Explain this...

Discussion in 'A knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork' started by IamMordecai, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. IamMordecai

    IamMordecai Addicted

    It is now 11:11PM on a Saturday night. Granted I'm being a bum after a long day of running around christmas shopping. It seems I have noticed something. 23 registered users online at this moment and 6 of them live within the NYC limits. Yet some how we can't get a regular group gathering together. I for one say lets figure this out. Time and place? any Ideas? Will Lorne and toy tokyo allow us to meet up downstairs? bring some beer and what not?
  2. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    aw man toy tokyo basement would be awesome. Very 'little rascals' to have a toy nerd club house.
  3. pyroatheart1.3

    pyroatheart1.3 Addicted

    Thats a great idea... can we try to get this to pan out...
  4. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    I want this! Yes!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    just got back from bmore im down anytime, unemployment rocks!
  6. diceone

    diceone Toy Prince

    I agree...

    This has also been recommended in the NY monthly meetup thread already. Currently in that thread is a request for the next time to meet, which some recommended a brunch.
  7. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    Katsu swears by brunch at merchants in chelsea. I say lets atleast do that. And soon. It can be the new York skull crew holiday party!
  8. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Yeah, i was really just kidding when I recommended brunch, not that I wouldn't be into it, I'd also be into dinner or going to a bar. Someone just needs to post a time and place or this will never happen.
  9. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    Has anyone actually asked theguys at toy Tokyo about this?
  10. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    People have asked...

    The basement isn't up for grabs at any given time...right now it's a pop-up shop for all of Lev's random stuff. Will be that way until the New Year. There's less space down there now than in the store itself.

    After that, I'll see if I can work something out...that sound good, kids?

    There are a few bars in the city too, no? They didn't seem to have too much of a problem with the million Santafucks last night, so why would a group of toy geeks bum them out?
  11. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    pop up shop eh?
  12. IamMordecai

    IamMordecai Addicted

    I know nothing about bars. You guys tell me what bars are crazy and what aren't. Id love for an actual place to brings some stuff to look at or trade where we aren't looked at like we have 2 heads. As for Toy Tokyo, I just said it as a step off place. Its something to begin from and get the ball rolling. What are we thinking this weekend? Friday or Saturday sometime? Lunch time might actually be good for a quite meet up. Shit even if its a starbucks Im in.
  13. IamMordecai

    IamMordecai Addicted

    lol so much for that. what if we figure a date after january 1st? would that be best, get past the holidays and shit?
  14. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    Katsu and I are in whenever. Just waiting for you working stiffs to toss out a date.
  15. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Maybe it can coincide with the sale cesar has been planning?
  16. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    pssht, you know there's always tattooed moms! :mrgreen:

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