Yeah the lines are still like that daily- I hit Nijiya to pick up my lunch for work many times a week and people aren't letting this opportunity pass.
Sorry, the California came out and I revert to calling everyone dude.
I'm hoping for the re-release of the Neko as well- He released them when I was still in financial hell due to the pandemic but I want to have 3...
I know that Cheap Peat's on Geary does good framing- I brought them my Elegab painting years ago and it's tops. I plan to bring them my Godzilla...
I didn't see it mentioned here but James Sizemore- WonderGoblin- is making a legit vinyl paint that should be debuting hopefully by Springtime....
The second form Dokuro Taro has been announced (winners should be informed soon) - Dokuro Taro Ikari! This berserker form is great and I hope to...
Thanks dude! Sorry I've been busy with a new job and dealing with a ton of book orders so I haven't been active a lot lately. Hope all is well!
Marmite is great but I don't think anyone should be forced to try it, true. I'm not going to get into the marmite vs. vegemite wars.
Different strokes for different generations, really. Max has his own vision and I like what he's painting already.Father may influence son, but I...
Gat DANG those rule
In other words: if you keep hearing "Oh skullbrain has so many haters who say bad things about us" maybe you should look at this dumb fucking meme...
FINALLY getting a blank red Shin Godzilla soon. Trading for a piece that I like but want this one more
Skullbrain is a great place and source, but stop huffing your own farts and thinking that y'all are the end all. I love you and won't stop posting.
Separate names with a comma.