Sci-fi films

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ultrakaiju, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    Oh, hadn't heard of High-Rise. May check that out, 'cause I'm interested in Ballard, but I don't really read anymore. Thematically, it sounds like it may be on similar ground as Snowpiercer, a film I'm sure you guys have talked about in this thread. It was great, of course, but it's also when I realized Tilda Swinton was an AMAZING actress (probably late to the party, there). Hers was really one of my favorite characterizations in film in recent years.
  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    @Odibex Both films certainly fall into the depicted dystopia sub-genre, sure, and both literally compartmentalize the classes depicted, heh, so decent call. Seems I'm in the minority here in thinking that Snowpiercer was a spectacular piece of cinema, certainly one of the best that year in any genre, so I'm pleased to learn that there's at least one other boardie out there that shares some of my enthusiasm for Joon-Ho's claustrophobic epic.

    I just learned that his next film is being distributed by Netflix. Hopefully they'll treat him better than the Weinstein's did.
  3. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    I actually saw your guys' discussion of Snowpiercer in the Horror thread recently. I think it was kind of a polarizing film, but I don't see how anyone could think it bad. Probably going to watch High-Rise pretty soon, I'll post if I observe any particular parallels.

    And, yeah, I don't get why executives have to chop things up. It's not exactly like the movie was gonna have mass appeal anyway, so why dick over the actual audience? Ugh.

    Looks like Swinton's going to be in that next picture, too. Awesome.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  4. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Somehow went to Star Trek Beyond yesterday even though I hated the first two movies (went with friends, excuse to get out of the house, basically). Just to say that it was, if possible, even worse than the first two reboots. Such terrible comic-book dialogues! The. Same. Tropes. Again. And. Again. Plus of course all the small sci-fi detail inconsistencies (does Kirk really have to ask Uhura to flip four switches before he can address the whole crew? We can do better with current technology! And yet these guys build mega-structures in outer space in the space of a few years!).
  5. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I must say, I am surprised to hear that. In that, I am expecting it to be an absolute crapfest, but wow, being worse than the first reboot and the horrible, horrible Khan remake? Now that is saying something. :lol: Was there less lens flare in the very least, sans Abrams? Come on, I am trying to find some justifiable positive for this movie. But people like them, so what can you do? I mean, really, what would you have watched instead right now, Suicide Squad? :? Rough summer for movies, that is for darned sure.
  6. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    ^^ I have to say that Beyond had one redeeming quality. The "rap" scene was not Kirk being a douche to the Beastie Boys, but was instead the badass alien being resourceful to Public Enemy. Scotty remarks on the music, and I think the alien woman said "I like the beats and the shouting."

    I like the Beastie Boys, but PE > BB
  7. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Ugh. I need to forget that movie.

    Here's something that was great back in the day but probably hasn't aged well.

  8. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    Was he putting reverb and effects on his voice first? :lol: Is he like the Great Oz?
    I adore the Beasties, too, but I'd say that's pretty much a given.
  9. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    Didn't like Star Trek either.
    There was no trekking amongst the stars.
    There were plot holes.
    There was bullshit.
    There was once again a villain with a not really comprehensible or relatable motivation.
    But worst of all: It was not very entertaining let alone exciting.

    Edit: I just noticed (reading my last sentence above) that I do not even expect a Star Trek movie to be smart or thought-provoking anymore.
    Kind of sad.
  10. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    That movie aged beautifully. The special effects and acting were fantastic and at it's core it was about tolerance and love and getting past the idea of hating people just for being different which never gets old. In this political climate the world could use a little more Enemy Mine.
    petitetoilonrouge likes this.
  11. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

  12. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    Perfectly put.
    One of the greatest statements for tolerance I ever saw!
  13. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    High-Rise has made its way to Netflix. Hope to squeeze it in some time this week.
  14. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Some solid viral re-marketing
    boon velvet likes this.
  15. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Every Tuesday, I look at what's playing and decide whether I'll go to the movies or not. I haven't been in months, but am excited about a few things that are coming, namely this and the Arrival!

    (Also just noticing I pretty much only come to Skullbrain to look at whether something's been posted in this thread these days.)
  16. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Whatever you think about SJ being in the movie, this is one kick-ass trailer. And for the first time in forever, no BRAAAAAM (TM)!
    The Moog likes this.
  17. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    ^^ what's BRAAAAAM?
  18. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

  19. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

  20. Lttr Prssd

    Lttr Prssd Comment King

    I love me some BRAAAAAAAAAAMM!
  21. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    After a long hiatus, there are some exciting scifi movies coming up... And it's all starting with The Arrival!

    Without spoiling anything, if you enjoyed Contact, Solaris, or 2001, you'll love this as well. If anything, their influence is a little too obvious. Still thinking about it the day after! There's a great interview with the scriptwriter on Vox (to read after you've watched the movie!) :

    Next: Passengers, Ghost in the Shell, Rogue One...
  22. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Helping along the pre-hype:

    "From Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij, the visionary filmmakers behind Sound of My Voice and The East, comes a powerful, mind-bending tale about identity, human connection and the borders between life and death. The Netflix original series The OA is an odyssey in eight chapters produced in partnership with Plan B Entertainment, Netflix and Anonymous Content. The groundbreaking series offers audiences a singular experience that upends notions about what long-format stories can be."
    I've professed my love for Sound of My Voice here before, was plenty pleased with The East, and would also call myself a fan of the other film that Marling co-wrote and starred in, Another Earth. On the strength of what she and Batmanglij have come up with in the past, I have nothing but the highest hopes for this upcoming series, and would go as far as to say that it's one of the best chances we've got at some new and true Speculative Fiction, as opposed to the mountains of SF-flavored action that is the occasionally welcome norm. It's nice to be excited without reservation for once.

    Reminds - Hey, @ultrakaiju! What do you think about maybe changing the thread title to be more inclusive of the many ways in which we get our visual SF kicks?
  23. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    I somehow didn't see the OA as scifi... It was fun, mind you... Curious to see whether it'll be renewed or not.

    I've started watching Other Space, available for free on Yahoo (I KNOW!) - it's hilarious, I strongly recommend it! And apparently Paul Feig's pushing for a lot of views so that they can make a second season...
    blakewest likes this.
  24. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    A friend of mine here was underwhelmed by Arrival. I doubt that the following video piece will change his mind, but it does do a good job of getting at much of what I found to be pretty special about the picture:

    In case you haven't had a look at Arrival yet, be sure to skip my above share.

    Oh, and check out the film itself on the biggest, fattest screen that you can find!
    Grindingmachete likes this.
  25. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Here it comes.....
    drybones69 and Grindingmachete like this.

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