MVH Doji San and DX Sludge Demons

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Rich, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. smurph

    smurph Comment King

  2. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    Holy shit, that pentagram eye is SWEET
  3. HardDragon

    HardDragon Toy Prince

    Thanks man! Yea it’s def a looker. I know rich likes to use different eyes when he does This one is one of my faves as far as doji goes. I believe one of the first painted zugs also had a pentagram eye!
  4. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Had it in my cart for the first time (maybe second?) in history of checking out of MVH online shop. It was quite frustrating while filling out the name address email information as the font color was white just like the back ground. Anyone else had that problem? I'm going to crawl under my bed now and cry, lol :cry: Congrats to those that were quick enough to grab one.
  5. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Yeah I struck out too, while hitting the final payment button on PayPal. I don't even care I'm too old to duke it out over sofubi anymore. Rich hit me up if you feel like it. Otherwise oh fucking well. I got pho to eat. I can't stress over this shit. Congrats on the release, they looked beautiful Rich!
    animator likes this.
  6. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Same here while hitting to go to the final payment. From Rich's Instagram the system may have it allowed to over sold. Need a better cart system. Should at least let the people that get it in to the cart to hold the items for a few minutes instead of letting who can check out and pay the fastest. I couldn't see my text because it was white like the background so I had to highlight the text to make sure I typed my info correctly.
  7. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    It's just Rich has become such a huge deal, there are so many people to please. He is just HUGE. Too huge for me. I live this scene, I've talked to Rich, many on here have met him and know him. We follow every move and have since day
    one.......................................and have to duke it out with 1,000 flippers and hype chasers. It's just stupid, it's unreasonably frustrating, and it's reality. Shitty reality.

    Edit: I just saw the shitstorm on instragram. What a fucking mess. You know what though? I don't even understand wanting to do a release like this. When there isn't enough to go around the family eats first! All I'm saying. I'm sorry I love you Rich, but I've been excited all week, watching you cut flashing, seeing teases. I'm on the mailing list, on Instagram following MVH, Im there on time refreshing on release day. I mean I did/do everything right. Im about it 1,000%, you know who I am....and I get nothing. Always nothing. What else do you want From me my first born? Like seriously why try? It's a sure bet to lose. I can't think of a more sure bet....and that makes me so sad. One question. Are you guys having fun? This is not even close to fun for me.

    I was really excited for the new smog monster too, but I'm done with that shit too. You can't have my hopes. Never again. Q-out. Fuck. the. bullshit.

    Edit! Just saw that now PayPal froze Rich's account and people can't get refunds until sorted. You really need to refund everyone and do this over man. This is SO shitty.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
  8. carlisle60

    carlisle60 Addicted

    This happened to me with UMMIKKO. He offered to make it up to those oversold by giving them a chance at a future release. ( But I didn't get a offer on the Lunar Koningu ?? ). Hope this doesn't happen to me a second time ... sigh.
  9. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    @quentor - I'm having fun. Try to enjoy the few MVH pieces you do have. I don't have many, but what I have I love! :D
    @carlisle60 - I was one of the lucky few that didn't get refunded by Ummikko. I do remember him offering those that he oversold he would give them a chance for the next release. That sucks the Lunar Koningu wasn't offer to you. Maybe next release?
    wingnut0 and zindabad like this.
  10. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    @chimply.kaiju that's solid advice. What I have I love. I just feel like such a sucker every time I fall for it. I don't like playing games you can't win. It just seems every release Rich has ends up so gaddamn stressful, for him and for us. I mean it's not just a toy it's the rebirth if the doji. It's a big deal for us fans. I'm not mad, but it it's SAD. We don't get one? Come here Rich, sell to us where it's orange and warm. Skullbrain rules, basic bitches drool.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
  11. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    For you to say to refund everyone and start over isn’t fair to those that scored. Just because you didn’t, doesn’t justify a do over. That’s just silly. He’ll refund those that need refunded and move on. He’s already said he didn’t realize the site changed. With each release, he does try to make it better. Lessons learned and you move forward.

    Embrace what you have and don’t dwell on what you don’t.
  12. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    You need to chill dude. I've seen you seriously flip out on Rich before and end up trying to apologize again and again afterwards. Maybe stop yourself from repeating that cycle again? If I recall he even hooked you up personally before and ended up regretting it because of this exact same reaction. Everyone misses out. Most people take it with a grain of salt and try again some other time instead of lashing out at the guy who goes above and beyond to give everyone multiple ways to grab a piece.

