Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Well i can certainly elaborate somewhat. The problem is my trigger was from a handful of IG handles, it would take a while to present each case. Mainly i said chess to checkers and referring to their timelines.
    For the most, the guys that have been around whether we know them in person or not, we can get a sense of collecting style. Are you just hardcore to 1 or possibly more artists? Because some only collect literally one artist and that’s that. Some do 2-5. Some sprinkle a bit of everything. Their timelines reflect their style. So i can easily tell if you’re wreckless, or a hype beast etc just by scrolling down. The timeline doesn’t lie. Sure they can go back and delete now that they see this, but they can’t add ;). I’ve seen some collect highly sought after artists, in a quick turn around dump everything from those said artists only to now go to the next big thing. When the next big thing is wearing thin, they are now trying to backlog other artists to hopefully mind trick that they have always been a fan and collector of said artist, hoping to prove ye is worthy of lotto wins etc. they think they are playing chess with these “strategic moves”. It’s clear to see what’s going on by a simple scroll.
  2. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Ahhhhhhh, I totally see now. I appreciate the elaboration, @eckotyper! I am guilty of heavily posting and streamlining Splurrt/Secretoy on my timeline, but those are clearly not leaving my house. However, I too have seen a handful of accounts that’ll heavily collect the at - the - time heavy hitter, but once a new, “big dog” comes into play they sell off the previous high profiler collection to fun the current. I get that refining what you collect takes time and comes in waves, but those types of “collectors” make it very obvious they have no actual taste outside of what everyone else is chasing for recognition.
  3. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    again, no way would i even of put you in that category. i highly post my artists i collect too... yet i'm sure if you checked mine and i checked yours it's not a new trend. ;) i'm not pissed off or anything about the situation... i feel the FY thread if anything is a stress reliever, as you can come in here, voice your issue, and let it go.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
  4. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    FUCK. Nothing major, just missed a grail.
  5. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    Fuck You Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I am sure I've said it before, but cancer deserves it's own dedicated thread for throwing all of the frustration and anger which are only natural outcomes of a diagnosis.

    We are making strides daily though with new treatments and therapies, there is always positivity and hope to be found in research.
  7. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Hear Hear @kichigai and fuck you Nodular Predominant Lymphocyte cells and your malignancy- and for aiding my new abscess that formed over the weekend on my left thumbnail. Had to go to the emergency room for that one. My thumb knuckle up looks like a burnt purple hotdog off a grill! Here this is fun (emergency room prior to drain, next day after drain):

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I love to have to change dressings all the time wondering if I'm losing my thumb (much sarcasm)

    And a special fuck you to Pennsylvania for hand tying my insurance thus denying me a neulasta shot post chemo every two weeks- despite my doctors pleas not to. Neulasta worked like a charm and stopped these horrible infections from delaying my treatments, Your alternative drug doesn't work, and forces me to come to hospital for 5 days straight! Just for a shot (that again did not prevent infections). I guess you'll pay one way or another at the expense of my health.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
  8. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Fuck cancer for sure. In September my 2 year old nephew was diagnosed with liver cancer.
    It’s been a cluster fuck for my family.
    I know the way I feel is rooted in love.
    For all y’all out there who’ve had too deal with, or lost some one to cancer, you have my love.
  9. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    I just passed a house on the way to work and they have a light-up Rudolph in their garden, with big antlers and an oversized flashing red nose.
    Its about 20 foot in the air so nobody can miss it. They are the only house in a very long street that has any decorations up.

    Its not even December yet, you massive twats . . . .
  10. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Fuck you to the piece of shit Uniqlo employee who felt the need to correct my pronounciation of Kaws, saying "no you mean 'Cows' " to which I had to reply "no no I mean KAWS". He then went into full cars salesman mode telling me "you want one of these Snoopy plush, it's the last four we have man, Cows is so cool you gotta have it. Have you seen the videos on instagram of people lining up for this stuff man?" - all I could say was "Yeah it's pretty fucked hey, so stupid. This new range is so lazy". He shut up and walked away after that.
    useless toys and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  11. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast


