RIP Chester Bennington

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by MoonspellxRites, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. MoonspellxRites

    MoonspellxRites Addicted

    Very easily one of my favorite bands growing up and im forcing everyone at work to only listen to LP all day. i guess this is part discussion about linkin park and also a reminder to hit up everyone you know might be struggling with issues like this and let em know that theres always a better way
    xSuicide Squadx likes this.
  2. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I just saw on the news. I was never a fan of the band but I wholeheartedly agree with you Manny. Anyone struggling, there is always another way. Seek help. RIP.
  3. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    With how easy and rampant fake articles have been coming out lately, I didn't initially believe it. But it struck pretty hard when I learned it's true. Their debut Hybrid Theory really changed music for me in a lot of aspects, and I still consider it one of the most perfect albums front to back, with Chester having one of the most unique voices I've ever heard.

    There's always a way out of the dark. It's usually not easy, but I firmly believe if people reach out they'll see they have more support than they ever thought.
  4. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    I hear you loud and clear, however, the problem with someone that feels this hopeless is that they really don't feel that there is another way or that help is available or that people really do care..

    I've been in a similar situation and have attempted to take my life in the past. Sometimes I'm glad It didn't work, sometimes I wish that it did..

    I can't help but to shed a tear for him, but at the same time, I know what that suffering is like and that he's finally at peace..

    Just a heads up: I'm fine. I'm not going to take my life. This stuff happened over 20 years ago.. It's very ironic that I used that first LP album to get me through a very dark time in my life..

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