Quality Control

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by liquidsky, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. luvyatoo

    luvyatoo Fresh Meat

    Pretty enlightening information here. I've pretty much gotten rid of all of my vinyl toys (except for 1 - the Rotofugi Exclusive Kumano Gollo) and I'm not sure if I'd be down with getting more. Of course, it helps that my interest in designer toys has waned for now, but reading about the toxic materials & harsh working / living conditions makes me sad.

    I'm a pretty minimalist guy. I buy very little; I don't even have furniture for the most part. I hate the idea of buying some toxic toy made in harsh conditions. I guess we'll see how it goes.
  2. davidugly

    davidugly Toy Prince

    You could just switch to these.


    (EDIT: wrong photo)

    DANG IT! Edit again.

    DEHARAVATH 2 NYC Feb 7th at Giant Robot, night time.
  3. davidugly

    davidugly Toy Prince

    The Ishidas were incredible.
    I think he hand paints pretty much all of his production toys.
    All of our Satoshi production figures are hand painted.
    Dehara rules.
    This is some pretty incredible info Frank.
    I moved our Kaiju out into the outter part of the house here in Korea.
    I wonder if Diecast Sentai Robots can kill you. Lead?
  4. kroker

    kroker Addicted

    The nature of Capitalism alone should be enough to make you want to not buy anything ever again... Everything is made in sweatshops (in some form or another) by people who are inevitably slaves to someone else. Even our presidential candidates represent large conglomerates. Money is God. There is no being a "good capitalist". The only way to do your part to make things better is to stop consuming in the manner in which you have your entire life. Grow your own food, pot, who needs diamonds anyway..., shoplift when possible. I am by no means free from all of these things that trap me but I at least am aware that they do and am making an effort to change....
  5. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Be careful what you wish for.
  6. davidugly

    davidugly Toy Prince

    ...you may get it.
  7. Joe Bunny

    Joe Bunny Comment King

    Get your Crimethinc. pamphlets out of here.
  8. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    Joe Bunny regulating the capitalist machinations of the kaiju oppressors!
    The basis of the whole board is to buy shit so you may find a more sympathetic audience on the freegan squatter board next door. ;)
  9. luvyatoo

    luvyatoo Fresh Meat

    Nice! So, are these like, handpainted & made with recycled hemp? I do wonder about recyclable materials for toys, seriously. Those Mighty Muggs things say they're recycled on the box. But, they do lack the velvety, constantly outgassing vinyl texture that everyone loves...
  10. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    There's this stuff called "wood" that they've been using for ages. When you're done with the toy you can actually heat your home with it!
  11. aquaphase

    aquaphase Toy Prince

    Shite no! Next you'll be telling me I can turn it into shelter.

    Seriously though, one of my deltofs that has a mess of older kaiju stuff in it developed an interesting film about a year ago. I can only assume that I would be breathing much more of that shit in if the pieces weren't in the case (if only it was air-tight).
  12. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    The wood in the Detolf itself is probably treated with stuff that's just as nasty as PVC.
  13. luvyatoo

    luvyatoo Fresh Meat

    Very true. I guess I was thinking about if there were any next generation materials / processes out there or coming up like pressure-molded kenaf pulp toys with soy-based paint.

    But, indeed! Wood toys are good.
  14. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    There is a new recycled plastic material I just read about that they are touting as "greener" plastic or something and they also say it can be used to make toys. I'm guessing that theyre not talking about the milky smooth textures of japanese (or even western) toys but who knows.
  15. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Incredible thread !

    Frank, how is V-color so much different from American auto paint ? Seriously, I cant look up whats in V-color as much as I can H. O . K.

    I know you also paint as well as myself and MANY of us. I think about this a lot and take as many precautions as possible, supplied air, spray booth, rubber gloves etc... but just how much is that helping ??

    Not a session goes by that I don't think of what I'm about to do.

    I think how can this stuff get banned and known substances like tobacco are okay ??

    In today's world how do I know that I will die from this before .. splenda ??

    Reading your finds on many of this other stuff I'm sure you have looked into this and would love to hear your views.
  16. luvyatoo

    luvyatoo Fresh Meat

    Good to know. I was talking to someone today about this who showed me a plastic water bottle that had a note on the label that said it was made from... plants! Neat! I'm sure its not as cheap as vinyl is apparently, but its good to know some alternatives are out there in some phase of getting incorporated into the system.
  17. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    I live to consume.
    Let the planet burn.
  18. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

  19. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    I don't think Frank reads or posts up here much these days.
    His remarks in this thread were from over a year.

  20. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    this is pretty bogus. shoplifting is never okay, and making a blanket statment that all capitalism is evil is a pretty narrow view. are you going to make your own clothes? shoes? paper? can you build your own computer, or the tools you would need to farm your own land? who made the pockets you intend to put your shoplifted goods in?

    not all manufacturing is done in sweatshops. obviously there are still rampant worker abuses throughout the world, which is a major issue. however, i have worked several factory jobs were i was well taken care of. people in other parts of the world are not as lucky, but that does not mean the whole system should be flushed down the toilet and we should all start stealing from each other. how long would that last?

    living in a sustainable manner off of your own land is of course ideal, but is prohibitively expensive for most people. the harsh reality is that progress takes time, change is slow. do your best, make good choices with your actions and your money (i.e. support forward thinking businesses, and dont steal shit), and be patient.
  21. copperhead

    copperhead Addicted

    Haha, this dude sounds just like 60% of my class in my 1st year of college... funny thing is that pretty much all of them work for "large conglomerates".
  22. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I know I've read this thread before, but being a hypochondriac at heart, all this talk of poisonous outgassing vinyl has me on pins an needles. I always joke with my girlfriend (who is 12.5 yrs younger than me) that longevity runs in my family and I'll out live everyone. I don't smoke, barely drink, try to excercise, BUT maybe I'm only fooling myself as I slowly poison myself through collecting. Oh well who wants to live forever...

    EDIT: Oh and btw does anyone know if you carry extra risk by having alot of GID vinyl in your collection? Normal vinyl is bad enough, does the phosphorus in GID vinyl cause extra point health damage?
  23. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Nah, the radiation just makes ya sterile. :razz:
  24. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Great well I wasn't planning to start having kids at 40 anyhow.
  25. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    There is no way to Nerf the planet. It's a dangerous place.

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