The Human Carwash

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Mr Fox, Sep 16, 2023.

  1. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

  2. Max Rodriguez

    Max Rodriguez Toy Prince

    What the fuck
  3. Max Rodriguez

    Max Rodriguez Toy Prince

    The creativity some people possess is astounding. I bet this took so much meticulous planning! I wonder how many takes it took lol.
  4. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Fun fact, chain reaction contraptions like this are known as Rube Goldberg machines, and if you google that you will see tons of other cool similar videos
  5. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    There was also a Japanese show called Pitagora Suichi (Pythagoras Switch) that had similar stuff.

    I felt those Christmas trees. Ouch!
    Mr. Humphreys likes this.
  6. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    The 'Alarm Clock' did make me laugh and reminded me of my university days where I had two alarm clocks set up - one digital beside my bed and a back-up, analogue with two bells on the top and a little hammer in the middle (the type that can wake the dead), which was set for 15-minutes after the digital went off. This allowed me three pressed of the snooze button before the analogue one filled the room with a sound akin to a the fire bells at a fire station going off; there were two options - get out of bed, walk across the room and turn it off or put my pillow over my head and try and ride out the noise for a minute or so. I think in the six years I was at post secondary, I only tried the pillow method once and the dual alarm worked its magic 99.99% of the time. Not as interesting as a this guys set up but it worked.

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