Hurricane Sandy relief

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Dj Will Ross, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. Dj Will Ross

    Dj Will Ross Addicted

    This is for everyone who suffered any kind of loss in the recent hurricane weather. I live in Long Beach, NY and my entire City looks like a war zone. I received a very fortunate phone call from a fellow SB member, and it honestly saved my ass. Paul, Jannette and her family, and Matt.....I am forever in your debt. In so many words .....Skullbrain was my life boat. My girlfriend and I are so grateful for the help, I can't even tell you guys how lucky we are right now. Most of what I lost can be replaced in time. I am happy to say that my sofubi collection is safe in the trunk of my car. A box full of 40 cadaver kids and all my PK stuff. I will probably be selling off some of my other kaiju that I am not attatched to......who knows......I am in shock right now.
  2. dago

    dago Comment King

    Sorry this happen to you DJ Will, hope things get better out there.
    Be glad that you and your love ones are safe. Anything else can be replaced.
    Take care
  3. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Really sorry to hear that. And I pass on my thanks to those who have helped you and others out. So glad there is still some good in this community of ours. Hope the recovery can get under way for you soon.
  4. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Very sad news. and unbelievable seeing the damage in Long Beach. But I'm glad you guys are ok.
  5. Dj Will Ross

    Dj Will Ross Addicted

    Thanks for the kind words guys. So much devastation everywhere.......I don't know where to start. I am fortunate to be warm and healthy with great people and my Lady beside me. I really can't ask for much more.
  6. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    Fuck man. Glad your ok.
  7. deadboy

    deadboy Comment King

    my thoughts with those whose pleas for help are not being heard. Conditions are quickly plummeting, starvation, looting, diseaseā€¦ but the marathon must go on

    Another failure for Americas disaster relief.
  8. pyroatheart1.3

    pyroatheart1.3 Addicted

    Plus some stupid concert in central park.... Instead of a concert go out and Be on the front lines... With food, water and supplies...

    Many celebs have homes in long beach ny... Joan Jet, Billy Crystal etc... Not one has been heard from.. They have enough Money and fame to help..
    :roll: :roll:
  9. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    Yeah, bad timing imo for a benefit concert, good idea, but do that later.

    (insert artist and their band members) they should get their master cards, amex's, visas, whatever...hit up a super walmart or target, fill one moving truck with water, another food, another clothing/blankets/shoes etc..

    then hit NJ and NY with aide w/o some venue taking money off the top for hosting a benefit concert, while the masses wait weeks for the $$$ from said event to trickle down to them.
  10. deadboy

    deadboy Comment King

    Marathon has just been cancelled. Bloomberg must have read my post
  11. Dj Will Ross

    Dj Will Ross Addicted

    Seriously.....these people have no shame. Those with more than enough to spare should be pitching in, especially when it is in their own home town. Thank god for Paul and Janettes family stepping up to help us out. They are like our guardian angels.
    On another note my asshole landlord called me asking when I was going to pay this months rent. I wanted to jump through the phone and choke him. Dood has some nerve asking me to give him the only money I have left.
    We signed up online for assistance from FEMA, we got our application in so fast that we are one of the first cases to be taken on in Long Beach NY. hopefully all goes well and we get some money to look for a new apartment and start over. Fingers crossed and prayers have been said.
    Thank you all for your kind words in our time of need. Means more than I can tell you.

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