Discussion in 'Whatever' started by toothaction, Jan 26, 2019.

  1. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    There's nothing that nature and the health care industry find more amusing than a plan laid in place... What was I thinking with my deadlines and my promises? I'll skip the most of it, short version is that I made the mistake of saying 'you know, everything is going surprisingly smoothly with the insurance!' the other day. Out loud. And I put a web game on a timer, too, heh... 39 hour day so far, who hoo, and I just got back from the good news portion of the bad news health care system bunkie - be careful for what you wish for? - to find my compound away from home in the middle of a wind storm delayed reaction brown out... no lap top (which, as you all know, is Pot Pal backwards!) means no annotated adventures of Jackie and the gang... Boo, I know, but I need the pix to prove the pudding... and I'm NOT braving the weather again to drive to a web enabled gas station parking lot only to have my pot pal battery die before I can send anything and then have a slightly tipsy minivan owner named Skeet sideswipe me as I;m muttering on the side of the road.

    Sorry, all. Phone 'll be dead soon too, and I plan to have my head on a pillow before even before I finish ... this paragraph.

    Sorry, all. G'night, all. If only the anticipation would prove worth it, all. Sol gives stremph to ahhhl!

  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    The quick bRown fox jumps ovEr the lazY dog...

    Back again, and I wish that I could say that it was by the light of a single candle burning atop a human skull, but really it's by hanging electric light and the glow of a fully powered potpal laptop.

    A Rosemary by any other name... is actually just Rose. Or Mary. But in this case Rose. If I had an editor, those last three snippets never would have seen light of day, but instead it's just me sitting here, alone, bolstered up by the memories of many a senior citizen community home conversation and the thought of you good people playing our little games.

    We begin with a wonderful example of true connection, as somehow @Madmax405 was able to span time and space to know that dear Rosemary's favorite letter is the one that begins one of the first words that she ever heard, her lovely name:
    "Rrrrrrr, arrrrrrr..." I imagine them both saying in sweet harmony, together in spirit yet so far apart in actual geography.

    Congrats, Max!

    It was more of a pickle here when it came to selecting the winner of Pennsylvania fan Ann's paper treasure. See, @hellointerloper guessed the letter L, a fine and solid choice, and some would say the clear winner, considering its left-to-right linear proximity to our second star's selection...
    BUT... As Jackie was keen to point out, the lot of us in a cloud of bluish smoke, "The letter E is seven points away from the letter L, but if we bring in linear repetitions, you know, not just your A-Z, but, like, letters as an infinitely repeating line, then you have to consider @bigluelok's play of X, too."

    "How do you mean?" asked Ann, passing the J.

    "Think about it," continued Jackie, "E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L, yeah, seven places away, but what about X,Y,Z,A,B,C,D,E? Seven again! Same thing, if you look at it like the Möbius strip that language really is ."

    At this point Ann rolled her eyes and stubbed out the dutchie. "David," she said, narrowing her eyes, "Is one of them a girl?"

    "Why yes," I told her, "@hellointerloper was the only girl man enough to play with us this year."

    "GIVE IT TO THE GIRL!" shouted Ann.

    And it was so. Congrats Maddie!

    "Oh, this ones easy," said Jackie, with her reddened eyes and her wide smile, but first, don't forget to tell them why I chose the letter I did."

    "And why did you pick the letter you did, Jackie?"

    "Because it's the only letter that's also a question! Tell them I said that! No, tell them I quipped that! You know, 'Blah blah blah, quipped Jackie!', haha"... quipped jackie. Then she stared off into space for a few seconds, as if searching for the horizon, snapping back to attention a moment later. Holding up her selection, she began again:
    "Oh, yes, the winner is easy to see... C is WAY closer to Y than J if you use my cosmic scale!"

    And, bound by my pledge to have all questions of winninghood be determined and settled by the whim of the ladies, we award this last piece of paper, faux-French in origin, to our own @hellscrape.

    Victor is the victor. Display it in good health!

    And with that in mind, I should mention something that Ann said early on in our fateful Sogfoobee Supper:

    "I so like the idea of passing these old scraps on to a younger generation, and I'm just loving imaging how those kiddie pals of yours will choose to present them on their walls! Me, I just used thumbtacks."

    I took the above to mean PICTURES of your pictures, PLEASE!

    Dept of TL;DR:
    ROSEMARY picked R, as one among us knew she always would.

    ANN picked E, eventually showing a mild gender-bias.

    JACKIE picked Y, and opted to go with the Cosmic Scale Method.

    Thanks for participating again, all, and giant thanks to the ladies for the bounty of unexpected pleasures that they have now brought into our lives. One concern lingers, though, and I'd be remiss if I were just to breeze past a completely understandable and perfectly valid question raised by one of our eventual winners:
    A number of outside sources clam that they witnessed a short bearded individual, a man often accused of impersonating a dentist or a gnome, being directly handed the art under discussion here by the Skullbrain member known as @kichigai.

