Cabin in the Woods

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Rich, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    How come no one is talking about this awesome movie ?!
  2. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Loved it!
  3. leucotomy

    leucotomy Comment King

    I'm yet to see it, probably should avoid this blog for spoilers, heard amazing things though.
  4. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    I have been avoiding any info about it since the first reviews were out - I am afraid to spoil what seems to be the best horror movie since drag me to hell.
    So have you seen it? Can you say something without any spoilers?
  5. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I would just go see it. For this movie I think the less you know the better.
  6. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Saw it two weekends ago. I had free movie passes so it was risk free from feeling like I wasted money. ;) Definitely interesting. Going in knowing nothing is the best way.
  7. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Totally agree.

    You guys should see it now, I think for most places this is it's last week in theatres.

    I know it's "horror" but I'm having a hard time calling it scary, actually it's not scary at all. It's a horror comedy that knows its a movie for horror fans.
  8. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Just saw your new pet peeve, should I edit my original post Chris ?
  9. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    Sadly, I must admit that I just assumed this would suck. Sounds like I need to give it a chance.
  10. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    i had originally assumed the same... then i saw it was written by joss whedon. so i want to go, it's just hard to convince
    the missus to go see anything "scary"... will probably have to wait to see it when it comes out on dvd/bluray.
  11. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    LOL. No. I use the words myself, just something I've noticed recently, in commercials, conversations etc etc.
  12. Cubensis

    Cubensis Line of Credit

    My girl and I are going to see this today.
  13. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Funny, I just described it to a friend as the only good American horror film since Drag me to Hell! Not quite as satisfying as DmtH, overall, but well worth a watch.

    Unspecific enough for you?
  14. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    I must be the only person who hated drag me to hell, been debating this one.
  15. Jace76

    Jace76 Comment King

    Have not seen this flick but after reading this thread it's a must for this weekend... hopefully its still being shown in theaters. And DMTH was cool, but I've never been motivated to go in for a 2nd watch.
  16. Ghost&Flower

    Ghost&Flower Line of Credit

    It scary in the way that Scream is scary. Dont think she'd have a problem with that would she?

    I wish there were multiple version of this movie with some of the other monster options. Seeing all of them made me imagine how the main part of the movie could have gone haha
  17. scarwars

    scarwars Addicted

    Add me to the list. I didn't care for Drag Me to Hell.
    At all.

    That said, i thought Cabin in the Woods was a hoot.
    Once you see it and spoilers aren't a concern-
    Google Rex Reed's review. He just wildly makes things up and shows how out of touch he is with cinema.
    Also, Badass Digest posted a clear picture of the 'white board'- if you've seen the film, you'll laugh out loud at some of the potentials.
  18. Ghost&Flower

    Ghost&Flower Line of Credit

    I want to see that white board picture, but I cant get badass digest to load!
  19. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    Loved it!!!
  20. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    I knew nothing about it (hadn't seen a trailer, read a review, or anything) when I saw it last weekend. I don't like much of anything that Joss Whedon has worked on, but I'm a horror fan and loved this movie.
  21. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    ^ I think that says it all, if you're a horror fan you will love this movie.
  22. Ghost&Flower

    Ghost&Flower Line of Credit

    Yeah I agree, I dont really like Joss Whedon either except for one or two buffy episodes..and they're the ones that have similar elements to this movie.
  23. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    And I must be the only person who has never seen it.
  24. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    drag me to hell is fun I dug it. I didn't love it but i enjoyed it. I need to see cabin in the woods BAD!
  25. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    This is exactly what I wanted to hear! So this is a no brainer for me now - I have to see it!!!

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