    Hell yeah, those Uniqlo Plush are the laziest shit i've ever seen. I have an old 'classic' snoopy plush that totally kicks their arse.
    Those KAWS versions look like they were made from some bobbly old towels . . . .
    badteethcomics likes this.
  12. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    To be fair @The Moog they did feel pretty soft - but $29.90 for a small plush and $59.90 for the large was a bit steep for a mass-produced plush toy
  13. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast


    I dunno mate, soft or not they don't look like proper plush to me. Or not what a plush collector would call plush . . . it looks like towelling. Regardless, I'm stunned that 'artists' can put X's on other people's characters and make money off it. Its just lazy and also really lame.
  14. sketchyhabits

    sketchyhabits Fresh Meat

    Fuck Dysfunctional family shit. Fuck how messed up we all are underlying how we try to get by
    hellointerloper and boon velvet like this.
  15. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    Be the best person you can be.

    Fuck the rest, family members included. Folks either add to your life or drain you. Sometimes family can be the worst culprits

    Stay strong!

    FUREEK and boon velvet like this.
  16. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Fuck my new neighbor across the street for allowing his dog to bark uncontrollably during all hours of the day and night. We had an issue with another neighbor who would leave their dog outside constantly and the dog will go crazy. I captured video footage for several weeks, submitted it all to the local police station and they actually followed up with a ticket and now the neighbors’ dog isn’t left outside all the time. Just as we got that issue all buttoned up, this new motherfucker moved in right next-door to them. Don’t you have any consideration for the people that live around you? In addition, he lives right on a heavily used bike path so when ever someone walks/rides passed, the dog goes berserk.

    Not only do inconsiderate neighbors come in the form of awful, trashy, meth-addicted assholes, motherfuckers that by half million dollar houses can be just as inconsiderate. I’m setting up my tripod as I speak to capture footage of this new shithead and his stupid dog. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!??
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
    smurph likes this.
  17. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Fuck you to the uber driver who ran through a red light and nailed my car. No injuries but there's a chance that my insurance will determine that my car is not repairable. I really, really didn't need to get another damn car to pay off. Ugh.
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Fuck healthcare.

    My health insurance plan is DROPPING ME. (Isn't that illegal or something?) I guess they weren't expecting a 27-year-old non-smoker and non-drinker with no family history of cancer or cardiac issues to see so many specialists in one year, but SURPRISE! I'm majorly fucked. And now I'm worried I'm going to have to switch all my doctors up in January, which is scaring me. My neurologist is brilliant and my migraines are finally being properly treated (my previous one didn't do definitive testing and prescribed my preventatives wrong), I still have three benign cysts I need cut out of the back of my head and my back by my dermatologist, I've been seeing the same psychiatrist for 9 years and would be devastated if I had to find a new one and start from scratch explaining every detail of my life that made me who I am today...
    Holy fuck am I scared.

    Another insurance issue. My family had a bit of an intervention with me and my psychiatrist and urged me to seek more help for my depression. They wanted me to do an inpatient or outpatient group therapy program, which I totally am not willing to do. No offense to anyone who has gotten help from those kinds of programs, but I personally think that shit is brainwashing psychobabble, similar to how I view inspirational quotes and motivational speakers. (Last time I participated in anything like that was in 2008 and I purposefully messed with the therapists... not going to lie.) I instead proposed that I guinea pig for a clinical trial at Yale so I can get an actual MEDICAL treatment instead of someone trying to pathetically bombard me with "positive thinking."
    Turns out that my insurance doesn't cover the test I want to undergo. This has a chance to potentially COMPLETELY CURE ME and it's not covered.
    Thanks, insurance. Thanks.

    I needed a refill for my birth control because if I'm not on an artificial hormone regimen, I bleed for 14 days and get super anemic. (I still get anemic anyway and need to be on iron supplements) Found out I had this problem back in 2010 when I became so dangerously anemic that I couldn't cross campus to my class without hyperventilating for oxygen, would pass out in bed when I returned back to my dorm, and eventually would sleep through alarms.
    Because I didn't see my OBGYN for a checkup, she denied my refill, nobody called me, and I showed up at Walgreens only to leave empty handed. I didn't want to see my OBGYN in the first place because last time I saw her she was really disrespectful towards me. I brought up a pretty common procedure to reduce bleeding, or even a hysterectomy, ANYTHING to stop the anemia. She basically flat out said no, I can't do anything that would affect my fertility, and it doesn't matter if I made the decision to have kids or not. I'm not old enough to choose. Pretty fucking sure that I know whether or not I want biological children by now. She also laughed at me, which pissed me off. Okay, I guess my womb is more important than my health.

