Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Dang you, Nikki! I reeeaaally wanted that last chicken finger too. The enjoyment she gets from throwing stuff on the floor (especially while laughing) won't be cute forever. Friggin Birds. ;)

    Thankfully she's too small and scared of anything bigger than her. Otherwise :
  2. decypher

    decypher Comment King

    I don't have a fuck you, more like a fuck me. I was browsing ebay last night and stumbled upon a mint unopened, GID, M1 godzilla on tricycle for a reasonable and doable price. The art on the box was mint. I was going to jump out of bed and hit the buyout but thought it would be fine.

    Fast forward to this morning and the listing has ended and I do a search to find the very same toy listed for 1900 dollars.

    I'm so kaiju sad today. :|
    Purple Bat likes this.
  3. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    To make it worse (regarding my last fuck you) she keeps texting me with updates on her kids in the morning and evening. Like I'm supposed to care or something? I have an intense dislike for children. Hate to sound like a typical male but yeah sex was on my agenda not "my kids are animals, going to a park to wear the down, what are you up to?" People just don't get it, or refuse to. So fuck you again geez. I always respond with "Ohh I'm having fun on hater dater, these questions are a blast!"
  4. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    @Lixx It sounds like she is wanting to actually make an emotional connection with you again. I mean, why else would she bring up her kids? If you aren't into that, now would be a great time to nip it in the bud.
    Grindingmachete likes this.
  5. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    I'm sorry, but I have to respond to this and respectfully disagree....if for anything else, just to add a counterpoint (not flaming, trolling or anything).
    I like being married. We did the whole ceremony and reception not to prove loyalty or anything of that sort, but to celebrate and show the world how crazy we are about each other. My college sweetheart was able to put up with my toy-collecting, geeky ass through the years and still tolerates it!! We've been married for 11 years now and it's still great.

    Also, just more an FYI, but throwing a wedding doesn't immediately equal free gifts. We shelled a decent amount of money on the various aspects of the wedding so we could have a decent party. I'm sure this is all a given and wedding sizes and tastes obviously vary, but it was worth mentioning.

    But that's just my opinion. :mrgreen:


    Since I'm here....F-you weird-ass window frames! The windows are extra wide in the window frame (I have no idea on window terminology) preventing me from installing these stop guards I got for child-proofing. Now it's back to Amazon for a different solution and wading through all those user reviews. Ugh. They're like 40% helpful and 60% stupid usually.

    Side-note: Please look up the banana slicer reviews if you haven't already. Good stuff!
  6. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    I love hearing this Tim! But I'm a hopeless romantic. I love being married too.
    Anyways too much positivity for the FU thread, blech!
    Back to fucking shit! ;)
    itsa_mia, boon velvet, FUREEK and 2 others like this.
  7. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    Fuck the fuck you thread, it seems like this is the only place people post anymore. This is a toy forum after all. :/
    leili, ultrakaiju, itsa_mia and 5 others like this.
  8. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    Agreed. That's why I threw that window bit in.
    noeleaser likes this.
  9. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    I love hearing all of this.. I'm proposing to my significant other this upcoming weekend... SHHHHH!!!!
  10. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Big FU shout-out to Flickr.

    Just spent about 20 min trying to figure out how to link a pic from the "new and improved" Flickr on mobile. Guaranteed I won't remember the multiple steps taken to finally have success. Used to be easy peezy... now beyond complicated to find the SB-friendly pic URL.

    Why does everytime a website/app/platform get "upgraded" it feels like 3 steps backward? Clearly in the tech world the ol' "if ain't broke don't fix it" mantra isn't even an afterthought :(
    hellointerloper and patrickvaz like this.
  11. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    It's like every damn web company has forgotten that old saying and completely fucks things up by "revamping" everything.

    No, you didn't make things easier to use and more intuitive, you made it so everyone has to relearn your entire damn website!
    Headhunter likes this.
  12. Vinyl Skin

    Vinyl Skin Toy Prince

    @Maddie That's just yet another fine shining example of non-intuitive revamping... which is really planned obsolescence. So F that!
    hellointerloper and smurph like this.
  13. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Bingo. Not to mention often times removing key features that made the app/platform so great in the first place. I know @Lixx can relate as we both mourned the loss of iTunes 10 (still the best version to date).

