Tabernak! Où sont les Canadiens?

Discussion in 'Hinterlands' started by ultrakaiju, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member


    So I have been meaning to start a dedicated thread for us northerners since I joined up, being that there isn't any related discussion yet. Though it is possibly more relevant to divide it up by city, as we are spread out more, and in relatively smaller numbers. Up to you guys.

    Anyways, for now, Montréal Skull Crew!!! Calling all toy fans and general followers of nerddom or kaiju culture. I figure we should organise a small get-together soon. Nothing too special, just a meet and greet/hang out session, grab a cheap drink or a couple, have some toy talk if we are so inclined. If you wanted we could bring a toy of interest or some trades, whatever. My schedule is pretty easy, but I imagine somewhere in the downtown area for a cinq à sept when folks are free? Or movie night, not that there is anything worth seeing right now. I am open to any suggestions. Québec and out-of-town folks (if there are any) are welcome of course, but then it would probably have to be a weekend.

    *because I have no artistic talent to design something suitable, and The Gate rules
  2. sensensempompom

    sensensempompom Comment King

    nice steve!
    i'm in for a get-together
    Montréal Island Skull Crew MISC

    Le bonhomme sept-heures
    Le croque-mitaine
    Le père Fouettard
    Le wendigo (Le loup-garou)

    Le sasquatch
    Le kraken ACSC
    Le Cadborosaurus PCSK
    champ QCSC
    L'ogopogo BCSK
  3. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    ^ Ponik ?

    Oh, Steve, it's Tabarnak ;)
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    My mistake, I admit it is not often I have to write it out. And it was inevitable something would need correcting. Looking good guys, lots of mystery guests I hope. I am sensing a theme.

  5. sensensempompom

    sensensempompom Comment King

    along with
    Louis-Olivier Gamache (le sorcier de l’île d’Anticosti)
    are unconfirmed

    maybe zap can make a flyer
  6. moshi

    moshi Toy Prince

    Bonjour amis québecois.

    I may be part of the team next year as I'm trying to find a two year Master degree in a Montreal school/university. Wish me luck ;)
  7. sensensempompom

    sensensempompom Comment King

    Bonne chance Arnaud!

    How much of your luggage will be for toys ?
  8. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    In general, Master's degrees here are targeted at two years. And some people do finish in that time, or even less. It really depends on your subject matter. But what I am trying to say is, program-wise, I think you will find them laid out for you to finish in two years. Are you looking to study in French? Because that is another issue. Also, check on the prerequisites for getting accepted - the last thing you would want to do is spend a year repeating classes if they don't 'acknowledge' some of your prior coursework.
  9. moshi

    moshi Toy Prince

    Merci ! :) Unfortunately I don't think I'll have space for toys, only winter clothes :razz: I'll buy some from you guys. I'll probably miss my collection though :(

    I'm about to graduate in France, I'll have a bachelor degree (I think it's the same as your Canadian Baccalaureate) in a business school, with a specialization in International Development.
    I'm looking for an Msc, Maitrise es sciences de la gestion, specialized either in International Gestion or in Marketing. I sent my application for UQAM, and I'm still thinking about HEC Montreal. So yes, I'm looking to study in French, even if I don't really care, I studied during a semester in Hong Kong, classes were in English and it was great.
    I wanted to try McGill, but applications are already closed. With my great TOEIC score ( 985/990) and my good results during my Bachelor I think I had my chances.

    The master's degree I'm looking at are 45 credits programs, with 7.5 credits per semester, so 6 semesters total. I'm also looking for a master degree with an internship, so probably 6 months more for the internship and we have a total of approx 2 years.

    I had a very complete program during my Bachelor and I studied a lot of different things, so I'll probably end up repeating classes, even if I wanted to do a Master degree in France I'll have to repeat several "basic" classes, I think it will be the same in Montreal.

    I really hope I'll be accepted in any school, I'm quite tired of France I really want to live and study abroad. Canada is such an awesome place, I spent 3 weeks traveling across the country 5 years ago and I really want to come back.
    I think I might come even if I'm not accepted in any school, I'll try to find a job in my field.
  10. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    UdeM (HEC) is the better school, and I think if you can get program there, that might be a good option. It is more recognised and the MSc program is fairly strong from my understanding. I don't have a business background though, and am purely speaking of second-hand knowledge. I am sure a bunch of us are willing to help you out in any way we can though.
  11. moshi

    moshi Toy Prince

    No worries, thanks a lot for your help.

    I'll probably send my application, but I had to pass a test for HEC and I don't think my result is good enough. I scored 280/600 (with a one week preparation, people usually prepare the test several months before ahah) and they are talking about 350/600 on their website. 280 is an ok score in France and with my other results I'll be accepted in most school, but In HEC Montreal I don't know.
  12. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Arnaud, ma copine travail au bureau du recrutement de l'UQAM ;)
  13. moshi

    moshi Toy Prince

    Ah, c'est une bonne nouvelle, je peux te donner mon nom et celui de ma fiancé qui entreprend les démarches avec moi ? Le tout avec une petite "enveloppe magique" (200$ c'est ok ?) ? :mrgreen:


    En vrai si elle peut aider je prend ^^
  14. side.g

    side.g Comment King

    I'd be in !
  15. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Great news guys, do we want to try for something late in the week, or should be put more of a scheduling buffer zone? Also want do you guys think about doing trades or bringing something small for a grab bag/random exchange? Some people might not want to walk around with their toys maybe, and if it's after work that is another thing - just an idea. Maybe just a casual evening is better for our first Toybuyers Anonymous meeting.
  16. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    How about a saturday morning ?
  17. side.g

    side.g Comment King

    Can't on saturday
  18. sensensempompom

    sensensempompom Comment King

    same here but sunday is ok
  19. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Well, whatever works for the majority is fine with me. My schedule is pretty flexible as I am mostly working on my thesis. So most people need it to be a weekend then rather than an evening?

    I have no design talent, but decided to play around with Photoshop a bit just for the hell of it. First time using it for me, so forgive my rough skills. Anyways, had to go with a great homage:

  20. zapatoloco

    zapatoloco Comment King

    ^ M.A.S.K. ! I like it. Sunday's good for me too.
  21. zapatoloco

    zapatoloco Comment King

    At this point she's basically your wife ;)

    ...bin quoi? Tu m'as attiré ici en me promettant du beef !
  22. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    ^ Booking a night at Joe Beef would be great !
  23. side.g

    side.g Comment King

    Oh Joe Beef !

    (Sunday morning is fine with me)
  24. side.g

    side.g Comment King

    Need to know asap if it's working on sunday morning
  25. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I can pretty much do anytime, including Sunday morning, but if you have to rearrange some things Guillaume, don't worry about it, we can try again for next week - this is definitely not a life priority ;)

    Since I was thinking we'd do something in the evening, what did you guys have in mind for the morning, meet at a coffee shop or something?

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