    And depression sucks and that's why I disappeared again and fucking fuckity fuck fuck fucker fuck.

    -deep breath-

    F U C K .
    The Moog and boon velvet like this.
  19. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    ^ it doesn't feel right to "like" this, but by "like", I mean that I'm thinking about you.

    This will make you smile @hellointerloper -

    When you have a parrot, packing up raffle bags is an invitation to party. And I'm talking early 90's "that tv is going out the window" house party. God dang Nikki!

    As fast and precise as she removed those limbs, it's clear she was plotting from the shadows. Little psychopath.
    The Moog and hellointerloper like this.
  20. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    That poor guy didn't stand a chance! :lol: Little psychopath indeed... using her cuteness to feign innocence, then decapitating unsuspecting figurines. Nikki, you sly bird...

    Thanks for the support JP. It means a lot.
    Thankfully I have a new insurance plan queued up which should cover any future treatment (and if they try and reject me I'm positive there will be a strongly-worded appeal by my treatment team from the clinical study waiting for them), and I probably am going to end up seeing the same OB/GYN as my sister.
    Also seeing my therapist today to help make a depression-compatible list of New Year's Resolutions. :lol: aka reaaaally small goals that I'm unlikely to fail at so I don't end up crushed by the feeling of failure and giving up entirely like I always do.

    In spirit of the thread though.... FUCK OUR LOCAL SHAKE SHACK!
    You're already a luxury because you're expensive, but you can't cook a chicken patty to save your life! I'm paying for an inedible, fried hockeypuck of dry chicken on a bun. It's a travesty that such perfect bacon is used in such a substandard sandwich. That's why I had to rescue the bacon last time and refrigerate it before tossing your rock-hard, arid desert poultry patty. The Shake Shack three towns over can make a perfect chicken sandwich, why can't you?
    (and I'm not exaggerating, the last one I brought home may have been the driest chicken I've ever had the misfortune to take a bite out of.)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
    boon velvet likes this.
  21. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™


    Me visting Shake Shack 2009 in Upper West Side: "Damn this shake and burger are so good, I think I found my new addiction, I could eat this all day!"
    Me visiting Shake Shack 2013 in Philly: "Hmmm not as good as I remember, maybe they're having an off day?"
    Me visiting a Shake Shack at Well Fargo center during Flyers game last year: "This food fucking sucks! Burger sucks and they can't even get a shake right!"

    Lesson: Perhaps its that Philly franchised Shake Shacks can't get it right, but I believe over-expansion lead to a quality dip big time by going cheap on products.
    BrickBat and hellointerloper like this.
  22. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    Chris, this is my exact experience with Philly Shake Shack!!!! Started out great, then got shitty and gross. I definitely agree that over expansion has to play a part in this. Burgerfi is where it's at in Philly now for a similar type burger experience. (Across from Reading terminal)
  23. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Ok thanks Chris, so it isn't just me lol.

    I have to admit not living in or near Philly in 20 years (only visits occasionally with family) has left me a bit out of the loop on food spots. My friends have got me caught up on some Fishtown food spots and I loved V Street near Rittenhouse square (even though I'm not vegan). I love tex-mex and mexican food (I could eat burritos all day lol!) but haven't been anywhere yet thanks to stupid pesky chemo. So Burgerfi for burgers....any burrito places you can recommend?
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
    BrickBat likes this.
  24. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    Best burritos for me would be El Fuego. 7th and walnut, but its more of a lunch spot. I'm usually in there once a week for lunch. When I first started working near there years and years ago I ate there every day for a year or two and got pretty chubby, haha!
  25. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    @BrickBat I'll have to check it out thanks!
    BrickBat likes this.
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