mice getting stuck in glue traps screaming. Good lord.

    Sorry but in my experience, the city is not the worst place for vermin... Also had to call cops for some serious shit more often in the midwest than in NYC. Seriously.
  23. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    While we're on the subjects of pests.
    Fuck living in a buiilding that used to be a brewery and still has yeast in the piping, which leads to mosquito breeding, which leads to me waking up in the middle of the night in November, itching from mosquito bites and having to get up and find the little fucker so I can swat him.
  24. Waiting...

    Waiting... Comment King

    Also had to call cops for some serious shit more often in the midwest than in NYC

    yeah we get a little nuts here in the rust belt/midwest, it's mostly from all the snow, lead paint and alcohol :lol:
  25. scarwars

    scarwars Addicted

    I own a house in Philly; we try to keep the vermin at bay, but the house next door is abandoned. So every time I think we have the mouse problem under control... more mice. I can't get an exterminator to go into a building I don't own.... and it' a row home, so I can't just accidentally burn it down. So. Mice.

    I moved from traps to poison. They're taking it back to their mouse nests and killing them all. Sons'a'bitches.
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