space cyclops

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by CCPfan, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. CCPfan

    CCPfan Comment King


  2. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Me likey!
  3. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    I wonder why the left arm looks sorta "off" on all the figures... kinda looks like they just shot one picture, and did the recoloring in photoshop.
  4. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    I think I'd like this a lot more if it was's larger than standard, right?

    way too big for a sculpt that doesn't bowl me's cool, but way, way too big...
  5. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    that gap in the arm does look a bit off eh'... :?

    cool figure tho'... I dig it...
  6. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    i dont know for sure, im not sure who is making this figure, but i would guess keith is right - they might have taken a photo of the sculpt (which would have the joints held together by pins, hence the gap) and recolored it digitally, to generate the promo graphics.

    i would guess the arm would be a solid joint on a production version.

    MANIMAL Line of Credit

    how big are these?
  8. jhateball

    jhateball Addicted

    I'm loving this. Could definitely have more articulation (though the sculpt, I guess, doesn't make any obvious allowances for 'more'...the heart wants what it wants) but it's super rad. Big, you say?

    I too am wondering how big.
  9. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Dang, thought he was standing next to something for comparison.
    But here's a pic I found on KT's flickr:
  10. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

    Ooo, looks pretty cool.
  11. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    not a big fan of this. looks very western, smooth lines, nothing really pops for me. just another generic furred beast w/ one eye and shitty joints. ...waist articulation? hello KRap.
  12. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Reminds me of:
  13. Flatline

    Flatline Line of Credit

    mehh....its aight.
  14. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    its kinda cute but that arm gap really isnt. it reminds me of a mix of this:
    and this:
  15. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    Is it supposed to be the space invader on the side of the original arcade cabinet? I know its not dead to rights but thats the first thing I thought of when I saw it.

  16. gabbagabba

    gabbagabba Comment King

    That would make me like it even more.

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    The promo graphic says its an X-Plus release (but for some reason they put X-Plus in Katakana...). Definitely a departure for those guys from their normal stuff!
  18. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    hmmm. After seeing this again. I think the arms jointed are going to be like the initial image. They seem off a little. It wouldn't surprise me if you could see the seam.
  19. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Hmmm, I guess I see the Space Invaders reference, but I never woulda thought of it. To me those guys were made up of electricity - these figures look like they're furry.
  20. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    looks pretty western to me....
  21. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Not my thing, especially with the neon colours.
    I like bright paint, but when done subtly or as highlights for the most part.

    I like the Butanohana Kurozaru much more.
  22. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    I'd like this if it was $12.99 and hanging on a rack in Target - it would certainly brigthen up my day to see it there - but for the likely $80 price tag on this guy, probably not. Maybe some creative paint apps would make it pop more?
  23. Zaaier

    Zaaier Line of Credit

    It's not cheap but i do like this toy. The pink version looks best (so far).
  24. TrimmTrabb

    TrimmTrabb Toy Prince

    No idea on the size of this, then?
  25. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    has this been released yet? i can't find it anywhere....

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