Blurble One

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by xSuicide Squadx, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Really think Mike deserves his own thread. He's longstanding in resin, and a couple years in with sofubi for Kid Toxic and the recent Garglmon! Personally, I find him to be a very underrated painter/artist, so let's see what everyone's got!

    These are my two Kid Toxic. Got the marbled from its SDCC '14 debut. The all white is the actual prototype of Kid Toxic, graciously gifted to me from Blurble himself. Very stoked and proud he's a local!

    This a Garglmon, painted Izumo(Blood Guts Toys) as a gift for Blurble's personal collection. It's the only Garglmon photo I currently have.
  2. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Dont care to much about the Kid Toxic but his Garglmon has me interested.
  3. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    I love his Kid Toxic. So much playful attitude. The stance and adjustable hat is super cool to me, too. But the Garglmon is easily top five of 2015 for me already. Great and fun sculpt. Very signature Blurble.
    Headhunter likes this.
  4. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Ill be more interested in Kid Toxic once it becomes a sofubi which it very well might become one day in the future. Only time will tell though.
  5. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    Already is in sofubi! :)
    xSuicide Squadx and Headhunter like this.
  6. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    I misread that first part. Thought it was still in resin. Damnit, there goes more money out of my wallet..... lol.
  7. truslithers

    truslithers Toy Prince

    If they do a BGT painted run that would be insane....hope someone can make that happen, sad I missed first drop
  8. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    I went ahead and shot these just a bit ago!

    This was my first Blurble painted toy, and on my favorite toy. Super cherished in my collection.

    Grabbed this Daigomi off of his website. Love the subtle metallics!

    Kearjun x Blurble: Disneyland of the Living Dead.
    hellscrape and Headhunter like this.
  9. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Blurble pieces, minus the resin in storage.


    Some more pics of the Garglmon Holographic




    Love the top of the head


    Thought the close up lent itself well to these filters


  10. CopASquatToys

    CopASquatToys Comment King

    I need one of those Garglmons fo sho! I'd love to paint one.
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  11. dago

    dago Comment King

  12. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

  13. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit


    This was released today. A nice blank piece without any paint. It actually looks rather creepy blank to.
    boon velvet and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  14. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Thanks to Mike for setting me up with the beautiful teal blank!
    animator and xSuicide Squadx like this.
  15. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

  16. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Tried to grab 1 on my phone and failed. Glad to see some good people scored.
  17. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Those looked really nice too.

    Since all the photobucket pics disappeared off of pg1, here are some other examples of works by Blurble. About half are painted by him and the other half are toys of his creation.

    Sorry for the small images, but there's a lot in there.
  18. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Alebrije, boon velvet and IronPaw like this.
  19. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Extra points for @3wing.

    I rarely like camo, maybe it's burnout because of where I'm from, but sometimes it looks so good that it overrules my distaste for it. Like the original camo Dr. Mirock set for example. And definitely this Devilman. Congratulations, Neil. I like this toy a lot.
    3wing likes this.
  20. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Getting this collaboration between Mike and Adam in hand is mind blowing to me. Adam did such a great job with his rub and layers, and I did my best to capture some of his angled sprays with the gold and purple. The flake in the paint is insanely cool, and the header is crazy rad, too. Fantastic job all around.



  21. blurble

    blurble Addicted

    Wow I am super humbled by this thread. I just noticed it , shows my frequency going through the boards. I want to thank all of you for the support and love of the toys. Thank you!
  22. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Some love for the Blurbleman!
  23. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    IronPaw likes this.
  24. blurble

    blurble Addicted

    Oh man I love all of you!! I need to come back on the boards more often. Thank you all for loving the toys, and for posting awesome pictures. I swear I should just have Robert take all my photos of the toys I paint and make from now on.
    boon velvet and IronPaw like this.

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