
Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by chimply.kaiju, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    I think Takepico x One Up creations are good enough for their own thread. Show us what you got!

    Some of my favorites in my collection. Yeah, I know. I need to open them.

    Painted by Mark Nagata

  2. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    I don't gots any, but that first pic makes a fine argument for getting in on the getting.

    Can't say I 'get' the Nagata sprays, meself, but you've got 'em, so clearly they were worth gotting for some.

    Looking forward to further aquarium study, grabber guys and grabber gals.
  3. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Love the Koijarus and Keronga, despite not having any. It's on my eventual "to buy" list.
    Was really hoping to nab the Keronga version that Yamomark painted, but I didn't even get to see them on sale. Apparently they were gone in the blink of an eye.
  4. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Mark's color choices on that blue sofubi works really well. I like the under belly the best as he sprayed it with a glittery shimmer Monster Kolor paint.

    Kamengo, newest sculpt released June 30 from One Up of course. Love the little standing turtle.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
    hellointerloper likes this.
  5. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Yes these little guys are definitely worth a thread :) Kamengo is a brilliant new addition to the lineup.. hoping for many more sculpts in this series
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Kamengo is a far and away favourite for me. The details are phenomenal. I really want to see some traditionally painted versions of him. I just love turtles.
  7. Fusta

    Fusta Toy Prince

    My Mogudon (first painted version):

    Mr. Humphreys likes this.
  8. HardDragon

    HardDragon Toy Prince

    I think I'm going to have to grab one of this fish finally. I've seen them come and go but now that I have more room, a new fish based shelf is in order. And the new turtle is wonderful. Cool thread!
  9. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Use to own these. Sold them last year here in SB.






  10. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Kamengo painted as a red-eared slider. :mrgreen: I hope it happens!
  11. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Yes, this and lots of other turtle/tortoise species...eastern box turtle, cherry foot tortoise, maybe a diamondback. I'm going to need a lot of these.
  12. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

    hellointerloper and ultrakaiju like this.
  13. SpeedofLife

    SpeedofLife Fresh Meat

    Can't wait for an "earthy" coloring on that new turtle sculpt.
  14. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    @chimmychazz, Good to see him out and hopping around a natural environment. He needs a friend like a fish or turtle. ;)
    chimmychazz likes this.
  15. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    I am happy to own these two commissions by Obsessed Panda and Topheroy ^____^
    Ghost Attack and TattooDougHardy like this.
  16. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    This is the first version of Koijarus, and I think, the first toy produced under the TakePico banner:


    I was complete on the Koijarus releases up to a certain point, but I think they started to make weird color schemes and reissue old color schemes, so it became too hard to keep track. I still wouldn't mind that Boys' Day 3-pack.

    Koijarus seemed really creative to me, but the others just look like animals standing on their hind legs... :oops:
    TattooDougHardy likes this.
  17. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Kay, very nice customs by both Obsessed Panda and Topheroy. May we see better pictures of the first one?

    So far I am enjoy all three releases. But my favorite so far is Koijarus. But that turtle is not far behind in the race of over taking Coijyarus as my favorite. The Koijarusu goes really well with the Max Toy x Konatsu Kaiju Negora.
  18. wretchrd cp

    wretchrd cp Addicted

    Really looking forward to the first painted kamengo, been eyeing these for a while and they are all great.
    Maybe I am miss remembering but is there also a cyborg bear or was that not associated with these?
  19. Fusta

    Fusta Toy Prince

    Pico Pico - “Shishi Gashira” [about 12cm long]

    boon velvet likes this.
  20. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    The cyborg bear Kumabogu technically isn't Takepico. It's under the Pico Pico brand name only. Atsushi Tomura-san of Pico Pico helps with the design/sculpting for Takepico brand which is owned by One Up.
  21. wretchrd cp

    wretchrd cp Addicted

  22. chimply.kaiju

    chimply.kaiju Side Dealer

    Releases for July.



  23. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    I like that Keronga. It's kinda weird they only paint one hand (paw?), though.
  24. onlybobafett

    onlybobafett Fresh Meat

    Hootie and the blowfish. :lol:

    deadpute likes this.
  25. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    Wonderful. This is good stuff!

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