Grumble of the day…

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Mr Fox, May 6, 2022.

  1. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    Grumble of the day…
    * disclaimer: you may need to be older and grumpy to contribute to this thread

    (tongue, firmly, in cheek )


    (pps - we have plenty of more serious threads, this is supposed to be light hearted; think Statler & Waldorf from The Muppets)

    That band, that you are proudly wearing the t-shirt of as a fashion statement, well, I saw them live before you were born.
    Last edited: May 6, 2022
  2. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Grumble of the day…
    Okay, I can chime in with this, but only ‘cause I chuckle to myself about it. I saw a kid at a show, couldn’t be older than 16, wearing an OZZfest 2003 shirt, a fest I attended when I was 17. In an age where band tees can be more of a “fashion” statement than a reflection of musical taste, I’m always curious as to someone’s knowledge or actual liking of said band(s). I once saw someone at a show wearing a Darkthrone shirt and exclaimed my love for the band. They replied that they loved ‘em too, and I genuinely asked what their favorite album is and they instantly fumbled over what words to conjure. Some slight embarrassment seemed to come over their face and I quickly said “Go home and give Transylvanian Hunger, Hate Them, Goatlord and A Blaze In the Northern Sky a listen. You’ll love ‘em, I promise.”
    Mr Fox likes this.
  3. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Grumble of the day…
    I was actually just about to incorporate a comment about this very thing into a post I made in the Fugly thread, but went with another strongly - but idiotically - adopted aesthetic in apparel. But yeah, it is just a bit odd to me how band shirts have become a commoditised fashion thing, and seeing a Zeppelin or Iron Maiden or Metallica or [......] phases me no more than Nike or what have you. When you are grabbing these off the rack at your local department chain (I want to say Zellers here, or maybe Eatons, or maybe Woodwards, or maybe Sears, or maybe..... Hudson's Bay.... okay, Canada is sad, but that is another story. Let's just say K-Mart.) then it's really just a headscratcher where we've gotten to with marketing and band appreciation. I genuinely am not really clear on what sort of motivation this has even been inspired by. Is it just a general 'rock' look people want to cultivate and it doesn't matter what is on the front? Is it done ironically? Is it supposed to be 'retro'? If it's a statement, what IS that statement?

    I don't at all assume that anyone I see walking down the street with a band tee doesn't know or support said artist(s), or could name any of their songs, but certainly it is not a guarantee. So it isn't something that bugs me per se, but I've definitely had to wonder more than a few times seeing such things.
    Mr Fox likes this.
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Grumble of the day…
    PS - @Mr Fox if you see a rando guy walking around in an Acid Mothers Temple shirt, feel free to stop and say hullo.
    Mr Fox likes this.
  5. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    Grumble of the day…
    You have nailed it with the above and at the risk of derailing my own thread and discussing the further commodification of nostalgia by clothing companies, what you expressed is exactly what made me feel like a grumpy old man yesterday.

    It would be wrong to argue that from almost day one of a bands genesis, there isn't a desire to commercialise the artistry/image of that band (even if that isn't the intention of the band at all but rather the aspirations of the record label); however, it seems another level all together when, often decades later, a consumer can walk into a Zellers, K-Mart, Asda (for the UK audience) and purchase an MC5, Sonic Youth, Clash, Joy Division, Iron Maiden, Hendrix, etc, t-shirt for their 10-year old.

    At a guess, it appeals to the nostalgia of the parent, in hopes of either making their offspring look 'hip' or perhaps the child themselves wanting to emulate the adult (before they enter the stage where they do EVERYthing to distance themselves from said adult); whatever the case, it just caused a twitch in my yesterday.

    With that said, this thread was not about the specific topic above, it was intended to poke fun at the grumpy old person I, and perhaps others on the board, can be. We have the great 'Fu Fu' thread, which is more serious and the 'This was said near me thread' where people can rant about the idiocy of others... this was more to poke fun at the trivial things in life. The parts where you catch yourself moaning and almost immediately think... I really am becoming a grump! Not that they aren't valid but, honestly, are they really worth complaining about?

    I could have easily started with my grump of today...

