
Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Nostromo, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. Nostromo

    Nostromo Toy Prince

    Any of the resident horror fiends see Slither yet?

    Any comments or thoughts on it?
  2. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    I saw it and it was so much fun. I hope it made enough money so that the studios will keep letting James Gunn make R-rated horror films.

    If anyone has XM, this week's Reel Time show on the Cinemagic channel has an hour-long interview with him where he talks about his love for 80s horror films and the making of Slither.
  3. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    He's awesome, Terror Firmer is what got me exited about crappy movies again, I was shocked and amazed that they wasted real film on such stupid crap. :lol:

    I haven't seen Slither yet though, little CGI slugs don't really appeal too much to me, I'm more into the real thing, like Squirm.
  4. Nostromo

    Nostromo Toy Prince

    My sentiments exactly! It was a fun horror / sci-fi experience, and some great FX work, I thought.

    I think the best bit was the mayor freaking out about the lack of Mr. Pibb. :lol:

    That, and the use of the word "womb-y". :D

    I don't think it did horribly, but not all that well, like number 7 or so at the box office. But, it probably wasn't all that expensive to make, which means it doesn't have to make a dumptruck full of cash to be profitable.

    I went in due largely to Nathan Fillion, since I am a big Firefly fan, and was not disappointed. Now if we could get Bruce Campbell and / or Jeffrey Combs into a sequel as well...

    Three cheers for R-ratings! Some nice gore stuff, here, tho not a huge amount...

    I, too, hope this guy gets to do more stuff.

    Did you stay after the credits? Anyone going to see this should stay all the way thru!

    Learned that lesson long ago with the film version of Hideaway...
  5. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have left. What happened? (you can PM me if you don't want to spoil it)
  6. Nostromo

    Nostromo Toy Prince

    In the interest of avoiding spoilers, I'll send PM.

    Sometimes people can get really touchy about them there spoilers, I tell you what...

  7. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    haven't been able to see it yet because I've been running around at the philly film fest.

    saw Evil Aliens here last night and it was fantastic. totally hilarious.

    I didn't read this whole thread because I don't want to ruin Slither, but it seems like it bears more than a passing resemblance to 80's sleeper classic Night of the Creeps.
  8. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Definitely. I half-expected Nathan Fillion to pick up his cell phone and say, "Thrill me."

    Aside from the plot, there are tons of horror movie references from the first few minutes of the film, where there's a building (I think it was a funeral home) called "R.J. McRready's."
  9. Nostromo

    Nostromo Toy Prince

    I liked the fact that the first Toxic Avenger was playing on a TV in the movie!!

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