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Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Chile's actually has really good fries and sliders, if anyone was wondering. Hadn't eaten there in around 3 years and just went last night. Delicious.
    whoispacman369 likes this.
  2. aarnfnchr

    aarnfnchr Toy Prince

    Honestly I think she's just dim. She's an older lady that supposedly has been in the biz for 4 years. She gives you that head side tilt a dog gives you when they don't quite know what to think. She really oversold herself in the initial interview. We just just have to make it a couple of weeks then she'll get the axe.
  3. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    A big fuuuuuuuck yoooou to my wife's asshole boss. He's a clueless fuckwit, and how he has his own business is a mystery right up there with Bigfoot, ghosts and the Loch Ness monster. She's been working there for about 6 years now, and she still only gets 1 week vacation, no bonuses, no health insurance or anything. She has to remind him to give her a yearly review! She practically runs that business, as the sales reps would attest, and if she left, he'd be fucked. He's a self righteous knob.

    The real kicker is that she got a phone call from him the day that me and the family were heading to the UK to be with my folks for Christmas, and he said "when was it that you had your baby again, was it this year or last year?" to which she responds "this year" (2016), and he says "ok, that's what I thought, you used your vacation time while you were out on maternity, so I'll let payroll know not to issue a paycheck for this pay period". I couldn't believe that asshole! I mean, she went in and had a C-section back in March, used her week vacation for when she was in the hospital, and was back working a week later, and he didn't bat an eyelid! Does this seem wrong? I joked we should move back to the UK, at least there you get time off for having a kid...

    I probably sound entitled, but she needs to be getting more vacation time, and maybe even a little sick time she could use. I was floored by the brass balls on that guy. So, she didn't get any pay for the 2 weeks we were in the UK, which sucked.

    Oh, and a week before we flew out, my wife set up a meeting at a fancy restaurant for all the reps and vendors (at assholes request) and at the end of the meeting he basically calls two of the reps up and tells them they have bonuses, everyone else got a cheap bottle of wine. Talk about awkward and a little unprofessional...

    Is it just me, or is this guy a tosser?
  4. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Ultra_Gigan, that guy sounds like a jackass. I hope that your wife can find a better place to work.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  5. bigluelok

    bigluelok Toy Prince

    I would tell tell her to look for another job. and watch the business go downhill. FUCK that guy.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  6. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    This is inexcusable. Having just had a daughter 7 months ago, I couldn't imagine my wife going back to work a week after having a baby, let alone a c-section. Legally she was entitled to maternity leave. But the company doesn't have to pay you during it. America sucks for that sort of thing. I hope it changes at some point. I would definitely be looking for a new job if I were her. There are definitely companies out there that treat their employees much better than she is being treated. Good luck to you guys!
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  7. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Ouch! Yeah, I think she has been a trooper for being there this long. Maybe it's about time she put some feelers out there for something better! Best of luck!
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  8. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Definite tosser! . . . she has my blessing to gob in his coffee at every available opportunity.
    The Moog and Ultra_Gigan like this.
  9. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Sounds like a complete an utter bellend! Seriously your wife needs to leave him in the lurch by quitting an he'll suddenly realize what a twat he's been (or not- but he's going to definitely miss her hard work for sure!).

    I can't even fathom how much employers get away with this shit here in the US. Ridiculous.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  10. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    My boyfriend has worked a shit job for a year and gets 1 week unpaid vacation time, health and dental benefits, a 401k plan... he's a security guard, not even an armed one, and gets all those extras and the same amount of vacation time your wife does!
    And WTF?!? A C-section isn't just a birth, it's major surgery! You have to have yourself cut open wide enough to extract a baby for goodness sake! Surgery recovery isn't a damn "vacation"... Her boss is a TOTAL WANKER. :evil: Dump the chump and let his business fall. If she's the one holding that business together, she can become a power player in another one, and THAT boss will really appreciate having her on their team.
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  11. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    Thanks all, I appreciate it! We've actually started talking about her opening her own business now, which I'm really trying to encourage and support her with. Hopefully 2017 will be the year she sticks it to that tossface (after she's collected her final paycheck of course, as he's the kind of person who just wouldn't pay her if she quit).
  12. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    @Ultra_Gigan She's definitely not going to follow him to the White House, is she?
  13. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    Not if I can help it!!!
  14. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    A little FU goes out to my wife..
    It would probably help if she paid attention and stopped running over shit..

    P.S. If any of you that actually know her mention this to her, we may have to fight each other.. :razz:
  15. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    I'm telling!!! Get a dyson man! That thing is the best! It's a pretty penny but I have had mine forever! Or if you want to be super old school, get a kirby... those are industrial!
    DrilOne and noeleaser like this.
  16. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    We've got a Dyson, that's why I'm so confused!

    I had it for 5 years prior and NEVER had an issue. Now that she uses it, it's been in the repair shop about 5 or 6 times since we've been together..

    I told her that if we get a Roomba, we'll have to vacuum less but nooooooooooooooo, that's too much money.. (Like brining in the Dyson ever 90 days is cheap.. lol)
  17. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    @noeleaser get a Kirby... I had one growing up, my mom still has one... hahaha
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Roomba when you have pets that make occasional accidents is apparently a catastrophic shitshow, pun totally intended. Don't Google what happens unless you have a strong stomach.

    And FUCK YOU headcold! Are you here or are you gone? You can only choose one, you can't be popping back every other day to say hello. :( Maybe I should just bring out the big guns... which is really just my phrase for tea, tea, and more tea.
  19. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

  20. whoispacman369

    whoispacman369 Fresh Meat

    fuck you to anyone with the money, patients, and devotion to collect 10+ versions of a single sculpt that we all wait years for in failed lotto attempts. And what even is fair game when it comes to lottery releases in the after market?
  21. patrickvaz

    patrickvaz Addicted

    IMO patience and devotion are two very rewarding traits in collecting.
  22. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I didn't know it was bad to have devotion and patience. It's their money, if they want to collect a single sculpt then that's their choice.
    If they're putting cash into the hands of flippers to get them though, then that's where I personally start to have a problem! :? I hate seeing people funding flippers. It just encourages them more.
  23. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    Patience and devotion are literally what collecting is about. Wtf. Money has nothing to do with those, although you do need it to actually buy the toys youve waited for.
    xSuicide Squadx and Purple Bat like this.
  24. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I forgot to note, I'm pretty sure the people with patience and devotion are the ones who are hunting down their wants list for years to complete a set, not going straight to the aftermarket! :lol:
    Purple Bat likes this.
  25. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Patience and devotion are also two great keys in community members helpin' you out. I currently have 16 Cinema Monsters by Secretoy, and not a single one has cost me a penny over retail. They've either been incredibly generous and fair trades, or graciously offered to me for retail, and I've appreciated the help immensely. Even the one offs! The monies is a different thing. If someone has the monies to spend, that's not at all any of my business. What they do with it is none of my business. However, I think the overall effect that comes with the cause of feeding flippers hurts us all.

    I'm honestly so tired of people bitching about the lottos. I hate the saying "it is what it is", but it's overly apt. You win some, you lost some. They go to who they go to. What's even more annoying, for me, is the people that yelp the most are the ones that continuously enter. If it's causing you that much grief, find something else to collect, or don't collect at all. Shit sucks and it sounds mean, but it's better than pulling grey hairs out of your head over it.
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