    This is said to have occurred some two months ago, while both were reported to have been in Pittsburgh, PA and its various suburbs. I can neither confirm nor deny that this this event actually happened, but would like you to know that dentistry was the farthest thing from my mind when I chose a certain email address back in the innocent days of 1999 dial-up.

    What were we talking about again? OH, right; conjecture and such.

    In spite of the above reports, others, still, have contacted me with their emphatic support of the accounts that I have presented here of my ongoing dialogs with three of my mother's closest friends.

    Truth is a fuzzy thing, like a stream of Zs rubbing up against a river of As, so what I would ask you, dear boardies, is this: Can't both stories be true?
  3. Madmax405

    Madmax405 Addicted

    Haha, thanks so much!

    I knew R was for Rosemary, after all :lol:
    dokuroking likes this.
  4. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Oh wow! I was not expecting to win, seeing that so many people were gunning for that print! Many thanks to Ann, Rosemary, and Jackie for partaking in this fun giveaway! (And tell Ann that “the girl” says an extra thank you! ;))

    And of course, thank you to @kichigai , @toothaction , and @boon velvet !!
    dokuroking likes this.
  5. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    @toothaction , tell Mr. Pibbs to keep an eye out for the box of all boxes.
    Shogun Goji stepped up for a size comparison. I had never seen him blush before, but I wasn’t about to pick at him for it either. That rocket hand hurts!
    Now Michigan bound, there’s 1 more stop to refuel and pick up the last sets of passengers before dispersing out to their final destinations
    : )
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    This entire raffle has just been so much fun. I am sincerely grateful to come to Skullbrain still in 2019 and find such areas of joy, happiness, and shared community. Thank you as ever to David and JP, and John as well for the recent batch of wild goodies. Many thanks also of course to the wonderful and enthusiastic ladies for participating the last round. Congrats to all those winners, I can completely relate to that jumbo Goji's feelings.
    toothaction and boon velvet like this.
  7. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Pibbs is at alert, dear Boony, but all the booty is across town being watched after by Mom's kitty, Gato:
    ^ Seen here getting SUPER high. Don't worry, he was off duty at the time.

    Let's have a look at some of what he's been guarding:

    For the first and last time in the history of humanity...
    [​IMG] ]
    ALL the plastic stars of the Winter 2018 Raffle on the same shelf at the same time!
    Many secrets remain to be seen - hopefully to your collective opening day joy - as those plus the above pretties will be married up oh so very soon with the Box of Socks flying my way!

    Which brings us to one of the final tasks that me and the Booner must assign to you this season ---

    The time has come for me to start collecting mailing addresses and PayPal addys from you good folks. Please PM that info to me at your soonest convenience, and I'll get back to you with a shipping quote just as quickly as I can manage to array and weigh all of your Individualized Special Sock Box Selections. Can do? Thanks!​

    I'm geeked, how about you?
  8. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Oh so very geeked. :dam:
    Sending my info, and damn am I excited to see what surprises my stocking holds!
  9. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    I still can't believe I just found out about this this year. Super fun and a great idea. I can't wait to be involved again next year!
  10. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    The other day...



    Shipping in progress. Check yr emails for deets.

    Anybody seen @bigluelok, @MonstaIslandCzar or @siphilon? Haven't heard back from them yet.
  11. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Hiya all, there was a bit of a snafu with the postage on my package but @toothaction went above and beyond to fix the situation for me.

    I'd just like to say that i think he's a good egg and a very cool dude for sorting it out in double quick time, when I bet he had better things to be doing. Thanks man, its the kind of thing that restores this curmudgeon's faith in humanity!

    And while I'm at it, @boon velvet is fucking awesome as well.

    That is all :thumbsup:
    blingaling and ultrakaiju like this.
  12. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    The first of the Jolly Projectiles has landed! Congrats, @blingaling!

    Anyone care to play along at home?


    Too kind, Joe. I'm just glad that it all worked out. Spot on about BV, though!
    blingaling and The Moog like this.
  13. blingaling

    blingaling Fresh Meat

    Ohhhhhh snap I can't wait to get home!
    toothaction and zindabad like this.
  14. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Holy Crapoly this was an awesome mail day that certainly made my week much brighter! Thanks so much to @boon velvet and @toothaction for all of their efforts and generosity, as well as to all those kind folks who donated goodies!!! I am especially loving the personalized waldo postcard :D You somehow outdo yourself every year Boonie! Merry Marchmas Everyone!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  15. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Forgive me in advance if what I’m about to say sounds childish; my comprehension skills are not the best this morning but, Haha, I have tried waiting until I was in my best way, but I just cannot wait any longer to share my happiness with y’all. Please judge lightly.

    So if I said that I received a mysterious PayPal notification a couple days ago, would any of y’all know what that’s about ?!
    : )

    @toothaction let a confused me in on what you sneaky folk did to help with the cost of shipping for the greater sox box. That was damn sweet of David to set it up and too kind of everyone who helped! It was a real surprise and made me feel good that y’all would care to do that.

