Do you all bring your toys on overseas trips?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by kelvin goh, Jul 23, 2018.

  1. kelvin goh

    kelvin goh Fresh Meat

    Do you all bring your toys on overseas trips for the fun of it or for photography? I always try to pack some along with me along with my camera but not sure if you all do that.
  2. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    eckotyper and kelvin goh like this.
  3. kelvin goh

    kelvin goh Fresh Meat

    Oh thanks for the heads up! Sorry still a Fresh Meat in this forum, would do that. Thanks and hope the admins would close this thread since its redundant.
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Moved this over, because, while it is toy-related, it is not really for sharing images of toys (there's already an existing discussion for that). So, for lack of a better place, Whatever it is.
    kelvin goh likes this.
  5. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    When I went to Taiwan earlier this year, I brought a mini Bobo with me. I'd probably bring a mini toy with me to future trips.
    kelvin goh likes this.
  6. kelvin goh

    kelvin goh Fresh Meat

    Thank you very much for moving this thread. Appreciate it. I couldn't find any while doing search, that was why i created this. :D
  7. kelvin goh

    kelvin goh Fresh Meat

    I actually bring half a luggage of toys when i go for beach holidays (If its not a crowded beach) or places where i can hike though i would worry about missing baggage until i collect it. On other trips, i would bring a haversack filled with my camera and stacked to the brim with sofubi (All would be stored in Ziplocks and tupperwares). My friends say that i am mad but its so much fun.
    Brooklyn_Vinyl likes this.
  8. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    My first trip to Japan in 2015, I took seven toys with me, none of which were smaller than 5”. My most recent trip this past March I took a Krono, Cinema Monster, Draculazer Serpentoid, a Kumon and one other figure that’s escaping me. I definitely love to travel with toys, whether it’s a major trip, a couple hour drive up North, or just a quick stop at my local coffee joint.
    kelvin goh likes this.
  9. kelvin goh

    kelvin goh Fresh Meat

    I am so glad that there people who does this, haha. I always get teased or some weird stares whenever i travel with my toys.
  10. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I take my toys everywhere. I don’t care where I’m going I literally always have toys on me. That said I have yet to take them to a funeral. We will see what happens when I come to that bridge.
    Kerk1, kelvin goh, Vinyl Skin and 2 others like this.
  11. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    I took 8 toys with me last summer to Montauk, NY for pics. Granted it was a road trip, as opposed to flying, but still fun. Sizes ranged from Galligantus (12"?) to Pushead (5").

  12. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Please give a full report back if you ever do... :)

    On that note, officially requesting pics of Death Head DX hanging with the urn when I croak. Got me on that? @patrickvaz
    kelvin goh, patrickvaz and coma21 like this.
  13. DrMadness

    DrMadness Addicted

    I took a micro Mummy Boy along with me when I traveled to the UK a couple years ago, just kept him in my pocket for random photo opportunities. He's stayed in my pocket ever since, he's all stained from they dye in my jeans but I kind of love it. He's got that denim rub!
    kelvin goh likes this.
  14. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    Don’t put that shit past me I’m tactless but just charming enough to get away with it
    kelvin goh, smurph and Vinyl Skin like this.
  15. patrickvaz

    patrickvaz Addicted

    I got u fam.
  16. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    Damn, Now i'm all like...the toy could be the urn!!

    Please, don't.
    kelvin goh and smurph like this.
  17. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    Stop. Me. :D
    spatula007 and kelvin goh like this.
  18. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Brilliant idea, Tim. Now to decide which "lucky" toy receives the honor of housing my ashes :lol:
    Hopefully have a little time to ponder that one...

    @kelvin goh apologies for the morbid thread derailment. Blame Mikee, he started it :razz:

    Only took a small blank traveling once. Would more often but always wind up forgetting to pack travel pals with all the other pre-trip stuff going on.
    Trusting a suitcase full of toys to the "care" of baggage throwers makes me cringe. Damage can be mostly avoided via meticulous packing, bigger concern is the possibility of the bag being misrouted. Yikes.
    Most nerve-wracking part of returning from Dcon is that window of waiting (feels like an eternity) in the baggage claim area.

    More often than not everything goes smoothly. Just food for thought. Not at all trying to deter anyone from taking some great traveling toy pics!
    Headhunter, spatula007 and kelvin goh like this.
  19. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    I take toys with me to Disney/Universal sometimes to take some fun photos. They can be cumbersome to carry around though. I took 3 toys to Taiwan and toys to New York and toys to the beach and...I guess I really do take them everywhere :lol:
  20. kelvin goh

    kelvin goh Fresh Meat

    Hahah no worries, i had a good laugh over the comments.

    And yes, i am always worried about missing baggage (I packed the toys in zip locks, bubble wraps for grails and then sealed in tupperwares) though, so after my nervewrecking trip of a delayed baggage, i now keep the toys all in 1 haversack just to be safe. Road trips are the best for such photo taking because we can stop whenever we see a nice backdrop, provided we don't get pulled over by the cops. :mrgreen:
    Headhunter, smurph and spatula007 like this.
  21. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    i took my caveman dino on my road trip to new mexico. i had a good time taking quick snaps and thinking up dumb stories.

    all the others are under the #karinalaloroadtrip hashtag
    kelvin goh likes this.
  22. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Hell fucking no. At least not the super expensive stuff anyways. Maybe a pocket figure or some such. Plus you never know what crazy shit can happen when your on a trip lol.
    kelvin goh likes this.
  23. kelvin goh

    kelvin goh Fresh Meat

    Yar I totally agree lol, i do worry a lot when i am overseas with them.

    But the temptation is there, :oops:
    Headhunter likes this.
  24. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    If you don’t take any with you to Japan it’s greater incentive to buy more .
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  25. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    @T.J. Pfft. Trust me, I had absolutely no trouble in being enticed to buy more. :lol: My carry - on Home was a duffle bag that was nothing but toys.
    boon velvet and spatula007 like this.

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