    I thought you said this was a Spiced Bountiful Fruit Loaf?! I count exactly one raisin, and zero other fruit, in this slice of toast and I've tasted more spice in a bleached white loaf.

    ultrakaiju likes this.
  6. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    Grumble of the day…
    I'm pleading the fifth! :shock:
    gatchabert likes this.
  7. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Grumble of the day…
    People who let their dogs 'go' wherever.

    I have the misfortune of having a front door that opens onto a path. Okay, it comes with a few niglances I'd rather not have, but all part of living in what you can afford. But one of the main peeves I have is waking up, opening my front door, and finding a big steaming pile there with zero regard to do anything about it. Heck, there are even bags AND bins located nearby. There is no reason for this, outside of pure laziness and big FU to the collective public (never mind the people that live there). I like dogs, and put no part whatsoever of this on them; this is 100% human factor.

    On second though, no, wouldn't share that here. :!:

    The Moog and Mr Fox like this.
  8. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    Grumble of the day…
    Love dogs; dislike irresponsible owners.

    I'll see your steaming pile of stinky landmine and raise you the same idiots who believe that picking up their dogs 'sinful business' (name the source of that quote :D) and hanging it on a tree, to be collected later, is a good idea. Guess what, it has been weeks and the poo-fairy is yet to collect the brown baubles from the worst ever Christmas tree... perhaps you should have collected it yourself!!!
    The Moog and ultrakaiju like this.
  9. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    Grumble of the day…
    Where i live is near a pub, and a long road where there are many bars and clubs. So many times i have opened the front door, and right in the doorway is a massive lake of puke. The proverbial 'Pavement Pizza' to step over first thing in the morning, and its disgusting. Putting up with people who don't give a fuck seems to be just part of living in my city.

    Speaking of dog faeces, i saw a sign in someone's driveway the other day. It said, 'Don't let your dog shit outside my house, and if it does, pick it up'. Its ludicrous that someone has to make a permanent sign to address the issue!
    ultrakaiju and Mr Fox like this.
  10. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Grumble of the day…
    Street vomit is something I will never have understanding for. It is by no means a British thing, but I've certainly encountered more here than anywhere I have been.

    ^^ Yep, that is the just of what the sign above says [and yes, I too have one on the fence]. I chose to spare everyone here and not share the photographic evidence, but the 'surprise' this morning was so large and close to my door that even a couple inches and I would have made a massive mess all over the place when I opened the door. :X
    The Moog likes this.
  11. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    Grumble of the day…
    The infuriating thing is there is a road directly opposite the door, a couple of foot away. They could boke into the gutter, but no, they choose to lean into the doorway and leave their nasty surprise for everyone in the building.

    That reminds me of a very conscientious man i saw a while ago. He had one of those massive dogs, the size of a small pony, and he'd obviously left the house without poo-bags. He was attempting to pick up the giant turd with a face mask that certainly wasn't up to the task. I had to look the other way it was so disgusting, but i appreciated the effort and i'm sure his neighbours did too.
    Mr Fox likes this.
  12. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    Grumble of the day…
    Your pavement pizza brought back bad memories for me. The company I used to work for had an office in Hitchin, on the high street. The office was on the first floor but the entrance was from an alcove on ground level, between shops, and just down from some pubs and a night club. I dreaded visiting the office on a Monday because of the weekend the pub / club dwellers would use the alcove as their urinal… the smell lingering and wafting up the stairwell to the first floor. You’d get vomit as well but smell of urine usually lasted until Tues/Wed. :roll:
  13. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    Grumble of the day…
    Non body function related grumble of the day:

    Would it be a massive inconvenience for you to speak with your children whilst eating a meal?

    The amount of parents who sit in a restaurant on their phone, whilst their children are at the table with them, either on their own mobile device or simply looking bored, is amazing. Is your phone more important than the people you are sitting with?
    ultrakaiju and The Moog like this.
  14. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    Grumble of the day…
    It says something about the current state of the sofubi world when a thread about shit, piss and puke is the busiest on the forum! :lol:
    The Moog and EastEndFrontier like this.
  15. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    Nov 25, 2019
    Grumble of the day…
    Be fair...

    ...and the thread about how many fugly sofubi are being made :mrgreen:
    The Moog likes this.
  16. blakewest

    blakewest Post Pimp

    Jul 28, 2009
    Austin, TX
    Grumble of the day…
    It's like you guys are living inside the Aristocrats joke

    poysntixels and The Moog like this.

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