dead bear

Discussion in 'Resonators Romper Room' started by motorbot, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. motorbot

    motorbot Addicted

    i finished off the first round of morgons







    more on my flickr

    oh, and a steak

  2. motorbot

    motorbot Addicted

    the deadbear setup at sdcc

  3. motorbot

    motorbot Addicted

    more newness






  4. motorbot

    motorbot Addicted

    finished a new head for the morgon body, debuting at the crazy4cult show at gallery1988

    i'll be releasing more after the show, with different suits and hair. there's a mono version planned too


    preview of the monotone version

  5. OsirisOrion

    OsirisOrion Toy Prince

    these are frikin awesome motor! I wish I would of hit you up earlier when you first dropped the treacher and lout! I would of loved to do a collab run of those guys, but i think I saw on your twitter that the molds were shot ( or am i wrong? )

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