    Don't get me started on Instagram's slow descent downhill as it continues to ape the features that somehow made Snapchat a success...

    Turned mobile app auto-updates off years ago after noticing the clear trend of them almost never being for the better. Typically each "improvement" basically means more ads, data use & battery consumption. Eventually the fear of security flaws will force my hand to update and 95% of the time immediately regret doing so.

    But like it or not, this is the way things are. Change isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the trends in tech aren't what I'd call "progress" by any stretch of the imagination. But who cares about the user anyway? It's all about keeping those almighty shareholders happy.
    /end rant
    hellointerloper and Vinyl Skin like this.
  14. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    You guys sound like this progress is all for the worse. It's also not linear progress, things get time and many trials to land somewhere most users are happy and canine good use of the product.

    It's change, it happens. Try to adapt to see if it works for you and if not find another host or thing to use and come back to it later if you want.
  15. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    I personally think marriage isn't what it once was. For sure there is anomalies to this. but for a high percentage... it seems like a for the moment type deal, before the fighting and divorce and what not... Whats sad with the world today is they quickly get a taste and look that " There's better out there..." and flee toward it, some don't hold onto those vows, and understand that making it together through the storm helps to advance as a couple. Too many want to jump ship at first sight of rocky waters. Looking at both sets of my grandparents, and mom and dad... I can tell you not any of these 3 relationships were easy, All had decent size obstacles to endure. some halfs of those parties are what brought the obstacles for sure, but in the end of it seeing all 3 of these relationships still in tact, still flourishing is amazing. that's actually rare now, and its sad in my eyes.
  16. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    FUCK YOU ALLERGIES. That is all
    leili likes this.
  17. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    ^ I don't have allergies but yeah FUCK YOU pollen aka Demon Dust! It's so bad here with pollen that even with my window shut I had to take canned air and blast out my iMac because its getting in every nook an cranny. All of sudden shit was not working on my computer. The other day my brother in law had to blast out a door knob/ lock because it stopped working because of pollen. Every day I get a leaf blower out and blast my car before driving. Oak trees are the worst offenders- pollen and fronds.
  18. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Fuck people that don't give a shit when you go out of your way to be there for them, just because you're not the person they want attention from. At least I'm doin' more than they are as a friend while you're passively begging for them to notice you and your problems.
  19. Vinyl Skin

    Vinyl Skin Toy Prince

    You nailed it Robert!
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  20. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    Never regret being there for someone Robert, trust in knowing that all you do in time returns to you, usually in ways that go unnoticed

    Some measure their existence by their problems though. Just be careful not to go down the rabbit hole.

    Unless that particular rabbit gives you back equal what you have to give, always keep in mind Trix rot your teeth.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  21. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Thank you, @Vinyl Skin and @kichigai.

    I certainly don't regret being there for people, it's one of the few things about myself I feel I'm actually good at. It's just very, very discouraging to my self worth when people make you feel like the effort is completely unnoticed/unappreciated. Especially when someone can make you feel like you're not as important as someone that doesn't give a shit about them to begin with. That may be a bit heavy and too personal, but it's the best way I can put it mildly.
  22. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    @xSuicide Squadx exactly how I feel some days, but then I remember that those days have an ending to them. Sometimes it's hard not to feel some type of resentment, but at the end of the day, we choose to be who we are and we're not half bad :)
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  23. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @foto junkaay Tomorrow certainly is a new day, and I'm not dead or dying just yet. :lol: Thank you for your words. You're very much so one of the good ones!!! :o
    foto junkaay likes this.
  24. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    Fuck my air conditioner, which blew out the fan or something and spewed blue smoke into my apartment. Lucky it's not full summer yet here in Texas. Fingers crossed the building management can fix it tomorrow. :x

    An while I'm at it, fuck Donald Trump.
    Grindingmachete and wingnut0 like this.
  25. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    I would probably have to go to a doctor if I lived in that area. When spring roles around and the weather is nice and people are outside enjoying the day, all I see is pollen, sneezing and discomfort. I always love the end of the year because it makes me appreciate the time I have when i'm not stuffed up.
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