Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    Reminds me of the time in Elementary school when my nemesis sat on a nice and sharp #2 pencil someone jammed into his desk seat. I guess it broke off in his ass cheek. Everyone blamed me the next day, and I WASN'T EVEN THERE. I was out sick! I said "Maybe because he's a jerk? But it wasn't me..." Then in junior high metal shop some kid buffed up a nickle real hot on the buffer and dropped it down another kit's plumber crack. He swiftly received a sharp #2 through the face cheek for his stupid action. In the prison-yard of the lower grades, the #2 pencil was the shank of choice.
  2. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

  3. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Paulkaiju, The Moog and debparis like this.
  4. Brooklyn_Vinyl

    Brooklyn_Vinyl Line of Credit

    John Wick would be proud.
    chimmychazz likes this.
  5. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

  6. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    There was a RxH mini Oni Kid that sold for like $400 on mandarake...X10 what I’m willing to pay :roll:
    MoonspellxRites and The Moog like this.
  7. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    That's the problem, too many people are willing to pay. Still, pretty soon i will be able to sell my shelves of mini fortune neko and buy that Yacht and Lamborghini i always thought I deserved . . .
  8. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    I really don’t know if this is the right thread, or if it should be in the An actual sentence thread, but whatever...

    I go into Starbucks, order, they ask my name, I respond Ed, an odd look comes across the cashiers face, so I repeat Ed but slower and a little louder, I then get the look of death from said cashier and girl counting tips next to her. I then proceed to explain that I thought that she didn’t catch my name, I’ve actually had people ask me spell it before. They then tell me the face was made because of something a coworker just said to them, oh okay, and I’m supposed to know that when you never once turned your heads to acknowledge that coworker. I then proceeded to apologize too many times in my opinion, and then get a no it’s cool etc, and then a louder have a nice day aka you are dismissed.

    If you know me or have witnessed me in action at a show or whatever then you know I’m a little on the loud side and can come off as abrasive, but one thing I don’t do is fuck with people handling my food, I dated enough girls in the restaurant business when I was younger, and have heard all the horror stories.

    So basically after reading what I just wrote, this is the exact thread this story belongs in.

    Fuck you to shitty Starbucks cashiers.

  9. MoonspellxRites

    MoonspellxRites Addicted

    i go to the same god damn starbucks every single day. except mondays. five employees have quit in the past month so theres a lot of new faces. a couple weeks ago a new cashier took my order and a new barista made my drink. they got it wrong, no biggie. i was like hey this should have soy milk in it, she looked at me like i spat on her and was like “well who took your order?” i dont know.. why does that matter, i know what i drink? “well soy is an additional charge so id like to know who took the order” soy is an extra $0.60 i will gladly pay it if she didnt charge me. the manager than comes up and is like, hes here every damn day remake his drink properly. i swear i have never felt so heated about something as simple as coffee! also i wanna point out that i tip as close to 50% never less than 25% almost wherever i eat or drink. very bad habit. my drink every damn day is 5.35 for a latte or 3.25 for an iced coffee. i always tip $2-3 and i was damn shocked that she was treating me like i was trying to steal fucking soy milk.

    sorry that was a long one LOL
  10. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    I get almond milk or coconut milk if they have it :D
    MoonspellxRites likes this.
  11. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Neither one of those are milk. Those are juice or water. Milk comes out of a teat.
  12. MoonspellxRites

    MoonspellxRites Addicted

    soy bean teet
    foto junkaay likes this.
  13. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    Udder Pus.
  14. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

  15. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    you know what they say

    milk milk lemonade

    around the corner fudge is made
    MoonspellxRites likes this.
  16. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I think that's a different kind of 'milk'...
  17. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

  18. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    A big FuuuuuuuCK you, to the penis face that stole my bag at Denver Zine fest. Hope you like my cigarettes and drawing pens.
  19. zindabad

    zindabad Line of Credit

    Folks who are loud on public transit should be made to sit on the roof
  20. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Because a 'like' just is not enough for this comment. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    patrickvaz and Bob like this.
  21. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    I'm going to start knocking peoples phones out of their fucking hands. So sick of people and their dumb phone shit.
    ungawa222, smurph, bunnyboy and 3 others like this.
  22. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    I'm seeing people with "Phantom phone hand" when they don't have a phone in it.
    Fuck flailing-phone people who show up at the rink with a whole wardrobe of silly "look at me and what I did!" clothes who can't EVEN SKATE.
    Fuck the sugar babies who sit in front of you at an expensive concert you waited a year to see, snapping me-me- pics the whole fucking show. Leave em' at home Daddy.They don't care about your Fossil Fart rock band.
    Also the people with the booger smeared lenses trying to capture the show like they will ever watch the snot-distorted special moment again.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019
  23. patrickvaz

    patrickvaz Addicted

    Real talk, Sugar Babies are one of my favorite candies of all time!
    hellopike likes this.
  24. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    Last year I got the best tickets I could get for one of my favorite bands, Behemoth. There were 5 of them and it included stage access for the concert. There was this old lady who kept doing selfie photos, throwing up the horns, shouting "WOOOOOOO" every 5 seconds, and this is a smalllllll space shared with the sound guy and band equipment. She was utterly incapable of thinking that her way of enjoying the show can literally ruin other people's experiences. She just didn't care. It's what defined her as a person, as she showed me the TONS of awkward photos with various bands for VIP tickets she bought. She took a perfect night and put just enough crap on it to make me remember her.

    After the show, she starts to go out to grab the set list. My girlfriend runs out in front of her, ever the spry lass she is, and grabs it. To see her face change from excitement to surprise to horror to dejection almost gave me an erection. I know this set list would have just gone in the giant folder of set lists she has, just another scrap in her pile.

    Mine is going in a frame along with another set list my girlfriend took a few weeks earlier of one of my other favorite bands, Windhand.

    Fuck you.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019
  25. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    With all of that being said, I did record one song on video in its entirety when I went to see Slowdive a couple years ago. I do watch it regularly though. My son watches it too and is mesmerized by all the flashing lights because their light show was amazing. 8) Nowadays I only go to one or two concerts a year as opposed to once a month, so I always take a video to remind me of the show. I’m definitely not one of those people who holds my phone over my head the entire show.
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