Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags

Discussion in 'Other Asian Toys' started by badteethcomics, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    You'd think the Skullbrain of 2021 would have some AI that auto-detects sarcasm and makes our text purple automatically, but perhaps I expect too much.
    gatiio, useless toys and The Moog like this.
  2. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Given the price tags, crap that's being produced and actually being sold, and ghe general state of the 'scene' I have no idea what's fact and what's fiction . . . anything seems plausible these days! :lol:
  3. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    Sofubi is swamped with mashup fever, probably a holdoff from the designer toy scene and here to stay. So these bootlegs or whatever are fulfilling the gap of those new (and old) collectors that want the same three licenses and characters in their toys ad nauseam.

    I got yelled at on IG for calling someone's MF Doom sculpt tacky, dunno if it was set for resin or rotocast but a shit bootleg all the same. it made sense that the pitchforks came out from the crowd, what didnt make sense was their defense of such poor practices.
    The derivativeness of the work here is astounding. If you add that to that the many int'l makers that have joined the ranks, you find yourself with a lot of new good blood and plenty of the same crap we've been forced to see destroy blanks for decades.

    I think I saw another Mickey mouse sofubi last week with, again, more pus and swastikas' and a gas mask, and many collectors were praising the damn thing. Its like KAWS managed to imprint it his shitty aesthetic on all of us as it went from low brow to high brow without passing 'GO' and not collecting $200.

    What a time to be alive. Desu cookie or not, I will only abide when they get to King Ghidora/big bird and all the other mashups to be made from these trite mixers.
  4. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    Mr. Snuffleupagus Taigan
    Elmo Jet Jaguar
    Oscar the Grouch Guilala
    gatiio likes this.
  5. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    oh, man! as i am named like the famous grouch and gold statue, I was a sucker for the use of the name on toys, etc... up until my 14th bday. That said, men-children should really grow up out of just these bootlegs and into more diverse references.

    The never-ending cycle of boots as Ive seen it in my 30odd yrs on this earth; cartoons>animals>foods>monsters>Starwars>repeat. just add games and comics/hip-hop at leisure to that winner list of bootlegable things
  6. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    VVC spot the bootleg challenge. Boot or not boot? The stamps on the feet look a bit weak to me, but i'm no expert (i'm pretty sure the stamps on my DX are clear and fairly deep, but i suppose this would differ between runs?).




  7. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Pretty sure it’s real. They have been selling legit stuff for a bit now.
    Alebrije and The Moog like this.
  8. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Indeed, this is just the first unpainted one I've seen them list for a while.

    Nice price, eh?
  9. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    They sell some old ones that make me even question it I sold them blank. So I do question it. I just know many gifts I’ve given to people are usually sold in the end. So most likely this was a gift that someone sold to someone in Asia, which they are selling on here.
    Alebrije and The Moog like this.
  10. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Must be impossible to keep tally of everything ...

    I did think the vinyl looked glossier than some of those boots I've seen online. Then i thought, could someone spray a clear coat on inferior vinyl to make it look more legit?
  11. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    And prices, they go
    I’ve had two bootlegs now. Both are super weird and brittle.
    Alebrije and The Moog like this.
  12. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    above 6 eyes is real. foot stamps are on point, both attempts from the bootlegger on the stamps is a easy sign to tell real from fake.

    my guess is this was a gift, or it was constructed by the mixed parts. I have a pink ghoul head from my mixed part pull.
    animator, The Moog and useless toys like this.
  13. deafmetal

    deafmetal Comment King

    Bootleg warning:

    SpectralNight, Alebrije and The Moog like this.
  14. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Friend of mine got one in the mail recently in several broken pieces. It was packaged very poorly. They sent an email about it and got an instant response saying they would send another out the very next day and that they package them totally differently now. So I would assume it is has happened plenty of times.

    Hollow resin + poor packaging + large size = utter disaster.
  15. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

    You vs. the guy she tells you not to worry about:
  16. deafmetal

    deafmetal Comment King

  17. Radin

    Radin Toy Prince

    The image above on the right is a figure recently sold on Mandarake and was noted as being fake shortly after is was sold (last week).
    hellointerloper and The Moog like this.
  18. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Fake looks better than legit! :shock:
    Patrickg2k likes this.
  19. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Ahhhh I see, if it’s raised it’s fake then?
    The Moog likes this.
  20. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    I wonder if akamentishi ever gave Gabriel Marquez proper credit for swag jacking the shincookie design.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
    Patrickg2k likes this.
  21. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    I’ve thought about DMing Gabrielle and asking him if he’s even aware Of it and what their situation is.
    3wing and Patrickg2k like this.
  22. nicholasfung

    nicholasfung Toy Prince

  23. ButcherBrand

    ButcherBrand Addicted

  24. deafmetal

    deafmetal Comment King

  25. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Fire up the BBQ!
    hellointerloper and ButcherBrand like this.

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