The 36" Mutant Evil Thread

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Frank Kozik, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. hobbymaster2003

    hobbymaster2003 Fresh Meat

    i hope this discussion ends here.
  2. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    I think it will, you did good brotha, you did good.
  3. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    TheDrizzle...your picture is just really bad taste. I believe you owe someone an apology. Totally uneducated, and totally uncalled for.
  4. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    I don't think any harm or disrespect was directed toward Rommel by the original poster.?

    I didn't even notice the name on the wall at first. May have just been posted as a heads up, thinking that the Big Evils were being bootlegged...

    And props to Rommel for setting the record straight. Dude is an awesome artist.
  5. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    You're looking at the wrong picture.
  6. hobbymaster2003

    hobbymaster2003 Fresh Meat

    the issue has been straightened so i don't think any harm was done...i was really careless. i sent those photos to marvel authorities to show our groups sincerity on our drive against bootlegs. and i'm partly to blame because i had my part on the issue...i did tolerate those castings and bought them and even shared them with fellow hobbyist just to have fun with it. that was before...but now i am heading the collectors community here on cracking down on bootlegs. its like my community service for my past mistakes.

    oh there were collectors and hobby authorities to witness the event.
  7. rednecktex7

    rednecktex7 Comment King

    Rommel you are an artist. You and Kozik have expanded and taken Kaiju and Kozik's western art to new levels!

    Keep on being daring and challenging the status quo. Isn't that what real artists do?

    Fiberglass Mao, Zargon, and Mutant evil are great. Look forward to your next creation!

  8. evilrabbitry

    evilrabbitry Comment King

    Hello everybody, this seems like a pretty exciting thread for my first post, I'm Lawrence...I Live in Ottawa, and i think I'm probably the only person in this city interested in RxH or Kaiju for that matter (that i currently know of)
    I'm thinking that maybe this piece might change a few minds...its something that will definitely leave an impression... lol

    1 - miami (paid)
    2 - magic_wanna (paid)
    3 - perfection (paid)
    4 - kladdict (paid)
    6 - kaijukaijukaiju (paid)
    7 - toybotstudios
    8 - melek_taus (PAID)
    9 - xnetkids (PAID)
    11-maxaltoman (paid)
    12-Iron_Horse (PAID)
    13-Iron_Horse (PAID)
    14-Kickin' Wing (paid)
    15(or is it 14) Evilrabbitry(paid)
  9. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    Think you missed the deadline dude. Frank may make an exception tho...
  10. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Rommel -

    I've got the Belchor you made for Kozik and it's a thing of beauty - you're an artist and a genius with fiberglass. I'm just not into the
    Evil or I'd order one.

    Please keep making these amazing works of art for the kaiju collectors who appreciate your skill and talent.

    Thanks dude!
  11. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    HERE HERE! Rommel Please keep creating these great works of art!
  12. evilrabbitry

    evilrabbitry Comment King

    I already contacted Mr. Kozik directly through his website and paid before the 15th while i was waiting for confirmation for my forum membership. :)
  13. Nate

    Nate Line of Credit

    Wish I got into RxH a long time ago. This is a great figure to own. Wish I had the money and Kozik was still taking orders. I would have definitely picked this up.
  14. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    more pics! :D
  15. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    OK...I will be shutting down the orders for this On the 1st,as I have quite a few ( 36 pieces) and want to get Rommel rollin onthese.

    so, hit it or quit it by the 1st.

  16. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    C'mon tax return...where are you when I need you!!!
  17. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    Damn. 36, huh?
    Pretty big run after all.

    36- 36" Evils. Would be sweet to see a pic with 'em all lined up, Evil Army style, when completed.
  18. Nate

    Nate Line of Credit

    Oh shit.....(goes through collection to see what he can sell off)

    Hopefully I'll have enough by the 1st!!! :lol:
  19. GERMS

    GERMS Line of Credit

    1 - miami (paid)
    2 - magic_wanna (paid)
    3 - perfection (paid)
    4 - kladdict (paid)
    6 - kaijukaijukaiju (paid)
    7 - toybotstudios
    8 - melek_taus (PAID)
    9 - xnetkids (PAID)
    11-maxaltoman (paid)
    12-Iron_Horse (PAID)
    13-Iron_Horse (PAID)
    14-Kickin' Wing (paid)
    15(or is it 14) Evilrabbitry(paid)
  20. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    any new pics? looking forward to mine. :)
  21. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    Ok final order has been placed.......
  22. qwest1mark

    qwest1mark Addicted

    darn. i missed this by a whole week.
  23. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    when might these be done? Just curious what the schedule looks like now since orders were taken for longer than expected and pushed things back...
  24. miami

    miami Comment King

    IIRC the last estimate was Sept-Oct, and that was given after the 'overtime' orders were closed.
  25. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    Frank told me that they are all done except for painting and if things go as planned, possibly as early August.... but we will see....

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