I’m in the same boat. He is one of the main sculptors that really got me jazzed about toy collecting as an adult in my early 30’s. His skill,...
I traded a minty one w/ original sword to @Lixx for a GID Buta Hayabusa lady years ago. One of my favorite trades I ever made, we were both...
It is, I believe it debuted at Dcon.
i am surprised they aren’t trying to charge more. It’s a nice version of the character, but a hard pass-would rather pick up a cheaper repro of...
Also just to stay true to Skullbrain, if you don’t like my positive comments @bbb you can fuck off too . :lol: There, happy now Moog?
This isn’t a poorly made sofubi toy of someone’s deceased pet, either. I think when someone contributes something substantial to the toy...
I think this is awesome. Kudos to you dude. This was obviously a ton of work, and I learned a lot perusing it. As for the petty criticism right...
T That wasn’t me! Yeah, yeah…..that was me. :lol:
Do you collect any toy brand that doesn’t have a 5x aftermarket return (vs retail pricing)? Don’t worry….it’s a rhetorical question. #zerofucksgiven
Not trying to be a dick, but page 1 of this thread shows a ton of sculpts with painted teeth. Buta’s runs aren’t small and this one probably just...
Some people also definitely still collect sofubi, rather than just complaining and taking offense to any and everything. Heyoooooo
Thank you for showing me the err of my ways, I’m so glad Skullbrain has brilliant luminaries like yourself to keep us all on the right path. Me no...
Oh, you mean the Death’s Vault colors he’s been using for a decade? And with this being a Japanese toy and a mix of at least two kaiju/tokusatsu...
A good chunk of my OG Anraku sweats and gets tacky. I’ve always just used mild dish soap as well or sometimes even a wipe down with a damp cloth...
Sorry bud but you got this ass backwards. Collectors who value owning more than showing are not catering to anyone but their own interests, and...
Separate names with a comma.