I can't even begin to thank you for doing this. the time, effort, research going into this, putting it together, for nerds like us to consume......
Saw him in August at MDFest that was about it
Had not checked up on the case in a while... The state dismissed one charge due to a plea deal The plea deal was for David to plea guilty to a...
or is it? [IMG]
it's just his rip off the Hirota Gojira though? He has the money, and the tools to do something pretty decent. if he could just get his own...
or deny it's you when called out... then later admit it was you. lolz.
Just ask for feet pics where light reflects details. if they dont want to do that for you, its fakeeee. also yeah know the colorways, and...
I wanted to do a unboxing, but was to excited to open, that I didn't have time for all of that.
if you guys happen to use discord... make your own server for uploads... upload what you want to share in the channel. click the photo, then...
ok. Fresno is only like 7 hours of flight travel :D
The Chogokin MG3 is simply insane. has a super nice weight to it. fitments of lets say the left arm/hand how it goes over the blaster inside,...
they do some good work. that Scarface is insane.
it's been 105+ for a while now here... i'm sweating in my no no's
Separate names with a comma.