civerous - decrepit flesh relic [MEDIA]
oxygen destroyer - sinister monstrosities spawned by the unfathomable ignorance of humankind [MEDIA]
kid creature! ugh, makes me sick how much i want one. it’s perfection! looking forward to paints, but this blank looks amazing. wonder if paint...
some more-than-solid releases from this past month or so unurnment - self-immolation suite [MEDIA] psychosomatic - the invisible prison...
cosmic putrefaction - the horizon towards which splendour withers [MEDIA]
question - reflections of the void [MEDIA]
I am in LOVE!!! Need to see the hat.
Alien: Isolation is $2 over at Steam today (normally $40)! Just found out, if not woulda posted sooner.
black sabbath, pantera and system of a down (black sabbath reunion tour ‘99 @ the great western forum). that’d be one hell of a quarantining.
thanks again!! always making my bday better every year since ‘07! shit, was totally expecting another belated bday wish to keep this thread a few...
that bone kun is perfection. the mashup of the bone head and the sweatshirt body, the colors, everything!
icon of phobos - detriment and dominance [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.