    It's not complicated. There isn't enough stock for the amount of people who want the toys so people will miss out. That's just how it works. MVH does lotteries and shop drops and his own vault drops and even the occasional totally open pre-order. That is more than anyone should expect from a one man show type of artist. He even said that ANYONE who wants the first drop of the smog monster will get one. The sky isn't falling. You missed out on a TOY that will be released in many more versions for YEARS to come. Burning bridges with toy makers because you didn't get lucky is just silly.
    kelvin goh, Vinyl Skin, Rich and 6 others like this.
  13. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    Seems like somebody has enough sour grapes to make whine.
  14. carlisle60

    carlisle60 Addicted

    Just got my refund on the ghost set ... Oh well. Hope this doesn't happen to me a third time :razz:
    Thanks for the chance Rich and fingers crossed for the next Doji San 2.0 release ( hoping for a " revenge of junk food " version :D )..
    Rich likes this.
  15. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Don't know if quoting for posterity works anymore, but worth a shot (in b4 the next edit in 3…2…1).

    I'd suggest stepping away from the keyboard and eating your pho.
    Think a lot of people got disappointed/frustrated tonight, but you don't see them coming on here ranting and raving about it... and all that entitled talk is played the f out.

    They're just toys dude. Lick your wounds and hope for better next time or don't. If it's "not even close to fun" for you then maybe time to move on...
  16. HONGXI

    HONGXI Fresh Meat

    Soooo happy can scored Doji and Nobu Nagi Marble Set.
  17. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I missed it... you blink and it's gone. :(
    Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to attend one of Rich's solo shows at DV, I think that's truly my only real shot at ever getting my first MVH.
    Headhunter likes this.
  18. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    ^but this guy gets one. Lol!!! I don't need to preserve my reputation and I don't care if I burn Bridges. I can't take how everyone kisses his ass just so they can maybe score in the future. Say what you mean. It WAS Rich's fault, that what I think. Have your big cartel in order, have your shit together. Own it. Oh I pissed you off? This pissed me off. I'm the only one with the balls to say because I don't fear losing my reputation with Rich. I have no relationship with Rich. I dont need a relationship where I have to say the right thing or risk losing a toy opportunity. Truth is I've never won a lotto or shop drop. Rich reached out back in the day and got me something because of that fact, but I don't want handouts, I want to not waste my time anymore on these nights of bullshit. I want him to fix how he sells his toys. Get a fucking system where you can hold it in your cart and its secured. Or hold lottos and pick some names you know like everyone else does. I'm not entitled to shit, I'm not whining, I'm being practical. What is a mailing list for if it's of no benefit? Make fucking sense Jesus Christ. You can't even get your core fans what they need, you have no vinyl, you can't find your molds, and then open a release to everyone and all I see is flippers and newbs saying they got one. Then I'm supposed to hug you when it goes haywire? I'm SO GLAD I didn't score tonight. I enjoy the older pieces, but yes, its time for me to move on from this "brand" that puts out no toys to anyone but eckotyper. This was most definitely a deciding drop for me. Every single thing I collect is more fun. I'm so relieved I never have to worry about this shit again. I'm free. Expect no apologies later on.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
    eckotyper likes this.
  19. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

  20. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    I don’t think anyone is wanting an apology. They just don’t want to read a wall of text EVERY SINGLE TIME this happens. You say you don’t accept handouts. Did you take what he offered? I think so. He already said that he hasn’t used his site and didn’t realize the change. What more do you want from the man?! To cherry pick? How fucking fair is that?!? This isn’t about being fair for you, it’s about entitlement. We get it, you didn’t score, but yet you didn’t even make it to the oversell either to even complain about getting a refund.. I don’t know man.. I think you need to just walk away for while.
    kelvin goh, smurph and Waterbear like this.
  21. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    So are you moving any sludge demons then?

    Another one bites the dust...
    HardDragon and melter skelter like this.
  22. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    Your Pho is probably getting cold.....
  23. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Take a deep breath, at the end of the day they're just toys... There are so many other things that could go wrong in life. :?
    quentor and zindabad like this.
  24. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    It's NOT entitlement. I dont know why you always throw that at me. Tonight was a shit show. Not my shit show, Rich's.

    I know I'm not entitled. I just think this whole thing is so fucking stupid. You said it, it's just toys. NOT CRACK. Don't blink! Fuck you
  25. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Why do you need mine? Why don't you just go ask Rich?

    @foto junkaay yes I am suggesting cherry picking. What is fair about random? If I own a food stand and the same guy is there every day, first in line, day in and day out, I'm going to give him my freshest food because he is loyal. You think Pushead fucks around? He will sell to whoever he wants. HxS? Same. Heck I acquired my whole Mirock collection off of won lotteries. You think it's all luck? No, I keep winning because I praise them on Instagram, write to them, love them, and they know me. They reward dedication. It has to suck for Rich but I can't swim with the hype sharks. I do love his work, but if I can't even have ANY of his work its over already. I feel dumb continuing this dream that will never come true. Thx for the few good years Rich it was fun when it was fun.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018

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