    It may be a small thing in the grand scheme of things and I may sound silly giving y’all such praise, but it just goes to show that the heart of this raffle (and this community even) is not one of greed, as some people label us with as toy collectors, claiming we are only looking to self-serve. Yeah, those types exist , but while they may flourish on places like Instagram, they usually don’t last long around here.

    My participation comes in waves these days (not because I’m spending time elsewhere online), but I’m still glad to be a member here alongside all of you. Thanks for the reminder that the fantasy’s not just in my head ;)

    I want to challenge all of you with another stage, to take it out into the world beyond skullbrain and our usual route. Over this Spring, Summer, and Fall, fill up the stocking I sent you with toys for children (if you want to keep your stocking, no worries, boxes and bags of any kind will work too; a hole’s a hole :shock: ). When November comes along, start seeking out some place or someone that you know will truly benefit from your holiday gifts. If not an individual or family, be sure to call and find out what the rules are for toys they accept and when the deadline is for donations (the deadline for most facilities and programs is a few weeks before Christmas, for example).

    If anyone needs any help for ideas, just ask. One favorite I have found are some great little superhero motorcycle LEGO-like toys that you can get in bulk thru Ebay at very affordable pricing from a variety of sellers. There are many similar things for both boys and girls, like small mermaid dolls with hair that also come in bulk sets. Usually 1 seller will have a variety of bulk toy options which helps save in shipping too.

    Well I Hope everyone enjoys their stocking stuffins ! We won’t release the descriptions of what some of y’all may or may not have gotten with yours until more people receive and post images up here of their gettins. It ended just in time for Spring to start! Winter spanning was Right! :D
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
  16. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Dept. of Gentle Reminders:

    Back in December of '15, in the very first post of his very first raffle, Our Man of the Swamp made this humble request of a statement:

    The only real rule I ask is to please post any pictures taken having to do with any toys, etc. received from this raffle in this thread.

    We upped the stakes this year, albeit with our tongues in our cheeks, but we also buried it under a SPOILER tag...

    This one's a biggie, so brace yourselves: Please be so kind as to post a snap or two here of your raffle spoils once you've received them, lest you receive the wrath of A Burd Spurned!

    ...and then we buried it under ANOTHER SPOILER tag, haha, so you, dear raffelite, can be forgiven if you missed or forgot the mention. We freely admit that nearly six weeks have passed since the rool was posted, too.

    ALL THAT SAID... Nikki and Pibbs can hardly wait to see what you've received in the mail. Make with the pr0n, my good people!

    We thank you.
    boon velvet, zindabad and The Moog like this.
  17. carlisle60

    carlisle60 Addicted

    Whoo hoo! Here's a quick shot of mine :D:shock::mrgreen:
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
    toothaction likes this.
  18. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    I already ate all the candy! And left some of the paper stuff at my mom's (down side of living in such a small place). The mini sofubi guys are my favorites by far! Thanks again :)
    toothaction likes this.
  19. zindabad

    zindabad Line of Credit

    Thank you so much JP and David :) I'm still working on where to settle these guys and will take more photos as I work through the package. There was clearly so much love put into the whole sock. And now I have comics to read for the first time in months! Made my week.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019
  20. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Truly stunned and stoked. I had only anticipated getting the one item, imagine how shocked I was to receive all of this!
  21. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    A super dino-tastic box of fun stuffz. I cant wait to get it all home and have a proper look at it all. Thanks to all involved and special thanks to Boonerz and Tootherz :D






    zindabad, toothaction and ultrakaiju like this.
  22. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Wow, such great hauls fellas!!!! :thumbsup: If I am honest, I am liking the 'bonus' items as much or more than the raffle toys. You guys - JP and David - really outdid yourselves with such packages chock-full of goodies. :D Love the menko, dinos, pachi little weirdos, cards... all of it!! Where are all these great weapons bootlegs coming from, e.g MOTU, Star Wars - that's a great E-11 blaster (yes, I am a veritable geek :oops:). The special pet photos are the perfect icing on such boxes of delight. Thanks all for helping out, and thank you for sharing your socks.
    The Moog likes this.
  23. blingaling

    blingaling Fresh Meat

    Would have posted sooner but I was struck with the crud just after I opened this amazing package up. Kids stole the candy and dinos immediately, but I still managed to keep the majority of swag to myself.

    I had a blast with this again this year, yuuuuuuge thanks to Boon and Tooth and all of you lovely folks who donated prizes and played along.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2019
    toothaction likes this.
  24. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Good news! Say hi to yr kids for us.
    Posted yr pic in the thread. Hope you don't mind.

    Seven reports down, ten to go! I'm hoping to have mine edited down by tonight, but here's a preview:
    LIVE from the lunchroom of a 24-hour care rehab facility!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2019
    MonstaIslandCzar likes this.
  25. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    I'm really liking these finger puppets from @uh oh
    Very generous to donate all these cool little figures! Thank you!
    The Moog likes this.

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