Marusan Checklist

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by bonemask, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    The thread will be mixed with Marusan reissue and vintage information i found, i have some books and pictures but i dont know much about them please share information with us~ ;)

    Marusan Ultra Kaiju Series Checklist
    name can be find here:

    Alebrije and gomora63 like this.
  2. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    gomora63 likes this.
  3. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    Alebrije, gomora63 and Headhunter like this.
  4. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    other series coming soon.
  5. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    other series coming soon.
  6. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    other series coming soon.
  7. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    other series coming soon.
  8. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    2011 Anniversary Lucky Bag Dinos and tortoise (reissues):

  9. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    2011 Pink Hedorah Trio:


    Somewhat of a snooze compared to the rainbow sets
  10. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    In person the colors are actually a lot more distinct from eachother. I like what they are doing with these 3 shades sets.
  11. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I've got an original of that Brontosaurus, I will try and snap a pic to add. I am stil trying to track down one of those Ultra-Ace guys too, I would love to find the clear version, but would easily settle for another.
  12. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Is it just my computer or did you post the same thing over and over 6 times?
  13. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    i think ricky does that to reserve space for each series so that they all appear separately but at the top of the thread. hasn't he done that in other catalog-type threads? i'm glad for these scans even though they're torture.
  14. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Exactly - and personally I love it. Photos nicely organized in a thread - what's not to like?
  15. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    I dunno...I'm kinda meh on these pink sets. I was obviously tempted by the Mechagodzilla pinkies that just came out, but I don't really see how they fit in with the ROYGBIV sets. Plus, have you seen the prices??? You get three toys instead of seven...but the prices sure don't reflect that. :|
  16. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    I got this nice little Marusan piece as a gift this month:

  17. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    Ya, where the Rainbow sets are a great deal the 3 packs are kinda a for the hardcores type of set. Still dig 'em.
  18. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    And now you have those metallic rubbed ones (bronze, silver, gold) for Ultraman and Godzilla...
  19. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    Marusan Tigermask Series Checklist updated. something very cool will be upload next.
  20. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    I like the 3 shades of red, but I'm more interested in the Mechagozilla ones.
    Wondering how far they will take the line, blue or green next?
  21. bonemask

    bonemask Addicted

    finally have time to update the list, vintage part added
  22. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    awesome, thanks!
  23. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Trying to contain my excitement as I post this, and I'm sure it's just me misreading the info, BUT is Marusan reissuing some of those originals? Specifically the Giant Ragon Giant Bakura, Angoras, and Garugon all seen is the last photo. It says Kaijyu Shinbun Reprint. Does that mean they'll be making them again?
  24. Kingboy D

    Kingboy D Comment King

    My thoughts exactly. I would KILL for the green two-headed Gomora dude. Jim M. knows this. That's why he never invited me over. ;) (Of course, living in the total opposite corner of the country doesn't help either.)

    But can someone please clarify (translate)????
  25. Kingboy D

    Kingboy D Comment King

    You sure that's by Marusan? I don't think they ever made Getter 3 (or any other super robots).


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